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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Perfectly legal in Ohio... ORC. 4511.28, relevant to this discussion is section (2) Seeing that the driver in front of you is likely to get stuck behind someone turning - $0 Speeding up to insure that she gets stuck so that you can cut in front of her - $0 Driver uses almost 1 entire foot of your lane to avoid getting stuck - $0 Honking and posting up video because you can't share the road and your delta-bravo move failed - priceless. You also changed lanes in an intersection not once, but twice... No, she shouldn't have ventured out of her lane, but let's be honest - you were trying to get her trapped and you could have let off the throttle - wouldn't have needed to brake - and she'd have been back over the line before you even knew what happened. Sorry, can't agree with you on this one.
  2. +rep for Barney Fife reference...assuming that's what that was.
  3. Not sure I'd call my shits "interesting", but whatever floats your boat...
  4. Go get 'em, Tiger! In all seriousness, this sort of thing irks me, too. I remember being 18 - I probably pissed off a bunch of the eighbors. Sorry for being young and dumb; I'm older now, but still dumb sometimes.
  5. Well, re-reading the section I cited above, further on it states "...the person..is IN THE PROCESS OF unlawfully...entering..". So, as I read it, as long as you're "castled", so to speak, shoot away with impunity. ***edit for clarity: knocking on car window, not attempted trespass; lifting door handle of car, attempted trespass, and the Castle presumption <should> apply.
  6. Yup, too young imho. Any amount of time spent in the sun should just do it naturally anyway. She probably won't like you saying "no", but someday she'll respect you for your stance (hopefully).
  7. Actually not ambiguous if you stop before the stupid part... "...has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense of another...and a person who lawfully is an occupant of that person's vehicle..." The more relevant section of law is 2901.5 (B)(1) which is the "Burden of proof - reasonable doubt - self defense" section and states, in part, "...a person is presumed to have acted in self defense or defense of another...the residence or vehicle occupied by the person using the defensive force." However: in my ever-so-humble opinion, this man's guilty charge should stand as-is. If you EVER take your handgun out of a holster, you had better be legally justified in using it fully and immediately. Trying the handle of a car door cannot be construed as being subject to imminent great bodily injury or death; sorry. Hand on the weapon, ready to go if the situation escalates? Certainly. I am purposely ignoring the speculation that the person trying to get into the car was an ex-boyfriend. If that is in fact true, then I'm semi-certain that new boyfriend was trying be tough guy with a weapon and was in "attempt to scare off or intimidate old boyfriend" mode, not in self defense mode.
  8. They still ride like sh1t.... Find one with a blowed-up motor, put one-a dem Cummins in 'er.
  9. Jeep already makes diesel Wranglers, but so far only for fur-in markets.
  10. Or: take classes together, watch videos together, share books. Learning together would be good for both of you - "quality time" and what-not.
  11. Helmet, gloves, armored textile jacket, armored boots. Have textile pants; bought them large enough that they can be used as overpants, and wear them when riding to work and on rides longer than just 'running errands'. Usually, but not always.
  12. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  13. If my Facebook account disappeared today I can honestly say I wouldn't miss it one bit. Maybe I'm not "active enough" or I'm too old, but I just don't see a whole lot of value in it. The only thing I like is being able to find acquaintances from a hundred years ago, or stalking womenz. "Ooooh, I'm at the so-and-so restaurant eating, and then we're going to the Kit-Kat for drinks..." "Woke up, I hate Mondays." "Giving the dog a bath today." WhoTF cares?
  14. jblosser

    PICT0130 (Small)

    how come i've not seen this until now?
  15. This. I like it when my 11 year old teaches me "stuff" he learned in school - I'm sure your Pop would appreciate learning something from you; it would let him know that his work at rearing a child wasn't completely in vain, that "Hey, my kid actually knows something, guess I did OK". That doesn't sound exactly like I mean it to sound, but I hope you get what I was going for...
  16. Buddy at work needed a tire changed on his Harley FXWRDGKSDKFDLSG Road Glide, a lowering kit installed (on a Glide?) and his brother was coming in from out of town and needed two tires done. They wanted the work done over the weekend. I recommended Ryan/ShopDog based upon the unanimous "He's great" posts. Talked to my co-loafer this morning, he's very pleased with Ryan and the work he performed. 4 tires, oil change, lowering kit installed, lots of shootin' the sh1t. My friend could not be happier with Ryan's work, professionalism, etc... He's already recommended Ryan/ShopDog to at least one other person. These glowing reviews are getting boring, but in this case that's a good thing.
  17. I'm hungry. Who's up for some flapjacks? Too early for flapjacks?
  18. It's not my place to judge other people. I feel that if someone bothers you enough simply put them on ignore, problem solved.
  19. Change your screen name to 1adam12.
  20. For what? Annoying a moderator?
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