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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I remember the head football athletic trainer at WVU used to come in the locker room after practice and chide the black guys on the team for having tattoos, something along the lines of "...isn't that how massa used to brand your great-great-grandfathers?" It was a while ago, but it was something like that. Most of the fellas laughed it off, but a few weren't real happy. Slavery = repugnant. Even if these shoes weren't just about the dumbest idea ever, they'd still be fugly.
  2. Green Top Hunting and Fishing has ~50 9mm and 23 .40 S&W M&P Shields in stock. $449.99 + $30 shipped. Not the best price I've seen, but the best I've seen that actually has them in stock, ready to go...
  3. Carl Zipf in Columbus, but that doesn't help much - sorry.
  4. My 11 year decided on his own that he wants to go to West Point, come out a 2LT, and become a General someday. Pretty lofty goals, but if he happens to make it in and make it through, he will undoubtedly be one of the finest men I'll ever know, and you won't find a more proud old man around. There is some service in the family (WW1, Korea), but not me. I've asked him why the Army, he states he wants to serve his country. I can't really argue with that, plus he knows he has to work his ass off and get excellent grades.
  5. jblosser

    I'm back!

    Waffle grips! Haven't seen those for a long time. Ahh, memories. The cool kids had Oury grips, I had Rinks specials.
  6. Shift early, get to your speed and stick to it, time lights so you're slowing/stopping as little as possible, coast a lot, get better mileage, annoy fellow drivers (e.g. ZOMFG even though the light's red, I wanna speed up to it and wait). If pump your tires up to 100, 150 psi, that helps, too...
  7. Hey Magz: if I go in half, you want this personalized plate for the buggy or your daily cage? Maybe we can all agree to disagree and move on? The dialectic is getting hectic. ps: if you are offended, i'll take down the plate.
  8. jblosser


    From the album: Plates

  9. Whitey always gets away with stuff, no one's surprised - except sparksnare and me. Guess this means Zimmerman will be found half guilty (or half innocent, depending upon how you see it).
  10. I'd like to personally thank you for your service as Captain of the Scooter Brigrade.
  11. so far in 2012: Chicago - 224 murders Afghanistan - 144 troops lost. 2011 murder rate: Flint, MI: 50.8 per 100k Detroit: 48.23 St Louis: 35.26 Oakland, CA: 26.31 Safer to go into combat than to live in Chi-town? That's just wrong.
  12. Listing agent will get whatever the listing contract stipulates - whether they split it with a buyer's agent or not. My general understanding - I'm not a Realtor/listing agent.
  13. not generally speaking, but Bill Gates and Steve Jobs do (did) OK. Have you looked at the pay scale for the military? Until you've been in a hundred years and make 4 star general, the pay ain't so hot.
  14. I thank people who perform a service for me, e.g. a waiter/waitress; the postman, garbageman, and paperboy at Christmas; military members I might happen to see at the airport or walking down the street, etc. It's common courtesy to thank someone who has done something for you, so the 'they get paid' argument is specious. Most people get paid for what they do - the volunteer fireman is a good example of someone who doesn't. My quandary in thanking military folks is brought on by the video in the original post and by Chevy's video where the soldier (I presume he's legit) mocks the yellow ribbons on cars. Question to the soldiers on here: Is it not better that us civilians are grateful, respectful of, and thankful for your service? Some people choose to put ribbons on their cars to show they're thinking of you and that they support you. Is that so awful? I have to presume it's better than the Viet Nam era when returning vets were openly disrespected. Side note to some: If you're not active duty, Reserve, National Guard, or a police officer, you're a civilian. Stop pandering to us 'civilians' by using 'civilian' as a semi-derogatory term. After all, we pay your salary.
  15. Since the seller normally pays the listing agent/Realtor fees, why not use one? Get an inspection, whatever you do. The bank probably won't fix anything, but at least you won't be buying blind.
  16. 55~ people died during the last riots - I'm not sure that's real funny.
  17. I thought 'once a Marine, always a Marine',yet that guy calls himself 'an ex-Marine'? Sounds like any disgruntled former employee. Maybe if he didn't tell people his former employer, they wouldn't thank him, and then he wouldn't get all mad and stuff.
  18. Jeff Beck - Led Boots ...actually listening to the entire 1976 album 'Wired'; this is just the first track. some tasty old-school from one of the best guitar players evarrr. Live version from a killer DVD - Live At Ronnie Scott's. Check out awesome female bass player Tal Wilkenfeld.
  19. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  20. jblosser

    father's day

    From the album: misc, part 2

  21. ^^^ Guessing he was talking about the Shield. I have a couple reserved; hopefully they'll come in some day.
  22. Nano is $389.99 at CDNN, LC9 is $299.99 at Vance's/Buckeye when you're ready.
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