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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  2. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  3. just wait til we hack your sh*t, biotch...
  4. right, and i said it was crackable b/c i thought we were talking about home networks, where no one's using enterprise (probably). 'tis all good, young padawan.
  5. i'm assuming most home users aren't setting up a freeradius server, so they're not going to be running enterprise. yes, tkip = easy; aes, not so easy - but it was announced in August. Couple of Germans, iirc. Something like 2 billion years if you had one trillion machines trying one million keys/second. So for now, aes is good. Personally, i just don't broadcast my ssid and i haz an un-complex (but long) password. i'm not worried - I'm pretty sure the Westerville 5-0 doesn't have the skills to to find my non-advertised name, let alone find a MAC they can use and then figure out my password. I'll see the patrol car parked in the driveway long before they get on my network...
  6. at this point idgaf - let's just get on with the trial, or no trial, or whatever. sh*t or get off the pot, so to speak.
  7. minute, maybe 2 at most. That's allowing for starting up the program and getting going. If it's already up and running - 30 seconds. Laptop, wireless card in lapper, some free software. Probably not, but crazy ex-gf or boyfriend of crazy ex-gf might. Sure has, at least 3 years ago. Not difficult. Waiting for Flounder to jump in. Official response from the 5-0 for terrorizing the wrong house:
  8. "<insert some item> costs money. i don't have it, but i want it; or i have it but i'm tired of paying for it and want it for free, or a lot less. maybe the government will buy it for me? lots of people make a lot of money, shouldn't they buy me things?"
  9. Don't be a stranger! Who's gonna dig up old threads now?
  10. Expires 4 July, 2012 Get while the getting's good. If you're like me, your phone number has changed, or you've moved, or something. Your pet's tag (assuming you have one) is out of date and you've forgotten/neglected to update it. Now you haz no excuse, ya cheap bastard! Print the attached image of the coupon, one per household, so you'll need to visit multiple times for multiple pets if you're so inclined. *wondertwin approval pend.
  11. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  12. $3724 @6.99% for 36 months = $114.97 / month @shady dealer:
  13. ...props for some B.R.M.C. tuneage... "Did you just kill Chloe?" "Awesome". after the awkward first 90 seconds or so, could just be the best movie evarrr. We'll see.
  14. "...where do you see yourself in10 years?" You have a reasonable, well thought-out answer ready in 2 seconds or less and have better than average skills, I'll throw some $$$ at you, degree be damned. Can you somewhat/much more than minimally do the job without someone holding your dick, and get along with your co-loafers? That would be a plus...
  15. ummm, OK, the first 90 seconds was just slightly disturbing, even for a non-caring, jaded old f*ck like me. .../back to the movie.
  16. I personally find any and all guns repugnant unless, and only if, they are in the hands of a highly trained professional and/or a retired member of the military. Found it on pay-per-spank for $3.99, should have a review up in 104 minutes plus 10 minutes to compose/post my thoughts and 6 minutes for a smoke break or two - unless I fall asleep...
  17. Searched, didn't see. Satan needs to fix the search, not my fault. /end ungrateful, stupid user rant Worth reposting anyway, imho.
  18. y u no post up the preview when u saw it?
  19. Blitz, you'd be wise to listen up...
  20. Looks like it'd be awesome if I still drank...
  21. Found this Beretta 951 manual: http://www.berettaweb.com/Munuals/Beretta%20951_E.pdf Looks like you need part 37, the locking catch control pin. Quick Google search found no parts, but a couple of folks missing theirs. Maybe a gunsmith would have one, know where to get one, or be able to fab something for ya.
  22. Part 5a is the locking block, so maybe you're looking for the locking block retaining screw? It's listed as in stock at $2.20 as part # 'ni', at the bottom of your linked page.
  23. The Bilderberg Group needs to form a Star Chamber sub-committee.
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