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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. well that sucks. even this old man digs the Boys. cool story bro: Spring break, 1986. Driving to Florida. License To Ill in the auto-reverse cassette deck. Side 1 <click> side 2 <click> side 1... repeat for 16 hours or however long it took to get to Florida. Crossing the big bridge in Tampa Bay it clicks over to whatever side for the 400th time. I'm sick of this album by now, hit eject, fling it out the window, into the bay. Bought another tape that evening.
  2. imho, the only differences between distros (distributions of Linux, e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, Slack, Yellowdog) are what package manager and what window manager are there by default. Every/anything else is simple to change. Ok, there are a lot of differences. What I should have said was the only two things worth looking at when choosing a distro are... Oh, and Redhat is now aimed at corporations. The "user" version is called Fedora (a hat, get it? Those wacky Linux nerds.) Except Fedora didn't come from Redhat, it was a project all its own. Nevermind. More than you probably cared to know.
  3. NO NO NO!!!!11!!1 Mac is not Unix!!!!11!! Steve "second coming of Jesus Christ" Jobs wrote OS/X all by himself, every single line of code. He DID NOT simply take a kernel from one place, toss in some farkles from *BSD and throw an ugly purple theme on it...
  4. Ya know, I shouldn't be all mean and snarky like that. Pointing out someone's shortcomings does not make me or you a better person - it is only hurtful. I'm sorry. Just an f.y.i., Redhat IS Linux. Linux is an operating system. Analogy: A Chevy is a car. Well, unless it's a truck or a comedian, but I digress. So you basically said "I drive a Chevy and I drive a car." I prefer #! (Crunchbang) myself. Fork of Debian, uses Openbox as the window manager. But you knew that already, no?
  5. No, he's not. But I will. No. IF you were correct you would still have it backward, but you're not correct. Server 2008R2 was never announced publicly by the name "Windows Server 7." It might have been called that internally on the dev teams at Microsoft, though. So, if you were on one of those teams then I will cede that you are sorta correct in calling R2 "Server 7." When the beta was made available to TechNet/MSDN subscribers it was called "Windows Server 2008 R2".
  6. FFFFFFF SharePoint 2010. It uses MS SQL. Need I say more? Didn't think so.
  7. btw, if boss man hasn't announced the hiring, you might want to hold off asking questions since you were eavesdropping.
  8. Since you say the boss is normally OK, why not ask him for 15 minutes? Tell him you really wanted the position, you're disappointed, ask what made him choose the other fella instead of you, and what can you (I) do to have a better chance of getting that job the next time it or something like it becomes available? This way you're showing him your desire to advance, and you're feeding his ego some by asking his advice. If you don't ask you won't know. This, naturally, should be done in a positive "hey, help me understand what I can do to go forward and thus help the company" manner, not "ZOMFG I SHOULD HAVE THAT JOB THE DIPSHIT YOU HIRED IS BASICALLY ME!!!!11!!"
  9. I'm sure this was a typo on your part, but I'd leave "Windows Server 7" off your resume' since there is no such animal. Don't dismiss a helpdesk job - if it's a decent company with decent people and you work hard at your job, even if you feel it's "below you" (not your words exactly - I'm reading between the lines), you will be noticed. Is your current boss normally OK? If so, ask him what you can do to advance/move upward. Remind him, subtly, of what a great employee you are and show that you want to stick around. It's a lot cheaper to keep and train current employees than it is to hire new off the street. Try some practice cert tests online (google is your friend), see how you do, and if you're passing or close, take some tests. Certs, in IT, are every bit if not more important than a 4 year degree. Experience is still the best, which you're gaining every day. You just need to prove it.
  10. Honest mistake, one would assume. Free service this time 'round is a start. Buff but still visible? Thanks, but no thanks. I assume you could ride it for a week or however long w/o the piece as long as it's the lower fairing? Assuming "yes", bring it home minus the broken part, ride back some evening or weekend once it's fixed, they put it back on, they toss in a hat or something and you call it good? I'd give them the chance to make it right. If they don't, then we move on to Crazy's idea...
  11. Sorry for the loss of you friend. Agree with all the points you make, especially enjoying the time you spend with friends/family.
  12. dammitalltohell, the Smuggler beat me to it... damn stupid work interfering with ORdN...
  13. Vance's: Seems to depend upon who is behind the counter/who you end up with. Some of the guys are friendly, knowledgeable, and will take as much time as you want; others, not so much. I've never had to return anything (maybe I'm lucky?), so I cannot comment about customer service. Blackwing: Used to shoot there all the time when I lived in the mansion in Galena. I will parrot what the OP said: They are friendly, helpful, etc. Never had an issue. Before the horrible smelting incident I had a Kimber; Smith/Alex magwell, McCormick and Wilson mags, rest is, er, was all stock. Shot approx. 1500 rounds, 0 fte/ftf. I guess sometimes you bite the dog, sometimes the dog bites you. Oh, and wheelguns go 'bang' every time. Jus' sayin'.
  14. You work at Columbus or Westerville Cylinder, plant or office? Mr. Mac was a great businessman and an even better human being, had the pleasure of meeting him multiple times at work. One (of many) stories: Worthington Industries used to have an annual Christmas Party. Food, drink, Columbus Zoo petting zoo for the kids, and Santa would arrive via the Worthington Corporate Helicopter. All kids got a bag of gifts, and could get their picture taken sitting on Santa's lap. Who played Santa? Mr. Mac. He truly loved his employees and their families, and relished playing Santa. Oh, and he paid for everything out of his own (admittedly very deep) pockets. This wasn't some Corporate event that could be written off come tax time. /Free bump for charity in the name of an awesome individual.
  15. you mean $5000, or did price go up? /free bump
  16. PMs are out of order. Server time is out of order. Users are out of order. ALL OF ORdN IS OUT OF ORDER!!!!11!!eleven!!!1!
  17. Kicking cars, knocking mirrors off? I understand being mad at drivers that aren't paying attention - see it enough no matter what vehicle I'm in/on. But, IF someone's made you mad enough to kick their car or smack a mirror, and you pull up alongside them and slow down enough to exact your revenge, what makes you think they won't just yank the wheel toward you and "win" the bitchfight you've got going on? If I'm in my 6700 lb. 3/4 ton and you're on your bike, guess who's still driving and who's on the ground? Honk, flip bird, yell: OK. Destruction of property: pretty sure you could get arrested or a ticket at best, dead at worst. Seems that the smarter (and less satisfying) option would be to slow down, let them go on their merry/oblivious way ahead of you, and live to ride another day. just my humble $0.022 worth.
  18. Welcome, and pics of all the toys, por favor!
  19. Bike looks very nice. "Miss Piggy" ? Back story i'm missing, or just something you decided on, or...?
  20. This has to be one of THE dumbest threads I've seen for awhile - explains me posting in it... Couple of half-breed, dimwit, ORdN dick-squeezin' Mexi-Wops arguing about what the best bean on a burrito is... This site is full of awesome.
  21. Kickstarter brings back memories... Congrats on the bike, but methinks your bike's more in the cafe' style, not a bobber. Either the case, nice pickup!
  22. If those are your only two choices and you have to have one, easily the first one. Second one screams "delata-bravo behind the wheel", with all due respect, of course.
  23. you hittin' on Mother Goose, and Papa got pissed? Karma's a cruel mistress, my friend.
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