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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. jblosser

    Old dog

    Maybe the vet could advise if in his/her opinion Bean is in pain? If she doesn't seem in pain to you it doesn't mean she's not in pain. You ought to find out, for both of you.
  2. Assuming servers at work don't catch fire, I'll be there. Wait, I'm not on call - they can all burn, I'll be there. @DynoBrian - any chance you'll make an appearance?
  3. And now, the rrrrest of the story.... ...please?
  4. Delivery driver. 'nuff said.
  5. ^^^ duh, same with the new @ssless chaps.
  6. secksi. 'Grats Brian!
  7. You could just point one of your 10 or so in-car cameras skyward? Could be 185$ worth of Youtube revenue...
  8. Two separate events - -One last night (Monday), on Karl near the YMCA; -The other was Sunday night at 161 and Cleveland (Columbus Square), where the woman was practicing at 2 in the morning (read: just stumbled out of the bar and wanted to try someone's bike). RIP to both, and my apologies if I'm wrong about the bar...
  9. ...makes sure all mags are loaded, speedloaders are full, fresh batteries in flashlight, and 870 has 7 ready - f*ck chambering a round as a warning...
  10. I done seen that earlier on another forum. Purple drank (lean) is a crazy thing, yo...
  11. kids > new bike. one chance with kids - can always get super-duper bike later.
  12. side of drunk and belligerent's head vs. wood furniture of an 870 = problem solved.
  13. According to your intro you just started riding last fall, correct? I'd suggest getting lots more seat time and skills before getting a faster (straight line) bike. There's an old adage: "It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than it is to ride a fast bike slowly"... - not that your bike is slow. I'd guess you might be riding at 30, 40% of what your bike's capable of. Do a track day (or 5), push yourself and your bike in a controlled, safe environment. I am positive you'll be surprised at what your bike (and you, eventually) can do. Just my $0.022 worth, but in the end it's your decision to make, not mine.
  14. Attempted murderer homeowners should have tried: -talking -retreating -throwing elbows/fists -a Taser ...before resorting to attempted murder. Sounds like they initiated the confrontation, but we will only know one side of the story, as the victim is now (presumably) sober and has forgotten the experience. What is this world coming to? Poor, innocent, tiny young girl was simply on her way home, got lost, and almost got killed.
  15. did someone call Tasers 'non-lethal'? I don't remember seeing that, but I also don't fell like re-reading 790 posts. I'd say they would more correctly be called 'less-lethal'. Guns (well, a bullet sent on its way by a person pulling a trigger on a gun and then a hammer or striker hits the primer and the bullet takes off - but you know what I meant...) can kill people. Not every shot, but they have the ability to kill. Tasers (getting tased) can kill people. Not every time, but they have the ability to kill. Jogging/running can kill people. Happens every day. Not every time, but the risk is there. Must be too hot to ride, all the bickering going on...
  16. Umm, I'd guess that 'Brady' is a dude. Not that there's anything wrong with you wanting to look at pics of a teen guy...
  17. Leave the bike at home? Wedding, catching up with folks, you'll have a boat there. Should be enough to keep you occupied, no?
  18. derp, meant 17 <and> under, or under 18.
  19. If that was happening in Ohio, neither "dad" nor offspring has eye protection, and under 17 needs a helmet (i think, too lazy to look up right now). Too bad there's no law against "general, unclassified, but I know it when I see it stupidity".
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