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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. +rep for Serpico reference... what - Baretta, Kojak, Cannon, or Barnaby Jones didn't want a piece of that?
  2. Pure awesomeness rat thar, yo.
  3. Not trying to hit on anyone's wife/girlfriend/sister, and with all due respect as always, but the ladies above look just fine to me...
  4. troll like a Pooh...
  5. jblosser

    pooh troll

    From the album: misc, part 2

  6. i posted something about this 3 weeks ago. no one seemed to care.
  7. let's see: 1974? 21 y/o med student? mysterious orb reacts to playing acoustic guitar buy making its own sounds, and comes back when pushed away? only one answer: lysergic acid diethylamide
  8. jblosser

    screw my boss

    You could always try a condom, or get yourself fixed, or finish on her face/back/in a tube sock. Jus' sayin', and jus' tryin' to help, not being snarky. Ok, maybe a little snarky, but not a whole bunch.
  9. M/M, M/F, would M/USB or F/USB work, and how long does it need to be? Amazon Prime has tons, I could order and have it shipped to you tomorrow. you could pay me the whopping $10 or so whenever... Lemme know. ps: how's the laptop holding up? I could probably hook you up with another if it's about that time...
  10. at first i was then i was then i was :lightbulb: then i was and and then i thought about Mrs. Ben's possible/probable response, and I was for Ben...
  11. To Brandon's credit, I wished him well in the second reply to this thread , about 10 minutes after he posted. He sent me rep saying "thanks!". I would imagine that, Brandon being Brandon, he'll pop back in this thread at some point. He might be just a bit busy and tired right now what with getting the bike sorted, family stuff, shop stuff, and other stuff. My $0.022 worth.
  12. Windows? Reboot, that'll fix it. Trust me - I haz multiple certs... Either that or Casper dropped the wrong table, or ran out of tablespace, or sumthin' bad. My PM's appear to be OK.
  13. as long as Selma Hayek sticks around, I'm good. oh, and Bad420 can stay, too...
  14. Only 4 days late...
  15. I want the one with more GB's.
  16. Ahh, Justin and Charles, back at it again. See Justin, I told you you needed to come back! (Borat voice): Good times!
  17. And just what might have brought you to that post, young lady?
  18. That's more like it, although I think Flatfish posted these a while back. Good enough for a rerun..;D
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