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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. jblosser

    Ban Trolls

    A section from the proposed law: The bolded part is way too broad; if the law's enacted and someone's charged with "being annoying", a half-decent attorney will get that tossed easy as pie. I'm no Constitutional Law expert, but I think my First Amendment right to speak annoyingly trumps your right to not be annoyed (which doesn't exist). You're only entitled to "pursue happiness", not necessarily to achieve it...
  2. Same thing happened on my Aurora, "clean key, wait 3 minutes", if/when that showed up it usually started on the second try, sometimes 3 or 4, though. Waiting 9-12 minutes to start the car wasn't fun. A new key fixed it. It's more likely a resistor in the key, not a magnet, but I could be wrong. There are all sorts of "how to bypass the passykey" articles on teh intarwebz, basically wire a resistor in-line with resistance equal to that in your key. I'm no :superporter: mechanic, but if your wife's key works and yours doesn't, that kinda points to the key. Get a new key cut, either at a lock shop if they're able to, or at a dealer. Since you've been to the dealer recently and given them lots of cashish, maybe they can "cut" you a deal (pun intended).
  3. Damn peanut butter rule...
  4. I have one of these, as does somebody else here who was trying to sell theirs, iirc. Zips down to about an inch high, unzips large enough to hold a surprising amount of stuff. http://thecycleguys.com is the manufacturer, can find it at various online retailers. ~$60 +/-
  5. You can bring my mediation fee to the next meet 'n' greet...
  6. I'd let Hannah Montana ride me for free... Jus' sayin'.
  7. option 5: "I bought this truck from you two months ago in good faith. The engine just blew up. $3,635 for a new engine is TOO MUCH to add to what I paid for this vehicle. Little did i know IT WOULD BLOW UP ON ME LESS THAN 3,000 MILES LATER!!!!!111!11!!1!!!! I need my engine repaired, either for free or for a far lower price than I've been quoted." If that doesn't work, of the options you presented only option 4 makes any sense to me.
  8. Turn radio up - won't hear the noise... Was this a private sale, or is there a used car place/dealership you can go back to and try to work with?
  9. jblosser


    that backpack would be cool for Jr. to use for school next year (minus the rifle, of course).
  10. Kroger-brand 'cause I'm "frugal"... I've cleaned my face shield and windshield with it plenty of times without issue, but yrmv.
  11. Kroger-brand Windex has always done the trick for me, just have to work at it sometimes... For face shields (bug removal, etc.) you may need to use "slightly more" (read: A LOT) and soak the shield. Maybe mix in a little cheesecloth? It will give you a little "texture" when scrubbing, but shouldn't scratch as long as you're even semi-careful about it.
  12. I have a shelf in the garage that holds stuff pretty well. I did like Heloise's tip about putting your sheets in the pillowcase, though.
  13. Todd #RichardPetty had one for sale on here forever - maybe he still does? He's up in your neck o' the woods, iirc.
  14. For fun, sure. Launching m-80's with one over top of a girl's softball game while hiding in the bushes at the train tracks at age 13 or 14 - priceless! For defense, I'm thinking "no". Again, like the "crossbow as weapon", could come back to bite you. Fists, ball bat, knife, pepper spray. Ordinary items meant for "defense", not "offense". Big difference in the Prosecutor's eyes.
  15. One other thing, pick up a copy of the "Principles of Personal Defense" by Col. Jeff Cooper, about $10 online, or if you're a cheap-ass you can find a .pdf online you can steal... I'll summarize the 7 principles for you, you can work from there and probably figure out most of it: - Alertness - Decisiveness - Aggressiveness - Speed - Coolness - Ruthlessness - Surprise
  16. And by the way, you look like a big fella from your avatar,so realize I'm trying to help, not argue...
  17. I answered it - ball bat, and file an order. Keep the phone handy, call the cops if he violates the order. Defend yourself as best you can with the bat. A knife, if carried for "protection", is illegal in Ohio. You can certainly have one in your possession on your property, though. You gonna have time to load an arrow in a crossbow? Ok, go with that. My guess is it will get you into trouble, but that's just a guess.
  18. Current (and satisfied) customer says "welcome!"
  19. Huh? Felonious? Doesn't matter, the conviction is what matters.
  20. First off, file for an order of protection, whether you think he's actually going to make good on his threat or not. At least if he does, and you have to react with force, the threat is on record. Second, a Louisville Slugger is perfectly legal to own... I'm assuming the conviction wasn't for domestic violence - if so, end of story, you're never legally owning a firearm, period, unless the laws change, and good luck on that happening (which it shouldn't). Was your misdemeanor punishable by law (not your sentence, but could you have been) to a year or more in prison? That's the Federal disability, and we needn't move on to the state disabilities. The state's disabilities: No misdemeanor violence in the past 3 years, Not more than one assault/negligent assault conviction within the past 5 years, No convictions for resisting arrest in the past 10 years, Not (ever) convicted of a felony, a felony drug offense, or assault when the victim was a law enforcement officer. Again, I'm assuming that there are no felonies you're forgetting, are that you're not an addicted drug user, or any of the other disabilities - there's only this one nagging misdemeanor. Also, as usual, when requesting legal advice, seek an attorney. I do my best to accurately frame the law, but I might be missing and/or over/understating something.
  21. Doesn't look like Google Street View has made it to Stout Street just yet...
  22. You have two sets of handlebars, the ones you grab onto and your eyes. Wherever you're looking is where you'll go. Don't believe me? Try it (in an empty parking lot)... ***edit - what Grape said...
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