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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. how'd I miss this the first go-round? Messican Jacuzzi:
  2. jblosser


    From the album: misc, part 2

  3. jblosser

    captain mexico

    From the album: misc, part 2

  4. jblosser

    accordion hero

    From the album: misc, part 2

  5. With all due respect, if it "hurts like a bitch" when you crack it, don't crack it...
  6. Columbus, basically. Due east of the airport, outside of 270.
  7. Top 10 Quagmire quotes: 10. Quagmire: Giggity, giggity, giggity, giggity! 9. Glen Quagmire: Hello, 911? It's Quagmire. Yeah, it's caught in the window this time. 8. Peter: Hey hey I got an idea. Lets play "I Never." You got to drink if you did the thing that the person says they never did. Cleveland: Oh I got one, I never slept with a women with the lights on. (They all drink.) Joe: I'll go next, uh I never had sex with Cleveland's wife. (Quagmire and Cleveland drink.) Peter: alright lets see uh, I never did a chick in a Logan airport bathroom. (Only Quagmire drinks.) ****About 33 drinks later**** Peter: God lets see what else is there um...I never gave a reach-around to a spider monkey while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Quagmire: Oh God. (Quagmire takes a drink.) Joe: I uh I never picked up an illegal alien at Home Depot to take home a choke me while I touch myself. Quagmire: Oh come on! (Quagmire drinks again.) Peter: I never did the same thing except with someone from Joann Fabrics. Quagmire: Oh God this is ridiculous. You guys suck! (Drinks more and passes out.) 7. Quagmire: Fat chicks need love too...they just have to PAY! 6. Brooke: Quagmire, will you accept this rose? Quagmire: Really? After I drugged you and had sex with your unconscious body? Brooke: What? Quagmire: Yes. 5. Quagmire: "Hey there little lady. Why don't you turn around and show me your Lower East Side." Woman (man voice) : "Sure." Quagmire: "Whoa, transvestite, back off! Wait a minute...pre-op or post-op?" Woman: "Pre-op." Quagmire: "Whoa, transvestite, back off!" 4. (Peter, Quagmire, Joe, and Cleveland are using a radar to listen to what people are saying and they happen to pick up of what Quagmire is thinking to himself.) Quagmire: God this itches! I wonder who I got it from. Probably that skank that I gave a ride to the gas station. Last time I do someone a favor. Oh God! They heard me! Oh god! I heard me! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!" 3. Auctioneer: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute. Quagmire: Fifty bucks. Auctioneer: She had nine STDs. Quagmire: Forty-five bucks. Auctioneer: And when we caught her she wet herself. Quagmire: Fifty bucks. 2. Quagmire: Hey there sweetie, how old are you? Connie: 16. Quagmire: 18? You're first. Connie: Mom! Quagmire: I like where this is goin'! Giggidy, giggidy, gig-gi-dy! 1. [Quagmire sees a cheerleader tied up in a bathroom stall] Quagmire: Dear diary: Jackpot.
  8. In related news, I used up all of my old sets of tungsten steel-tip darts filling up gold bricks for suckahs, and am on my way to the Bentley dealership...
  9. Welcome from Taxerville, too!
  10. My first time on a bike on the street was sooo long ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It'll be no big deal after a while, but once you get comfortable, don't become complacent. Always stay vigilant, alert, aware of your surroundings, and try to have a "plan B" just in case someone does something stupid.
  11. This thread is about to 'runs' me outta rep... Here's hoping all goes (no pun intended this time) well and you have a speedy recovery!
  12. No protesting! Remember boys and girls, the Messiah signed H.R. 347 into law a week or two ago, making it a federal offense to protest/disrupt anywhere the Secret Service is providing protection, or any event declared a "National Special Security Event" (NSSE), e.g. the Superbowl, the national DemoPublican Conventions, Presidential Funerals (Ford, Reagan), etc. The NSSE is an invention of one William Jefferson (BJ) Blythe Clinton. This became law about the same time that Bretibart fella got murdered, err, umm, died of "natural causes" at 43. Didn't he like to make the prez look bad? Hmmmm.
  13. According to my guide to firearms laws, a minor misdemeanor is neither a Federal or (Ohio) State disability, so you should be fine. Federal: 18 USC 922(d) and (g) Ohio: R.C. 2923.13 As always, consult an actual attorney for actual legal advice.
  14. I like that bike a lot! Looks how a motorcycle should look, imho. Hope I'm running that good at 66... A little hard to start, then I'm good for a minute, then I run outta gas - that bike and I have a lot in common...
  15. I have a Pelican Storm 3300 you can borrow for a week/weekend if needed...
  16. :lol: sorry TB, but that thar is funny...
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