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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. lmgtfy: http://walhondinghillscampground.com/offroading.htm Website appears to have been made with MS Publisher 97...
  2. (Mostly) all I've ever heard is that they're crap. Having never shot one I cannot honestly offer an opinion of how they do or don't function. I can, however, state that to my eyes they're fugly as hell, which matters little if they function as required.
  3. Vulcan_Rider (potentially) winning! +rep for Marty
  4. You use that line with all your womenz?
  5. From your Armslist ad, you say it has no serial# and a circled 'A'. No serial # = manufactured before 1968, when the Gun Control Act of 1968 required that all firearms have a serial # stamped on them. The model 311 started as the Springfield 5000 around 1920 with model designation changing to 5100 in 1931. Around 1940 it became the Stevens model 311. It was discontinued in 1989. The A - N's were made between 1949 and 1961; your circled 'A' means it was probably made in 1949. Depending upon the condition (original stock and forend, barrel/receiver not refinished), your asking price is either very fair or a bit on the low side.
  6. Me too, old AND dumb. dammitall.
  7. Ask the seller to sign a dated bill of sale listing the serial# and with his driver's license or CHL # on it. If he refuses, that'd be at least a yellow if not red flag. If the seller has an Ohio CHL, that's a fairly reliable indicator that he's law-abiding - at least he's not a convicted felon or a wife-beater.
  8. Why the hell not, slacker? He can one finger type whilst noshing on a cruller, no? Kidding +Rep for being helpful.
  9. "Mrs. Stillman, pictured above, shown taking her two children Ben Jr. (left) and Benita to the park." (shit... Carie's gonna ban me fo sho... )
  10. If you're aiming to be "first", there's an easier way...
  11. If you know how to burn a .iso image to cd, check your PM's in a minute for a link... (It's a volume license image, else I'd share it publicly...)
  12. It was interesting to watch the multiple shouts/fails at "first". I still don't see how one can eff that up - it's super easy to see what time the server thinks it is...
  13. I went there at least once, so count me in!
  14. Why is it that everyone, bar none, that is driving a Neon thinks they're driving a Viper? Weaving in and out of traffic leaving nearly an inch to spare, driving it like it's stolen, etc, basically driving like an It's as though once you get behind the wheel of a Neon your brain cell count drops in half... Not to say that you, Counselor, ever drove like that. I mean everybody else...
  15. Down 5.2% in after-hours trading until they suspended trading right before the announcement. It dropped 50% in '07 when the market questioned Jobs' health. It's tripled over the past 3 years. Time to sell, now.
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