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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. (In b4 everyone else): Pics of said 'friend'?
  2. you asking me out, big boy? Jr.'s got a soccer game, but I should be able to hump it out there noon~ish
  3. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  4. This is on a Windows machine, correct? Is everything working, including the optical drive(s) (i.e. CD/DVD)? I ask because if the PC is using IDE hard/optical drives, there <might possibly> be a conflict. IDE is an 'older' technology; any PC made in the past 3~ish years is probably using SATA. The newer (XP on) Windows versions usually take care of this stuff automagically, much better than in the old (pre-XP) days. DMA = Direct Memroy Access, btw. In a nutshell, it allows devices (hard/optical drives) to transfer data to each other without involving the CPU. Does everything seem to work as before this message appeared? Just to be safe, I'd get an external drive (> $100 anywhere, Wally World, Target, Best Buy) and copy anything you would rather not lose over to it. "If you have a good backup, the server doesn't crash" (or the stupid user doesn't delete a file and want it back).
  5. I can help - have license, gear, quiet bike.
  6. + Eleventy billion, security first! If the perms are off and you try to install something, it'll take you directly to the screen where you can turn them on. IF the app has Amazon's DRM applied to it, then the AppStore app needs to be installed on the device. Allegedly this will make it "simple" for users to switch between devices. See, it's all about the "customer experience". However, a "way around that" (the DRM) has been posted on teh intarwebs.
  7. Don't have that problem at the: Sig (Swiss/German/American) forum, nor the XD (Croation/American) forum, nor the Kimber (All-American) forum, nor the Ruger (All-American) forums... Must be part of the price of admission for that fancy peashooter of yours.
  8. see this thread I started 2 weeks ago.
  9. According to the Gizmodo link, the lady driving the minivan saw the semi and the truck/trailer playing "cat and mouse, and holding up traffic", decided to film it with the intent "of sending it to the companies they work for".
  10. Follow-up with some info/background at Gizmodo
  11. There's a version of Opera for Linux, Mac, or Windows.
  12. Alternately, if you ever backed up your BB, you can use MagicBerry to parse the .ipd file and grab your contacts (or SMS, or e-mail, or pix, or whatever) that way; or just restore them with the BB Desktop Manager, available at RIM.com
  13. doesn't support firesheep. Grrr. fun diversion when loitering at the coffee joint... don't care for the new style myself. will stick with Iceweasel 64 for regular browsing and Swiftfox 32 (for F5 VPN sessions) on the Linux box, and run FF4, Chrome, and IE8 on the windoze side. ILO only works with IE (yes I already have the IE tab thing installed) but it's easier to just go native IE sometimes.
  14. Google Sync from BB App world. http://m.google.com/sync from your mobile
  15. Yikes! It's the Headless Rider! Welcome to ORdN!
  16. Michael Jackson & Boyz II Men
  17. Large woman at work (some of us more snarky types have nicknamed her 'Planet'). She wants me to see the CIO, fix his Blackberry. Now, I'm the server guy, not the desktop support guy, but whatevs, the CIO gets special treatment. The CIO is in a large meeting, the room is dark so everyone can see the ubiquitous PowerPoint presentation. I'm not going in there in the middle of a meeting - it can wait 'til it's over. I tell her I'm not going to bother him until the meeting's over. She's appalled that I won't follow her instruction, and says "Where's the disconnect, John?" I was tempted to say "The disconnect seems to be between your willpower and a box of Twinkies", but I didn't. It was at work, and there's a certain decorum to be followed. She and I always have gotten along - just that one time she had a little attitude.
  18. So, according to the story, the boyfriend was "concerned". He set up a hidden camera. Once he started watching what had been filmed, he knew he "needed to go through the 200 hours" he had filmed? IF you're concerned enough to set up a camera, wouldn't you check earlier than 3 weeks after you set up the camera (assuming 12 hours video/day, and 5 days/week) ??? :nono:
  19. Huh. Guess I just like it better w/o the graphics - looked different enough to fool me. Plus, not the standard Gixxer blue. Free "no decals" bump.
  20. I5 is 4 cores, AMD is 3 cores. Real world: you won't notice any difference, assuming both machines have the same amount of RAM and comparable hard drives.
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