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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Ive got my class B and air brake. I really don't have a need to get tank or hazmat, but I have been looking into getting my pesticide licences so I will need hazmat then I belive.
  2. are you keeping it naked fighter style? that things rad.
  3. ^ How is it getting your liquid endorsement ?
  4. i sent 20gix a text, I'm not making it out tonight guys. sorry. next time for sure.
  5. Boy i bet the neighbors keep tight rein on there cats if you hear somthing in your yard...
  6. 2002 IH 7400 case 580 super M 2005 chevrolet colorado zq8 i5
  7. Ill just shoot you a text or give you a call when I get ready to leave and if you answer I will find out where you all are, and if you don't answer. I will just ride out that way.
  8. its not bad, some long sweepers. I won't be able to get out untill about 6 this evening guys. I appoligize for that. If anyone wants to ride after 6 let me know.
  9. Thats exactly how I look at it. Its your ride. You lead. if you get lost, and honestly have no idea how to get back, we will get you straightend around. Thats half the fun of riding is getting yourself lost. Just ride your own pace. Don't ride above your comfort level. Anytime I lead a ride, I explain to everyone that I will wait at every stop sign. Just as i did for granda080 and daustin00 tonight.
  10. Lane splitting I am not a fan of. The idea would be great, if the cages wouldn't be assholes. I have been in traffic and litterally seen people pop there car doors open to stop the bike.
  11. I paid 90 plus shipping for my clutch and brake lever for my honda. Now if i could only find that deal for the triumph.
  12. I maybe a few minutes later than 5 but thats sounds good.
  13. indeed! i belive we stopped at 73. i forgot about that in my sleepy haze last night.
  14. oldschoolsdime92

    No caption

    you forgot the syrup!
  15. I had some on my f3, they were "titax" branded. I don't know if thats knock off or what but they were nice.
  16. I keep saying im going to ride that route, and i still have yet to get around to it.
  17. Heres a very rough draft of just the route i ride when I want to stick close to home. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Dayton,+OH+45424&gl=us&ei=d6PYS82vB8P68AbrrozfBQ&ved=0CAgQ8gEwAA&hl=en&msa=0&msid=114894042949616825924.000476a61462d9a547c81&ll=39.953964,-84.006271&spn=0.268441,0.615921&z=11
  18. I will bumpski it again, and show what a 4x4 f150 will do! I know someone needs a mudder! they make a great platform!
  19. sounds like a plan Whats the set meet time for this ride? The route looks kinda short. Is anyone interested in riding more after that route?
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