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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Well you missed out on some of the greatest the Gap has to offer then.
  2. I wouldn't want to stand at that distance and give him 3 tries just to prove it
  3. Look a map son. The Gap is in a tristate area. Gap trip equals riding in NC, TN, GA.
  4. Beer, Whiskey, Jager, Water, Ipod, Meat, Monster, Mt.Dew, Peanut Butter, Bread, Jelly.
  5. Jess took a hell of spill not too long ago, no fake wreck.
  6. Don't buy dollar store glue traps and its all good. They are all I use and I live in the country where the mice are robust corn fed redneck mice. If they ain't getting out your city folk mice ain't. And glue traps allow for alive mice to tourment after capture.
  7. Glue traps beside where the pipes come out of the floor under the sink.
  8. Few hot laps round 270 then clover ramp leaves thing
  9. MidgetTodd

    Sunday Ride

    Ifen yall will wait fer me in them turns I goan go with you
  10. Trolling. You. It. Working. I even used the word. Period. Too.
  11. No. I come for the party period. Especially the ones ready that bring out the crazy bitches And being the Junkies I know there were a couple there.
  12. Shit we shoulda car pooled , you coulda won that backpack and put me in it and we both dance nekkid. Minime style bitches.
  13. I called cuz you didnt invite me and a party aint a party till the drunk midget starts dancing naked. Wut meow?
  14. Because the semi is bigger, the car shoulda seen it a mile away.
  15. Her leg has been humped more than my body pillow.
  16. A 98 Gsxr is worth more in parts than as a bike. Strip it down to the frame and list the parts seperately on Ebay. You will make enough money to buy a better bike than that one in just 2 weeks as opposed to a year long headache to try for the gsxr.
  17. Prolly neck and neck between between AR15 and 870
  18. 1911 is like the HD of guns. Overpriced,outdated and purchased as a status symbol or a method of compensating for other areas.
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