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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Josh...aka Rawlins87 needs to buy this.
  2. Can I have the Glock 18?
  3. Gotta be some tech jobs in the ER there I would think
  4. I think I shall attend this shindig and piss in the pool
  5. No need for the M unless you have a small penis or are into bling the regular XD is way less money and just as good.
  6. He's working a real job now that doesn't allow him to be on his BlackBerry the whole time he's at work.
  7. Well BrandL....give me the inside corp info, whens the Bionic comming out??????? Or should I stop waiting on it and get the Thunderbolt?
  8. Swinger, you're a putz with little mans disease. Keep on talking shit, you would not have went in either. I'll be on the city Medic Tues and Fri this week, I should look into getting a rider waiver for you for Fri night bout 2200-0500 so you can see just what goes on and I can see if you'll man up when the shit hits the fan... and it will during those hours. Real easy to judge when you've not been there and done that. I have.
  9. I wanna know when the Droid Bionic is gonna be out so I can decide between it and the Thunderbolt
  10. Ok to you armchair wanna be heros. Most of you here know I'm a Firefighter/Medic on 2 dept's .... That being said, I'd stand there and let him go too. My life is more important than that of someone who wants to commit suicide. I have taken water rescue classes, have you clowns condeming thier actions taken those classes???? It's the rescuer who usually drowns too either from the struggle or hypothermia. Take shit all you want but when it comes time to jump into 50 degree water to save someone who wants to die let me see you man up and do it, I'll watch you drown too. Am I cold and heartless, well maybe so. I have saved lives before and I've taken big risks doing so. I have fallen thru a floor of a burning house and I've went into the water too....to save people who didnt want to be there and that didnt want to die! You wanna kill yourself go right ahead I'm not gonna stop you. An innocent victim on the other hand I'll be the first one to try and help. Bash on fucktards, if you are man enough to do the job well go get your fire and emt cards and I'll put you on a truck with me for a few shifts and see if your opinion changes.
  11. I like the sound of all that..........but the not in a good way part.
  12. Go to a salon and interview someone who got a Brazilian
  13. I've dated a few strippers and highly recomend it, love strippers! Just dont fall in love with a stripper.
  14. I think there's allot of Brazilian's from Brazil
  15. I iz down if it's down this way
  16. Glock is equal to XD.
  17. Nowhere good to ride in Columbus
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