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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. MidgetTodd


    Only temporarily
  2. View son, view. Casper has a flawed word day
  3. MidgetTodd


    It was well earned
  4. Dont say it was your fault Im sure we can blame Porter.
  5. Get extra mags not clips, they work better
  6. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=76553 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=76554 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=77025 www.armslist.com www.gunbroker.com You're welcome
  7. Twas me and they broke me loose once to on the way back and cause a lil butt pucker moment
  8. A good old fashioned beat down will usually provide more satisfaction than a well placed bullet.
  9. I carry a club, oh never mind thats my penis.
  10. I think it sounds like your welcome has officially wore out here Ringo. I did see some hope for you after our ride but you seem to find a way with every thread to dig yourself a deeper hole. You prolly otta pack up and leave. Nobody is gonna cut you any slack anymore.
  11. I would not have been able to keep that calm and cool at the stop. It would've been on if I was the bike he tried to run off no question.
  12. There are fairly small easy to carry tazers avail to general public but they are pricey, you can also load rubber bullets if you want a happy medium
  13. I like Justin, wut? And I'm always chill you know that.
  14. He deleted all his info.
  15. That victory really wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be
  16. Thanks bubby and I would be there because yea I do like a fire fight and it's been several years since I had a good justifable shooting. Oh and I'm not crazy, just get off on different things than most Wait you're a Liberal? Shit
  17. Furthers my point more... must just be you;) You should prolly leave here and join a HD site the Brum Brums there might accept you. Ourbikesdontleak.com might be a good place for you or lemonparty.org
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