Ok. Well to be clear, the don't mind him you quoted and the representative and raised flags was not directed at me as you mentioned earlier in another post. I wasn't riding that day. I also don't do stuff like that when coaching.
The follow me deal is a Mid Ohio thing because Novice is considered a riding school day and treated as such more than as a trackday. You won't have to do that again now that you've been there once. Lots of people really like that for their first time at the track. I understand where you're coming from though.
And yes, when it rains pack up. That track is slicker than shit when wet.
Next time you have an issue there, especially with a coach go straight to Mark. He doesn't let stuff slide.
The visor down is a track rule and covered in novice meeting. No exceptions for glasses. That's why he said something to you. It's the rule there and very specifically covered with novice.