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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. What happened to the custom layouts that we had? I'm now showing unread content and can't find a way to switch it back to just showing most recent topics. Circled in red on the pic as I can't describe shit.
  2. It was on there political page under popular vote. https://www.google.com/amp/townhall.com/tipsheet/christinerousselle/2016/11/10/plot-twist-cnn-now-saying-that-donald-trump-won-the-popular-vote-n2244077%3Famp%3Dtrue?client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us
  3. So CNN is now projecting Trump to win the popular vote as well.
  4. I guess unfortunately I fall in that 1% then as with the increased EPA regulations my work has slowed to a crawl. If Trump's EPA plan goes as he says it will, we should be back to business as usual (keep in mind that I didn't vote for either shit bag).
  5. That must be some real common core math to get 1million more popular votes for Hillary considering all the poles say 200k with 99% reporting. This discussing on which one should have won is like discussing which turd taste better.
  6. Bump, lets make it $175obo shipped.
  7. I would get one race weekend (2 days) from t6 and it would false neutral like mad. Switched to eni and I could get 3 weekends (maybe more as that was the max I would go) no issues.
  8. I have had similar uses with T6 and it didn't last as long. The bike would start to miss shifts like mad until I would change it again. I know some have no issues with it but it's not worth my time to change it 3x as often.
  9. The second would be on homeowners insurance.
  10. Glad I'm not the only one calling him that.
  11. First off you can't target burn fat, so only working certain areas will not make them leaner quicker. As for the soreness, it all depends. If it's just the muscles then yes it's fine to push through as they are getting use to the activity. If it's anything other than the muscles, take it easy for a while to recover.
  12. I'm selling my bazzaz z-afm that I have used for about a year. This thing tuned my bike really well. Asking $200obo shipped.
  13. This is why I'm converting my boots to look like flip flops.
  14. Keep me in the loop, I will be getting a few. Hell I might even go when you do, not sure though as I don't have a good on track record when you are there.
  15. I believe Ron and I will be there both days.
  16. Guys I just wanted to post up a nice gesture that someone has done for Ryan's family. Ryan had ordered new numberplates for his bike a few weeks ago. Ron and I decided to reach out to them to see if we could cancel the order. They Said they already shipped but they would refund the money anyway as his family can probably use the money for his bills. I absolutely love the motorcycle community. If anyone needs decals, please look into popshadow decals. I'm always willing to support businesses that are willing to do little things like this.
  17. Ok I have composed myself long enough to try and get everything out. Ryan and I would always push each other on the track. We would usually pull off passes that most would consider dick moves but hey what are friends for. Messing with suspension and just general screwing around in the pits. I'm glad we were able to just sit and chat at mido last month, getting caught up on what all I missed in the last year. We were making big plans for next season as I was going to start riding again and we were going to hit quite a few days together. Today has been an emotional train wreck for myself and I'm sure many others and while I will never understand why this happened you will be deeply missed. "Raceday" Ryan Hill will be with all of us in spirit.
  18. Thanks Jinu. I have been trying to put something together but I just can't.
  19. You can use my bow, I can't use it for a while.
  20. Been running the anniversary on about 9 at work plus 2 at home
  21. I wouldn't use the nut except for removal. Not many places will let you safety wire to it.
  22. True. It Shouldn't make it long doubled up. As for ccs, there is nothing in the rule book that I saw.
  23. was it double oringed? I have used k&n for the last 10 years.
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