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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Its my understanding that we have a minimum property tax linked to school funding that works as I described. Things like: Emergency, incremental and replacement levees as well as bond issues are sources for additional revenue for schools and do work as you say....... However, I could be wrong....
  2. Schools are not funded on a set dollar amount. Its a percentage so as your property values increase, so does their total revenue. Each time a new house is built or property divided, their revenue increases. The fact that they need to ask for a percentage increase is a sure sign of mismanagement of your funds. By the same token, if the area is depressed enough to actually lower property values, then the schools will receive less revenue and they should make the cuts to match the economics of the area. Which reminds me..... with the housing bubble busted and property values declining, dont for get to ask that your home be re-evaluated. You may save several thousand in taxes with a simple re-evaluation. Most area's only allow you to request one on a certain month of the year.
  3. True but neither does compromise. GOP wants freedom, preservation of God given rights and capitalism where each man has as good a shot at making it big as the next guy. Dems want a socialist society where all its subjects live as equals on the tight leash of government rule. Compromise leads to a failure of both ideologies. The idea that either party can pad a bill with pork in order to buy another law makers vote in order to pass legislation that nobody would vote for with out the pork is sheer stupidity and should not be tolerated by the citizenry any longer. Its this ability that has us in the debt crisis that we're in. To label the few lawmakers who are responsible enough to stand up and make the needed cuts as the "bad guys" is even more ludicrous. If you want to be pissed at someone be pissed at law makers who have spent lifetimes tacking pork onto bills for their state like Democratic Senator Byrd of WV.
  4. Perhaps I should have said "collapse" instead of "crisis"
  5. A debt agreement just pushes the crisis date further away and the higher debt just insures it will happen. China has already warned us to "get our financial house in order" and this agreement flys in the face of that warning. This is not a cut in spending. 4 trillion this year would have been a minimum to be considered a cut this year. A crisis is coming.........soon...... actual date unknown.
  6. You're right, It was Bush's fault that Obama passed his first failed stimulus his first month in office in 09. I keep forgetting that everything is "Bush's fault"
  7. Actually no. We would still have plenty of income to meet our debt obligations. However it would be up the president to decide who got paid and what programs were funded or cut. If anyone but Obama were president, the republicans would have probably risked it and let him make the cuts. but with Obamas spending record they were afraid he would pay all his pet groups like Acorn and then let debts go into default causing world economic crisis. Personally, I dont like the agreement. They can call it a cut if they want to but its still higher spending than last year..... to me, thats not a cut!
  8. http://startthinkingright.wordpress.com/2011/07/28/who-spent-more-average-bush-vs-average-obama-spending-per-day-proves-obama-most-reckless-and-irresponsible-ever/
  9. I would have been interested but thats my sons birthday. Most of your route is my typical riding ground anyway. It should be a fun ride. Watch for gravel on 335 though, the state just went thru and put gravel on the inside edge of the curves near Stockdale and the cars cutting the corners are dragging it out into the road. Its a shame too because that is an awesome section of road. By the way, last night about 20 to 25 sport bikes passed my house. I've never seen that many in a group down here. I figured it was either a group of Ohio Riders people or someone started a club down here...... Would like to figure it out.
  10. Thanks everyone! The family says that Loran had just rode to town to get new tires. He was on his way home when he wrecked. The shop where he purchased the tires called his house and left an urgent message for him to call them as soon as he made it home..... He never made it. They are having the bike checked over tomorrow to see if the shop had done something that may be of concern to the accident.
  11. I found out a few days ago that my cousin was in a motorcycle wreck. We knew it didnt look good....... He passed away last night. He was a life long rider. Man dies from motorcycle wreck injuries June 21, 2011 — A Morehead man has died following a motorcycle wreck last week in Rowan County. Kentucky State Police said Loren Smith, 61, of 13965 Brown Ridge, was operating a 2007 Honda motorcycle eastbound on KY 32 Friday, June 17 at 3:06 p.m. when he traveled across loose gravel on the right shoulder of the roadway, causing him to lose control. Smith allegedly failed to negotiate a curve and exited the right shoulder of KY 32. The motorcycle came to final rest in a ditch on top of Smith. Smith, who was wearing a helmet, according to police, was flown from the scene by PHI Medical Transport to UK Medical Center for treatment. Also assisting was the Elliottville Fire Department. Mr. Smith passed away Monday night. He was the husband of Marquita Patrick Smith. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at Northcutt & Son Home for Funerals. http://themoreheadnews.com/local/x1110911029/Man-dies-from-motorcycle-wreck-injuries
  12. I have the same problem. At some point while out riding, I just need to feel the power and speed. I try to choose the place wisely though and I have chosen to keep my stock exhaust so hopefully I dont draw too much attention. Its a serious dilemma!
  13. So much of Pink Floyds stuff is just timeless........ I mean, there are so many artists that when you listen to there music, you could at least pick a decade that it came from...... its dated. Pink Floyd was in my opinion ahead of there time and somehow escapes being dated.
  14. Dude you hit it!!!!! "I wish you were here" By Pink Floyd! Thanks man!
  15. Its been driving me nuts! LOL
  16. Ok, about once a year I hear this song and at the moment, I cant remember any of the words. But since I'm bored to death today and the beginning is stuck in my head, I thought I would search the internet for it. Its impossible to do an effective search if you cant remember the words!!! So I'm asking you guys! This song starts off like an old scratchy album playing acoustic guitar. It crackles and pops like it was made when recording music was first possible and then a modern acoustic and recording breaks in and duals with it for a moment and then takes over. It was very popular back in the day......... Any Ideas what I'm talking about?
  17. And he has higher ratings than any of the liberal nut jobs....... probably all of them combined.
  18. Maybe you should try watching the show instead of copy and paste someone else's biased interpretation of what he says. Never mind........... I forgot who I was talking to......... liberal hate runs deep....... lol
  19. Most people who dont like Beck.... have never actually listened to Beck. They only hear sound bites and clips from the liberal commentators who spew hate on the airways....... I have to admit that I didnt like Beck at first. I didnt get his "smartass" type of humor. I've watched him for a while now and I can honestly say I have never met anyone who is less prejudice than him. He is definitely not a hater..... You may get quotes of him saying anything when he is being a smartass or mocking someone else but thats about it......... Even someone like Alveda King (Martin Luther's niece) Came out in support of Beck and his message, she even spoke at his Rally........... But I guess she actually took the time to listen to him instead of just listening to all the liberal hate spewing from mainstream TV.
  20. I dont think the socialist agenda for "service" is what we typically think of as Military service. Obama and others have spoken many times of a civilian service that our youth would have to participate in to serve our country in civilian ways..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGW136RLhSM&feature=related
  21. I heard the INS was in Westerville looking for anti-americans....... er.... I mean illegals.
  22. Rod38um

    badass bobber

    Very nice! I'd love to have it......
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