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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Who do you think is going to be required to pay for all the stuff he gives away? I can tell you! Any poor schmuck who is employed and the children and grandchildren who are already in debt to this reckless spending! I've spent my life watching politics and one thing is sure.... Anytime a government program is created, the working guy gets hit with higher taxes and fee's! If a man ever wants anything more out of life than what someone else gives him, then he needs to vote for those who will allow him to keep more of what he earns. If you earn it, you have pride in it, you learn to respect the work of others, life can be good..... If you sit on your ass and wine till someone gives you something, you learn nothing and those who are forced to pay for what you have, will resent you.............. I'm guessing you must be employed......
  2. If your going to shoot targets and you're not worried about the weight or bulk during carry then dont overlook a full size 1911 style gun. 5 inch barrel, semi auto, match grade barrel, adjustable sights(a must for target shooting) and durability like no other gun! (none of that disposable plastic by tupperware) lol (dont get your panties in a wad guys, I have tupperware guns too)
  3. Welcome aboard Jared. I've followed a few of your biking adventure threads on other forums. Its good to have another Honda guy here!
  4. I have owned GM products my whole adult life. I will never buy another one!
  5. The founding fathers were all about preventing the government from telling you how to worship. They had already been under that thumb. However, they also were all about pouring their Christian principals into the government as evidenced by the many references in our documents and inscribed buildings. "Separation of church and state" is simply a phrase from a court ruling not from any founding document.
  6. Its a J C Higgins revolver in 22 caliber.
  7. Excellent video! Excellent attitude! Excellent politics! WTF is wrong the USA the last few decades?
  8. You know, I have tried to watch CNN a couple times lately and I found it to be a very passive news. I mean they were not blatantly biased; it was more like they just left stuff out and the subjects they talked about that would be controversial subjects, were discussed as if only one viewpoint existed. It seemed funny to watch something that was designed to keep you calm and anesthetized when typically it would be very divisive. And I never once saw anything about Meerkats………. Strange……
  9. Rod38um

    Free Maxim

    BS....... I did it last year...... never got a thing....
  10. There is no incentive to cut cost or save money in any way. There are no accounts set up to save a surplus for future building of schools. There is however incentive to spend every last dime that is budgeted so you can show a need for more next year. Locally we have an assistant for pretty much every teacher, we have several layers of administration that we didnt used to have. I even know one guy who got into trouble as an assistant superintendent but instead of firing an assistant that wasn't needed in the first place, they created another $80,000 dollar a year job for him just to keep him on the payroll, His only responsibility now is approving the bus routes for the year. In the last 5 years every school in our county has built brand new multi million dollar school complexes with the last one scheduled to be completed this summer. I just think it should be somebody's job to save the taxpayers money and a large portion of that mans income should be a percentage of what he saves the taxpayer. Run things like a business. If you dont really need someone, get rid of them! Do you know how many taxpayers it takes to support one government job? I dont either, but it must be a lot! lol Did my school really need that $600,000 astro turf in their multi million dollar stadium? I dont think so....... Sure its nice..... but not needed.....
  11. A few simple rules to vote by: 1) Never vote for someone who mentions the word "program" unless the word abolish was just before it. 2) Never vote for a tax increase. It doesn't matter how great they make it sound. It doesn't matter the sob story they tell. (its for the children) Its because of these increases for schools and such that politicians are able to avoid fiscal responsibility. Force them into it with a "NO" vote! Even without a % increase, the total revenue goes up with population, employment, home values and many other ways. They never.....never need a % increase. 3) If you read the phrase on a ballot: "By voting yes, this will not increase your taxes" Think for a second. This is a bullshit way to get you to vote yes to keep a percentage increase that they already suckered you into once before! Vote "NO" and your taxes will go down!
  12. People never learn. They vote for someone who believes in big government, someone who promises the government will help them out in some way and then bitch about the higher taxes and loss of freedoms.
  13. Welcome........ Portsmouth here.... I work in Piketon.
  14. An Italian sub sandwich, a 7mm Remmington Magnum titanium nitride die set from hornady, a shell plate spring, several 7mm and 45 ACP ammo boxes. Oh, and a sprite and a payday candy bar.
  15. Just another good reason to NOT buy any significant caliber gun that was manufactured on a Tupperware assembly line!
  16. The Itallian prosicuter is under investigation now for another person he convicted wrongly. It could be good for her....
  17. Good for you! You saved yourself a lot more heart ache. The shits of it is, a decent looking woman will never have a problem getting 4 dates in 4 nights. And if she holds out for a few weeks, she'll find some numb nuts who will buy her a $25,000 engagement ring and the big house she wants. He will be the sucker that loses everything to her as she runs around on him then divorces him and finds someone with more money. Been there, done that. Marriage in this state is only good for the female...... its a license to steal. I wont do it again without a pre-nup or until the laws change. Too many women look at guys like stepping stones to what they want. Congrats on NOT playing that game.
  18. Another modified letter......... Dear Senator, There is a bill that just passed the House that I am concerned about (H. B. No. 191)"Street Racing". I do not condone any kind of street racing and I understand that recently someone was killed as a result of street racing. However I do not think we should have a knee jerk reaction with an all-encompassing piece of legislation like this. Street racing is already illegal so my concern is about the details of this bill. It expands the definitions of street racing so far and sets the punishment so harshly that I fear it could impact normally passive drivers who find themselves in difficult traffic conditions. It may impact the antique and classic car shows that bring much needed business to our state. It also leaves too much interpretation of "what" is street racing with the officer. (It includes single vehicle excel and braking provisions) I would like to think that before someone’s vehicle can be taken from them, that more have to happen than an officer implying that I was excelling too hard or braking too hard. Ohio already has a reputation as being heavy handed on motorists. This bill is a club in those hands. I am asking you to vote against this bill Sir. It just needlessly expands the definition and punishment for an act that is already illegal. Thank you for your time.
  19. Look at all the people who have been mis-directed. Watching the news lately, all these "scientist's" are starting to step down from their "Climatologist" positions. With other "real" scientists coming out now that its getting safe to do so and talking about there is no such thing as Global warming or actually that man has no significant effect on it. The real scientist say that actually we could stand to increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, it would be good for all the plants. Of all gasses out there CO2 is nearly last on the list as a "greenhouse gas" The Wacko's have been shoving this down peoples throats for years now and have even taught this in schools. The world is meeting in Copenhagen soon to discuss The USA having to pay reparations to the rest of the world for producing all the CO2 that has made their world such a bad place to live and to create a one world government to oversee this problem. The whole freakin world has been conned!!!!!!!! Greatest Hoax in the history of the world....... LMAO
  20. Rod38um

    Open carry?

    I love this site..............
  21. Rod38um

    Open carry?

    Yeah...... Its a pretty rural area and me and the other guy were both in hunting gear. Some areas, I wouldnt have been so bold..... but still would have been just as legal no matter the place....
  22. Rod38um

    Open carry?

    However, I have been out hunting, walked out to a main road and walked right into a grocery store carrying a 12 gauge pump, picked up some snack food, paid and left........ and nobody said a thing.
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