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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Simple..........never vote for anyone who mentions the word "program" unless it is accompanied by the word "abolish"
  2. Ooooh, I'm excited by the prospect of this new health care plan. I mean think about it: 17,000 new IRS agents hired to police the industry!!! that should stimulate the economy...... 107 boards and panels created to deal with patient/doctor issues.... I figure these will have to be at least regional so that should be about 107,000 employees....... Add those together and multiply by the average government wage of $79,000 per year!!!! just hink how all that Chinese money will stimulate our economy!!!! It absolutely makes sense to me how health care will now be cheaper having all these government workers looking out for my best interests. I bet the national debt clock has already started running backwards: Lets see... http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Hmmm...... doesnt seem to be happening yet...... guess I'll check back in a few minutes after the Obama magic has had a chance to work a bit longer..... Also if I look at history.... everywhere the government has made people dependent upon it..... people have flourished..... I mean.... check out any city listed high on government aid like East LA.......... Billions spent in aid to make it the industrial leader it is today! You dont hear people there crying they need jobs! Nothing motivates people more than not having to do anything for their own needs! God Bless America!
  3. Yes!!! I am a 1911 fan.............. a little late to the thread but......... Thats a Sweet looking gun.......... never had a colt......... I would have thought you could get some real nice groups out of that thing.....
  4. Thats ironic......... or sad, I'm not sure which... lol
  5. A lot of the liberal elites are pretty smart in some areas....... but most of them dont have any common sense what so ever. Most cant do simple jobs around the house and I dont know any that are good at math, I mean, lets face it, how stupid does one have to be to beleave you can take a dollar in taxes from a man, use up .80 in bureaucracy, give back .20 in benefit and still think the man is better off....... and they get pissed when someone questions it....... Rate the IQ however you want.... I call it stupidity.
  6. I believe they have the capability of enriching to that level........ I've seen pics of their equipment........ trust me.... they can do it.
  7. Keep in mind I only have a 3 x 9 scope on this thing. The first 2 shots are the top ones and the rest of them string along under, working their way down. I had previously used factory ammo and had a group big as your fist. I later had some reloads that were full length sized and had much better group. I re-used the fire formed casings for this group. I'm gonna measure bolt to lands on this rifle today and load up some more this week with an adjusted COAL But I honestly dont see how I can get it much better given the limitations of the scope. Wait time was about a minute between shots. enough time to glass things, gossip and try it again... lol I'll wait till I get a finished round I want to stick with before I adjust the scope any farther.
  8. OK, so I just got back from the range. It was half snow half rain mix but I wanted to try out my reloads today. I am very happy! I was shooting a Remington 700 BDL in 7mm Magnum. These are my reloads and are fire formed to the gun and neck sized only. I loaded 162grain Hornady A-max bullets, 54 grains of H-4831powder with WLRM primers. This is my 8 shot group at 100 yards, I put a quarter on there for size perspective: Same target, just moved the quarter: I'm loving this reloading stuff!
  9. A standard Kodak easy share camera does a decent job. It does pics and video.
  10. Back during the early years of the Great Depression, then President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make the jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. Approximately one-million Mexicans were sent home during this endevor Once again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3 million Mexican nationals (called ‘Operation Wetback’) in order that returning American WWII and Korean veterans had a better chance at jobs. They actually loaded them onto barges, took them to the southern most port in Mexico and just dropped them off, thinking it would take them longer to return, if they ever could. I think we should try it again........ (illegals) I mean, a barge ride is much cheaper than the cost to the tax payer!
  11. This thread warms my heart............. I love conservatism!
  12. I saw an interview with a mexican team that was helping in Haiti. They had been in Mexico city in 1985 (I think) during a huge quake and they wanted to help. The guy said they were disapointed because in mexico, after the quake, the people all banded together, worked like crazy to rescue people, clean up the rubble, then rebuild. He said many had lost everything but they could still work and felt a duty to do so. He said in haiti, most people are just sitting there waiting on help from foreigners........ He was upset by it. I personally think that you can give too much aid and create a culture of dependency. Haiti has been the recipient of aid from many countries and organizations for decades...... Maybe its time to stop.......
  13. Actually the 380 is a 9mm, its the same bullet, slightly shorter case. As a matter of fact in europe the 380 is known as the 9mm kurz or sometimes spelled curts, curtz or kurtz Either way, its the same round with slightly less power. "hint: if you cant find 380 ammo, sometimes you can find cheap foreign stuff labeled 9mm Kurz...... its the same stuff"
  14. Taurus Millennium pro in 45 acp My friend just ordered one, brought it home, fired it twice and it malfunctioned. Upon examination, the barrel and feed ramp were cracked. The retailer ordered another one and it was found to be in the same condition. They ordered a third, retailer called him to pick it up...... upon inspection, it also had the same crack. Needless to say, he's a little pissed and swears never to buy another Taurus.....
  15. OMG! I'm impressed. All my years posting in forums and I dont think I've ever seen a cop who didnt 100% defend the action of another cop no matter how abusive they were. I mean, I've seen ridiculously abusive videos and then watched every cop on the board say how justified it was to beat the shit out of grandma.....lol My hat is off to you sir for being an honest man and apparently a good man!
  16. Yeah, most of us new that already anyway..... and expanding medicare down to 55 is just an attempt to get more people dependent on a program so they can buy votes with it. People in that age group are most stable, employed, insured people in the country. until that passes and they become dependent on medicare.... then you'll be seeing ads on TV about the evil republicans who want to slash medicare and the hero dem who wants to give you more..... lol
  17. Actually, I saw a lot of reports where people from that state were upset about the proposed national health care because it is much worse and much more expensive than what they already have.... So like anyone ....... they didnt want to trade something better and cheaper for something worse and more expensive, especially when it was negotiated behind closed doors, and votes were actually bought with bribes.........
  18. Praise the Lord!!!!!! Common sense has finally prevailed. There maybe hope for our country yet! I just pray that the socialist wannabe's havn't taken us too for down that road. If we can just continue the trend, maybe we can wash out the anti-democracy/capitalist from every other seat they hold. I would love to seea complete change out that would eventually reduce our governments size and spending to a tenth of what it is now. Todd you're being too kind calling them "progressives". I hate that word simply because they made it up. Calling themselves "socialists" doesn't fly well in this country....... its a lame attempt to fool people into thinking they are something they're not. Go Scott Brown!!!!
  19. Pretty small target........ but it looks like it may have been tasty!
  20. I just shot these today. Kimber Grand Raptor 45 ACP at 7yards. Outdoor range. My reloads, 200 grain Rainier bullet, 4.2 grains Bullseye powder, WLP Primer. Raptor has 15# recoil spring and shock buff. This gun makes me look good...... I'm shaky as they come.... lol:D 8 rounds in each target......
  21. I've been putting about 100 to 150 rounds a week thru mine. I load my own so I load a lighter target load, use a 15# recoil spring instead of the factory 16# and a shock buff. Its smooth as butter and deadly accurate. The crisp 3 and 1/2 lb trigger is so sweet compared to the long pull of a double action..... A Kimber custom II is a great deal for the money, just toss on some adjustable sights and you're good to go..........
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