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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. LOL, He has been dealing with this problem since day one. He ran on the idea that he would he bring restraint to the out of control spending and he has been unable to do so due to the liberals in the state house. The only reason he can do it now is because they have no choice, they can no longer pay their bills. There is no way you can misconstrue this as a conservative problem. My "I told ya so" Stands as un-deniable! LOL
  2. California is 20 billion in debt from its liberal spending. They have reached a point where they can no longer sustain their debt. I've been watching the news and they are proposing all kinds of cuts in the "create a dependent for life" programs. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/14/schwarzenegger-deeper-spending-cuts-new-taxes-budget-plan/ Every year that they have raised taxes, they have brought in less revenue. Huckabee was just on the news talking about U-haul, he said rental rates to exit California are thru the roof compared to rates to go to california because everyone is leaving and they are having to haul the empties back to be rented again..... lol I'm waiting for Obama to step up and bail out California with more borrowed Chinese money in an effort to get our federal government in the same pathetic shape....lol I hate it that this has to happen....... but its nice to be able to say" I told you so"
  3. I'll keep it to myself when everyone else agrees to stop bashing my religion and keeps their ridiculous views to themselves. (One big circle)....... lol
  4. That was the Rosie O'Donnell Strategy......... she was on the "gun control trail" when it came out that she employed armed body guards.
  5. I would think someone like her would be afraid to voice her opinion so loudly....... I mean.... she's not only telling law abiding people that she doesn't believe in guns....... she's telling criminals also........ If your a criminal and looking for a safe place to break into.......... she may as well put up neon lights proclaiming her vulnerabilty!
  6. That road looks rural but there are a lot of houses on the road.... lots of dogs and deer. My Dad lives there and he gets a kick out of all the cops pulling over speeders day and night. He says they make their living on that road.......... I guess they actually have a reason to be there now, huh?
  7. I'll have to keep watch for him......
  8. Hmmm, I'm proud of this thread so far!
  9. Many of the welfare folks have been transfered to SSI disability. The last house I rented out, I took 26 application, 1 had a job, 1 was in rehab and mommy was gonna pay the rent and 24 were on SSI. None of which were elderly. One girl was deaf. Personally I'm disgusted by all the hand outs. Most people on it dont even realize they are enslaved by it. Personally I believe in a strong military and dont mind spending money on it. Your home has to be safe first, otherwise you have nothing. All the crap about the rich paying no taxes is BS. They pay the bulk of it. http://www.ntu.org/tax-basics/who-pays-income-taxes.html I'd like to see a few years tax free for corporations. Talk about job growth! Its the rich who provide decent jobs and make a strong economy!
  10. “What we are witnessing around the country is that the public’s patience is wearing out with the federal government’s failure to enforce immigration laws and protect the interests of American workers and taxpayers,” http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100511/ts_csm/300547 Its about time politicians woke up and stopped giving in to such a small minority of people simply because they whine, march and picket for that which they did not earn. Perhaps we can get some real enforcement come next presidential election!
  11. If you had taken the time to read the posts before responding you may have posted something intelligent. But I guess thats the best we can expect........ Go back and read.......... LMAO
  12. I'll be darned...... another liberal that either cant read, cant comprehend or........... oh hell........... waste of my time to keep repeating the same thing over and over when the blind followers keep their eyes and ears closed............ unbelievable!
  13. It would have to be an idiot who insists he's in an argument with me even though I have not argued........... "Child like"......... Well sometimes you just have to call em like you see em. I have repeatedly told you I am not arguing a case, I simply have shown why people think what they do. You insist I'm arguing despite my saying otherwise several times. Either you are intellectually challenged or you only comprehend the portions of text that irritate you. I could have just as easily presented reasons why your side thinks the way they do......... but I really dont believe in anything the liberals stand for so............... Grow up man! At least try to act your age. I'm done wasting my time with your nonsense
  14. Oh, I get it now. News reports on controversy and investigations have nothing to do with shaping public opinion. But the great JRMMiii is all knowing and only forms his opinions on facts and never on news, opinion of others, emotion........... Your right up there with the magic 8 ball....
  15. Oh its not bad, better than a plastic gun for sure. All steel so yea, its sorta heavy. 2.4 lbs I reload though so I mostly shoot a light target load and I installed a lighter weight recoil spring and a shok buff, it makes it smooth as silk........
  16. If you would take the time to read instead of assume, You would understand that I am not making claims. I am not making an argument. I am simply pointing out how people feel the way they do........ the news reports are there..........People form opinions based on news reports. I suppose your opinions are only based on evidence you hold in your hand.........BS It is you sir, who who remains willfully ignorant Continue on with your eyes and ears blissfully closed to anything that contradicts your own opinion......... Thats how the term "sheeple" came about..........
  17. Thanks, I bought it used, got a couple hundred off the new price. Brought it home and field stripped it and there was absolutely zero wear on this thing. Even the slide release pin that goes thru the barrel lug.... it didnt have a mark on it. It does now! lol I have about 650 rounds thru it.
  18. This comparison that you have made up with the enthusiasm of a child is not even in the same ball park. Glen beck is not running for the presidency of the United States. Candidates typically always release school records, tax records, birth records usually arent questioned until now. Not responding to false accusations is fine, spending a small fortune to keep something hidden is quite a different matter. Especially if you are representing the public. People have a right to know a little bit about someone who is supposed to be representing them. If someone as divisive a Glen Beck were to be elected as President and the same questions were swirling around the net......... I'm sure you would be on here defending his every position????? LOL In your child like attempt to defend him, you've lost sight of the fact that I am not attacking him. Simply pointing out why people feel the way they do because as John said....... "he doesnt know why its so hard for people to understand" I pointed to a few reasons........... and that obviously rubs those of you who think of him as their Messiah the wrong way.
  19. This my first Dan Wesson and I have to say that all the stories about quality, craftsmanship and accuracy are absolutely true! It will out shoot my Kimber Grand Raptor..... and thats saying something. Dan Wesson PM7 45ACP Check out the slide to frame fit...
  20. Obama and friends could feed some of you guys a shit sandwich and you would defend it as being nutritious and tasty to your death.
  21. Any simple google search brings up a crap load of articles on the subject, I didnt realize you could be so in the dark that I needed to spoon feed you information that seems to be included every news report you see and is common knowledge. That being said, the first one floating around out there was said to be a forgery....... it was soon followed by one released by the Obama administration which is in fact real........... but its the short form and does not prove place of birth as has been reported on several news reports. Pick a news article either liberal or conservative slant and it typically includes the information about Obama spending money to prevent its release. If my quoting multiple sources about this has you demanding proof from me....... well I dont have Obamas reciepts..... sorry.... How about you prove he hasnt????? (they are still sealed after mutiple court challenges, doesn't sound costly, does it?) And then there is the Kenyan birth certificate that surfaced..... real? forgery? Who knows........ I'm guessing its a forgery..... it adds to the question though and that is what we are debating, right? You said you dont understand why its so hard for people to understand........We all dont view him as an un-questionable savior. And then there are the reports that he received aid as a student from Indonesia. True? false? who knows for sure since records have not been released. For the record. I am not a Birther...... I dont have the facts.... I do understand their frustration and do not see why.... if you have nothing to hide........ why dont you release your records. Then there are the questions surrounding Obama's attendance at Columbia University. Its funny how several people who attended at the same time, same political science major........ never met him, never heard of him.......... Hmmmmmmm....... Now that I think about it I can see how when you add all that stuff up......... it would be "bizarre" to be suspicious......... well if you cant add........ I'll toss you a link anyway ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVwFdM3hmv0 OMG..... its from fox..... Oh the fear.......
  22. Sweet........ new guns are always good!
  23. People dont understand as you say or believe as they would say because the one expert to examine the one circulating the net says its a forgery and the quote below.........
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