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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Wait, wait, wait........The guy that called you a pussy was hiding behind a pillar and ran when you turned his way??? LOL............. OK.....
  2. You can pretty much bet that what ever candidate gets made fun of and trashed by the main stream media is your best all around conservative and pro-gun candidate.
  3. More job killing....... another example of promoting an unfriendly environment for business: http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2010/07/ohio_hamburger_chain_says_insu.html
  4. I dont have a problem with a punishment system for someone who knowingly hires illegals....... put it to them..... But when an illegal is caught stealing identities in order gain employment, they need some serious whoop ass turned loose on them, on the way to the furthest most point from the USA in their country origin.
  5. As I said before, the union is not the sole cause but they do play a part. If they didnt totally support the democratic party, they would only play one part but through that support, they inadvertently advocate a whole host of other business killing legislation. Unions need to get on board with supporting politicians and legislation that make it cheaper and easier to do business in the USA.
  6. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Union propaganda........ No matter how much of it you throw out there, the simple fact remains that if you run business overseas with high operating costs......... the average Joe loses his job and our economy suffers. Each time you vote democrat, thats what you're asking for! Once upon a time we had a strong need for unions, they became way too strong, took way too much and became too politically active. They have hurt our economy and the only way back will be with smaller government, less spending, a more business friendly environment and if unions want to be part of it, they better embrace big business as the essential host that they are because as more time goes by..... more and more of those union members are collecting unemployment while some Chinese man just started a new job!
  7. Your words..... not mine. I'm in favor of things that create business.......I understand that companies that produce a product hire people who in turn pay taxes which contribute to the total tax revenue. That revenue can be used for multiple things, like protection, etc. I also understand that when you resent those who have more than you so passionately that you demonize companies and try your best take all that they have...... they leave! When they leave, the jobs go with them leaving us with nothing except unemployment, welfare and SSI........ many people drawing from the system, fewer paying in..... makes a large debt......and....... Oh crap....... you suckered me into talking sense again!!! I'm sorry, I'll try to refrain.
  8. There is at least one true American hero out there! Gotta love this man for fighting the good fight! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/03/7-arrested-in-fake-id-raid-at-2-arizona-restaurants/?test=latestnews
  9. No, but you do choose to support those who want to punish the evil business and run them out of the country........ I guess in your mind, once they are unemployed, they're no longer paying union dues so..... who cares, right?
  10. It seems every time you look at the news you here something about this administration doing something that inadvertantly kills jobs. Now it seems they are taking on manufacturers head on and telling them their problems will go away if they use foreign labor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Nope, the "draggging down" of workers is just an unavoidable, unfortunate consequence......
  12. People trying to make an issue out of nothing. Had someone driven a Chevy Malibu into a crowd and killed people last year, would these same nut cases have a problem with raffling off a Chevy truck? I dont think so.......
  13. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    I didnt say they were...... the point was that more than one thing has played a part in our current economy. There is plenty of blame to go around. Also if you want to fix it...... we are going to have to have a multi-faceted aproach and things have to get worse before they will get better. There is no way around it. We must compete on a world stage and we are far away from being able to. Just to be competitive we must increase the cost of foreign goods. Places like China are slowly demanding better wage and benefits packages. Citizens are demanding more environmental restrictions. That helps but we also need to adjust our import/export taxes and fees to bring up the cost of their products. That means inflation. Very high inflation. We need our manufactures to be able to build a product cheaper than it can be imported and sold here. That also means that many sectors will have to take jobs for $10 per hour instead of $30 per hour. Unions are not going to like it but is it better to have millions working for $10 or nobody working at all? We are just seeing the beginning of the hard times ahead.................. It will get worse!
  14. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Uh.... no....... the banking industry played a part. Bad legislation played a part. A tax system that favors foreign manufacturers played a part and yes, unions played a part. Why do Liberals always have to demonize anyone who has more than them? The cause of the recession goes farther and deeper than a handfull of bankers. The housing bubble actually started with Clintons repeal of the Glass Steagal act. In 1933 the Glass-Steagall Act was made into law and it forbid the mixing of mortgage finance with other aspects of financing. In short, it required mortgage holders to retain the mortgage they wrote by making it illegal to bundle them and sell them as one investment. In 1999 Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall act and made it legal for banks to bundle high risk mortgages they knew would not be repaid and sell them to investers. Under pressure from liberals like Barney Frank, Banking institutions like Fannie and Freddie started writing mortgages to previously un-qualified applicants.Under extreme political pressure from Frank and others combined with the lure of easy money......they needed more mortgages to bundle so they relaxed their requirements on who was eligible knowing they wouldnt be stuck with them..... some un-knowing investor would take the hit..When forclosures started happening in mass...... suddenly they cant find a buyer for those bundled cut rate mortgages..... The housing bubble popped!!! here we are....... so..... If you really want to pick out one guy who happened to work in the industry for a short time and put all the blame on him........well....... never mind........
  15. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Yep, you're right.... lets just keep taxing the hell out of the productive........ pour money into the pockets of the legislators who will tie them up in red tape, fee's and other expenses............ I'm sure once they recognize that profit is not important...... they'll start manufacturing in this country again!
  16. Wow......... it looks like you're happy! Thats something not too many people are ever able to do........ congrats!
  17. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Of course I'll take anything I can get. I look out for me and mine the same as you do but I also realize that this selfish attitude of "I dont care if the world burns around me, just give me what I want" that dominates the unions is what sends our jobs overseas. To be honest, I was astounded and confused 20 some years ago when I got that job and was forced to join the union...... Dont join..... No job. Was my pay higher? Yes Were my benefits better? Yes Did I have a pension? Yes Could all that be maintained in the modern competitive world? NO So I was faced with a question: Is it better to make a little less and have a smaller benefit package or demand to maintain what I had plus nice annual increases and maybe have another year or two on the job before my company could no longer operate here? I chose to take a bit less in hopes that my company could stay here. I also chose to make sure no more of my money would be sent to a political party that demonizes corporations. I want it sent to a party that cultivates an environment that companies can do business in so that my kids and grandkids can have a decent job.
  18. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Capitalist will make a buck wherever they can....... I never said that unions were the single thing responsible for sending jobs overseas but they do play a huge roll in more than one way. Lets face it, foreign countries have several advantages. They have: Lower corporate taxes Less environmental red tape Less environmental expense Lower wages No unions less benefits Corporations are not the evil money grubbing bastards that most liberals make them out to be. They are you and me and anyone else who has investments, 401K's, mutual funds or pension plans. We pay people to manage those funds for us and if they dont produce, its their job to move our money to where it will produce. Its a simple mechanism that is cold and indifferent to the worker on the street. It forces companies to lay off workers, break unions, or move overseas. Corporations are the life blood of the workers and the unions. Yet unions continue to advocate and donate money to those who view corporations as evil rich entities that should be taxed and regulated till they pull up roots and leave. If you want a high paying job, you should advocate low corporate taxes and for moderate streamlined regulation that protects the environment with minimal financial impact. The fact is, we dont tax wealth, we tax income..... income is derived from productivity so when you advocate taxing the rich, what you are really doing is taxing the productive, the job creators. Who have to find a way keep a competitive product on the shelf and to maintain or increase profit to satisfy you the investor so they either lay you off to cut cost or send your job to China. I don’t have a problem with organized labor in the private sector. I do have a problem with it in the public sector and I have a problem with it being politically active. Especially when its politics ultimately destroy the environment required to manufacture in this country and send our jobs overseas. There is no amount of penalties or regulation that one could set in place that could make a company stay here and manufacture a product at a loss and the more of that kind of thing that gets set place the less foreign investment we would be able to attract so as popular as that is among the liberal elite, its more of the same thing that drives business away. If you want more public employees, first we need more private sector, tax paying jobs to support them. If you want more private sector jobs, you need to make it cheaper and more attractive for companies to do business here……….. liberals will never agree to that. Vote republican!
  19. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Actually its the union bosses who are donating the money to the democratic coffers in favor of keeping the illegals here. They are easily sold on the idea of unions, they vote democrat by a huge majority when legalization status is acheived, they work hard and move to the job readily. They dont care if this leaves a legal citizen sitting at home without a job as long as that illegal is paying union dues. Its the unions who have advocated and donated big money to the democratic party for the legalization of all illegals. It would seem the unions these days are less concerned about workers than they are about achieving the leftist, socialist agenda. Your union dues go to: legalization of illegals advancement of special gay rights advancement of tax payer funded abortions advocation of bigger government with more control of your life advocation of higher taxes advocation of the gov red tape that costs billions and send jobs over seas. abolishment of your 2nd amendment rights the list goes on.......... I was a union member for 20 years and hated that my money went for these things. I finally got out and now I donate money in accordance with my beliefs..........to the other side.
  20. Rod38um

    Senate Bill 5

    Its pretty simple really. Public employees are employed by the taxpayer to do a job. As unemployment rises, fewer people are paying their wages. Most tax payers in the private sector have had to take wage cuts, benefit cuts and even a complete loss of pension in favor of a 401K just to stay employed. I know I have taken a substantial loss. But yet the people I employ, the public employees, continue to get healthy wage increases each year, have great benefits and pensions that exceed our ability to pay for them. The money must be borrowed......... It makes no sense to me. Our government doesnt have options like the private sector, If a union squeezes the private company too hard, they have options, they can move to a different country or go under..... thats happened thousands of times in this country, the government cant do that, they just get forced into raising taxes or borrowing and sticking our kids with the bill. Its ridiculous, I say do away with public employees unions altogether. If people arent making enough in public jobs, they will quit and officials will be forced to pay more in order to keep the job filled. It will all work out in the end....... Just need the unions out of the way so my tax dollars can be spent more wisely.
  21. The ninja 250 and the new Honda cbr 250 are both designed to learned on. They are under powered so they wont get away from you while you're learning to use the clutch. If thats what you need, then its a great place to start. If you have previous riding experience then you may want to start bigger. That being said, there is a very good market for these bikes and if you buy a used one a few years old, you most likely wont lose a dime on it when you sell it. At 77 MPG........ you may want to hang on to it..........
  22. Hmmm........ maybe its time for me to think about a new one!
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