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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." Some of the lawsuits over the dispute question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time. Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born. Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums estimated over $1 million to avoid releasing a state birth certificate that would put to rest the questions. The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny. Oddly, though congressional hearings were held to determine whether Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen," no controlling legal authority ever sought to verify Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth.
  2. Hmmm........ It seems socialism is failing worldwide. Why cant we all spend more than we have forever and ever??????????? I'm so sad............. irresponsibility is so much fun. Greek average retirement age is 51......... I want some of that! funded by someone else I dont know or care about........... I just wanna live in my own little world on somebody else's money!!!!!!!! Whats so wrong with that????? Caution..........extreme sarcasm used in above post!
  3. That explains why there are at least 2 ongoing legal battles over it.......... And I think he was born "Barry".... lol
  4. Thats a good video, I've seen her story before. I'm glad she's still willing to stand up and tell it. It must be a difficult thing to do again and again.
  5. People like her are irrational. Her web site states: "They're all law abiding citizens......... until they're not" With that reasoning, anyone with a penis is a law abiding citizen until we rape someone. I dont think we should outlaw or regulate who may operate a penis just because someone somewhere used one to rape someone. In her e-mail to you she states: "Many of us don't think it is normal to walk around with a weapon on you at all times because of unfounded fears." Actually people who carry typically think of it more like automobile insurance, you carry it, hoping you never have to use it, its protection, just in case the worst happens. Her fear of law abiding people having the ability to protect themselves is not only unfounded but irrational and misguided. If she is a law abiding citizen, she should have more fear of a world where the criminal is the only one with power over her life and death. The only way her position is not irrational is if she intends to do others harm or commit crimes against others whom she wishes to be unarmed.
  6. I wonder how she explains this: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126386923&ft=1&f=1003 Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and Chicago has a Ban on handguns.......... How could it get this bad when carrying a gun is prohibited by law!!!! LMAO Why wont the criminals follow the law?????? lol
  7. Does anyone know when that is to be voted on?...........expected to pass?
  8. I shot one a couple weeks ago.......I honestly wasn't very impressed. I thought it would be cool but.......... eh.....I'll stick with my 45 The .410 doesn't throw very much lead.......and it spreads out quickly........ better be in the same car with them if you expect to hit them.....
  9. Obviously you must be racist..... Oh wait.......... thats just an automatic response anytime someone with common sense says anything political.......... I'm sorry......... enjoy your lunch!
  10. I just have to say that I am encouraged by the response of other states. I understand that Texas is now proposing similar legislation and other states are talking about it as well. I hope that all states follow thru with something like this and are able to combat the problem of illegals. As more states crack down on them, the few states who dont will likely be so over-run with illegals that they will be forced into action as well. I just hope we can stave off the liberals who I'm sure will want to shove amnesty down our throats against the overwhelming majority, like they did healthcare........
  11. None of this has anything to do with race. It has to do with Legal / illegal You simply cant sustain having thousands of criminals running drugs and doing various crimes, non criminal types sucking up tax payer provided resources and not even paying taxes. You have to do something, no matter where they come from or what color they are. Its really getting old having liberals turn every issue into a race thing just to distract from the truth....... I'm amazed that people will put up with drug running, murder, kidnapping, rapes...... just to preserve a few liberal votes.
  12. Totally wrong, you cant be arrested on looks....... OMG some people!!! If a cop stops a car load of people and nobody can show ID and most cant speak english, then yes, they are going to be "detained" not arrested until it can be determined if they are legal or not. If you're legal, show your ID, If you cant, should be no problem to make a call....... Hell I've been detained for lack of ID ........ no big deal... If your niece is here legally, she should have no problem being in Arizona. If she's not..... hopefully someone will catch her and deport her......
  13. Totally off the mark...... apparently you have no clue as to what passed. Nothing in it makes it legal to discriminate. And Nobody is "coming " for any group. You've bought into the liberal spin hook line and sinker.
  14. Yeh, I know its an old thread......... But I just got bent over and raped by the state of ohio on this! $20 late fee for renewing my utility trailer tags. This is total BS........ I mean some years I haven't even tagged the thing. Its not the $20 that pisses me off. Its the idea of the whole thing. its just another way to screw the tax payer out of more money. This liitle stunt by bone head strickland has pushed me over the edge. I will now be on a mission to re-arrange my life so that I pay as little taxes to the state as I can. Every little thing from re-appraising my house for tax purposes to buying taxable items, groceries, and gas across the border in Kentucky. I know its just $20....... but thats really just the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. I've watched my income taxes go up, my property tax go up multiple times, sales tax go up, park fee's be added, registration of ATV's.......... the list goes on. And then to beat all..... the lady at the BMV told me after I wrote her a check that had it been a boat trailer, it would have been exempt.......... well hell! I've hauled my canoe on it before! Next year, it will be registered as a boat trailer or I'll get rid of it just on the principal of it all............ Ok........... I feel better now that I have ranted for a bit..............
  15. Cops would not have the horrible reputation they do if the extreme actions of a few were not defended by the many..... Policing your own goes a long way....... Anyone.......even us "civilians" just want to be treated with respect. And you didnt come off as cranky or grumpy......
  16. We seem to have a habit of hiring police officers who have a bully type of personality. What kills me is no matter how many times you show video of cops beating some poor innocent person or tasering an already subdued person just for kicks. there will be a dozen officers speak up and defend those actions as justified. (In fear of a motorcycle backing away).......well hell, if he had tried to get away from the percieved car jacker, would that have justified shooting him? I sure wish they would hire people with a brain instead of the wide eyed idiot mumbling "badge and gun" "badge and gun" "yeh, yeh" "badge and gun"
  17. Nice demonstration!!! I like their determination! Actually the french kinda have a reputation for bitching, whining, demonstrating and generally running their mouths.......... its when push comes to shove that they just.... well.....lay down... lol
  18. ST's are in my opinion the best bike to meet all your needs. Its not the greatest at anything but it suites all needs reasonably well and even out-performs some specialty bikes in their own market. Powerful, handles well, removable luggage, decent wind protection............ great bike.......... I loved mine. I hope you find a way to get one!
  19. LMAO......... sure....... more government involvement = less fraud.......... Nobody cheats the government...........
  20. Just goes to show.... you don't have to be able to spell to be smarter than the president........
  21. I for one, appreciate people posting pics of "their" guns. I like guns! I like to see what others are shooting. I like to see their mods. I like to share pics of mine..... Perhaps if you didnt equate your manhood with a weapon or lack there of....... you could understand guns and shooting as others do...... a hobby..... an interest..... a way of life. Something people enjoy sharing info on and yes....pics
  22. Most people dont shoot enough rifle rounds to justify the cost. Hand gun rounds though......... you can go thru a bunch pretty fast. I go thru about 200 45ACP a week..... load prgressive, it pays....
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