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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. If he uses kmh he's not British. He's just spamming his ambulance-chasing boyfriend.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3NR528ffxw Thoughts? As far as I'm concerned: - The officer was not disrepectful in the portions of the video that were shown. - I don't care what her job is - that doesn't absolve her from following lawful orders. Did the think they'd say; "Professor? Oh, on your way then..." - With two officers there it's unfortunate that they had to take her to the ground and coudln't control here while standing - although that's an observation, not a criticism. - If her dress hiked up during this then so be it. Is she claiming intent? - She has no right to kick the officer. She said he was "reaching for her anatomy" which sound like a claim her lawyer and her thought up later. Is she claiming he was trying to molest her? - Dunno if her kick rises to a felony level - Does that state really require non-drivers to show id or be arrested? Not all states do. - Another perfect example of the old adage "If you think you are being wrongfully arrested then just go with it and let your lawyer fix it later." Resisting the police is never a good answer because even if you win, you lose. More so, in fact. I see nothing wrong with the officer's actions here. If anything, the situation would have been resolved sooner without her being thrown to the ground if he'd been MORE aggressive getting her hand behind her back.
  3. Hmmm... But if it doesn't work, then what? At least the sand/lead shot can be removed again.
  4. That would be great for a night visibility / safety thing.
  5. I didn't mean to suggest you were on his side. Just pointing out that some of the proffered options were not available to me - specifically letting him pass (unless I go over the fog line) and speeding up. Slowing down was the best option, but I took it too far. Doesn't excuse him intentionally running me off the freeway, but it gives me something to think about next time.
  6. On a more reassuring note - when the white pickup further down the road tried to block me in, I was able to get around him, and as I watched in my mirror he himself was intentionally blocked in by a black car, giving me enough of a head start that I could lose the pickup. At the top of the freeway ramp he was 5 cars behind me and being able to lane-split through stopped traffic meant he was stopped dead and I was free to depart the area safely. Dunno who that car was, but I owe him a beer.
  7. A reasonable suggestion. In the same situation I would either pull over to the fogline and let him past, or create only enough distance ahead of me that both the truck and I have a safe stopping distance, but then keep up with traffic speed. Oh, and get my rear-facing camera working.
  8. I would argue that a full size pickup tailgating a bike by less than a truck length at freeway speed is a more that simply "annoying". Textbook response in a situation where you cannot pull over is to slow down. When I did he got closer, less than 6' from my tire. So what then? Just let him stay there? I continued to slow to a speed where it was safe for his following distance, which was very slow. When he stopped I gunned it to put distance between us again, and merged to a different lane to get out if his way. How would you handle a tailgater at less than a truck length at freeway speed where pulling over is not an option?
  9. So, this has been going on for a while but there was one thing here that I wanted people's thoughts on... http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/29/justice/georgia-toddler-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Is it important either way that he researched hot car deaths? When my son was that age I wound up with "daycare duty" 100%. In fact I did daycare duty from age 3mo until elementary school (private kindergarten) exclusively apart from a 1yr period where my wife and I worked at the same company and we carpooled so I still drove him to daycare, but we had two of us so the chances of forgetting him were much lower. During this time, the thought of me accidentally leaving him in the car was *always* in my mind. I researched hot cars deaths myself - every time there was a story I'd read up all about it to understand why it happened. I used tricks like putting my laptop in the back seat next to his baby seat so that if I made it to work and forgot him then I'd see him when I got my laptop. I always parked in the covered parking when I worked st the company that had it so that if I forgot him the car would stay cooler. I researched different technologies for reminders and even tried to come up with a way to wire up the buckle in the baby seat to the same chime in the car that remind you you left your lights on. I remember wondering why the car seat companies didn't work with the car manufacturers on a way of using the metal LATCH bars as electrical contact for a seatbelt sensor in the baby seat that would honk the horn if the doors were locked and the engine was off for more than one minute... So, to say that him researching hot car deaths is a sign of guilt is not something I agree with. I researched the crap out of hot car deaths for exactly the same reason he stated. Not saying that he's innocent, just saying that the research is not suspicious at all to me. The things I have problems with are him being 100% daycare duty and forgetting despite having an onsite daycare, AND going back to the car at lunchtime and not seeing him. I'd like to see how the seat was arranged in the car - could it be seen from the open driver's driver's door?
  10. ...until he brake checks you... If he's willing to run me off the freeway, I don't wanna be behind him.
  11. You mean the 3 shitty chinese non-name ebay cameras of which only one actually gave me video - and even that was blotchy? No, he must not have seen them.
  12. So, assuming the textbook answer is a great way to become road pizza, let's consider alternatives to "slowing down"... - Pull onto the fog line and let him pass - Accelerate ahead in traffic, passing illegally - Let him tailgate me until I can safely move away
  13. In all seriousness... I know a lady whose husband got into a road rage thing with a biker while driving his truck. How it started was unclear, but the result was that the biker pulled up alongside him and and pointed a gun at him. The biker spent two years in jail.
  14. That was my answer too - but the slower I got the closer he got. I couldn't move to the sides, and I couldn't accelerate away (until after I started slowing). Where do I go? Put myself near a crash barrier and hope he doesn't sideswipe me on the way past? Here's my confusion. I do the "right" thing, and it nearly gets me run off the freeway. If I pass and skip forward one car then I risk pissing off THAT guy too. I tapped my brakes a couple of times leading up to slowing down - no response. I have his tags, yes. He actually caught back up with me further down the freeway and he and another pickup tried to box me in, so I wound up lane-splitting through stopped traffic to get away.
  15. I know I have to learn from this. What could I have differently? At what time point in the video? Bear in mind that he was tailgating me from the first second of the video.
  16. Are you suggesting the officer who threw the flashbang aimed it with the explicit intention of harming the child? Or, as I suspect, did he throw the flashbang into a dark room and the presence of the crib was unknown to him? Anyone who engages in a pattern of criminal activity such that a police raid would be the expected result... Well, they should not be surprised when they get raided.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0tGYsw5gE
  18. I had seen a video a few months back where dogs and cat were tested to see how they see owners. Dogs invariably saw owners as a source of companionship and would prefer the owner's company to that of strangers, whereas cats saw owners as a source of food and would ignore the owner if another person gave them food. That said, this cat clearly saw the child as needing protection, which runs counter to the previous study. Interesting.
  19. "700 TV Lines" in the camera is misleading. NTSC only allows 525 scan lines. How many frames per second per camera? The best systems are 30fps per camera. Cheaper systems will quote 30, 60 etc but that is system wide. 30fps on an 8 camera system would be 3-4fps per camera.
  20. Or people keeping in touch with extended families in another country....?
  21. Feces pizza? Can't imagine anyone avoiding that place.
  22. Clench or clinch? One means to grab (eg hands) the other means to squeeze (eg butt cheeks)
  23. I have decided I am going to do push-ups at the top of every hour I am awake. My black belt test is in 4 months and I have to do 100 push-ups in 2mins as part of the test. Training for my brown belt I got to 75. Now I'm back to 50-ish. For now, each hour I am doing 10. Hope to get up to being able to do 40 or 50 per hour.
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