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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. I had a dealer refuse an entire bike purchase on CC but was ok with the deposit on CC. I guess they have to put a % on the transaction so at $7k that couple of % makes a big difference. Just gave them a cashier check instead. I put my new central A/C and new windows on my CC the same month - that came to $15k. Surprised the bank didn't call me to verify. pPaid it off when the bill came in and got an ipod touch using the reward points from that one month.
  2. Front and rear camera are "Orange menu" GS1000 cameras at $120 each. The interior facing camera cost about $80 and will record in case of theft or break-in. The power controller (to allow the cameras to run while the engine is off but also prevent the cameras running the battery flat) was about $20. The switchbox that flipped to the backup camera was $12. Took a few hours to get it all wired up factory quality running behind carpets (removed the seats and interior trim to run the wires. The cameras have GPS and a G-force sensor. Time/Date/Speed is imprinted permanently on the video image and there is also a gps/gforce data file tied with each video file that you can use the supplied software to overlay your speed, g-force graphs and video image on google maps. This is black-box level evidence. If you are not at fault, this will save your butt. Conversely, if you ARE at fault and the video is used then you have zero defense. Video quality from the front-facing camera (switch to 1080p fullscreen) The very minimum I would recommend to anyone is to simply get a front-facing GS1000 "Orange Menu" (there are different clones with blue and grey menus that are not as good video quality) and plug it into your cig lighter. $120 for the camera, $30 for the class10 32GB micro sd. So for $150 you are covered if there is ever question about your speed, lane position, color of traffic light etc. My informal research shows the most common causes of accidents being ruled "fault undetermined" (or even being ruled 100% the fault of the innocent driver) are: - Disputes over the color of the traffic light. (Was it yellow or red? Both cars claim green etc) - Disputes over which vehicle left its lane (when vehicles in two adjacent lanes sideswipe each other. Less common are cases where: - The location of the accident is disputed (because the at-fault driver drove over a painted gore/solid line and claims the accident happened further down the road where that maneuver would have been legal) - A multiple rear-ender where the middle cars try to deny driving into the car in front of it. (instead they claim they were "pushed" into the car in front, unfairly transferring liability for the damage it did by rear-ending the car in front of it to the car behind it) - A rear-ender where the car at the back claims the car in front reversed into them The new setup video references an old camera system that I just removed - it was an Aver EB1304MOB 4cannel CIF resolution (320x240) that was the size of a VCR and designed to be installed in a bus so you can see why 1920x1080 is insanely better.
  3. ABS is awesome. No need to worry about managing traction while you are already in a panic situation - just throw out the anchor. Sure, racers can do that without thinking, but most of us are not racers and don't decelerate at the threshold of traction on a regular basis. Just like a guy who does IDPA could probably shoot multiple attackers very quickly and accurately, but the rest of us probably only get to the range one a month or less.
  4. I loaned my mother several thousand dollars once. I told her it was a loan but inside I told myself it was a gift. I never expected a penny back. I always go into money lending to family assuming I won't get it back, and won't lend enough that it would piss me off to lose.
  5. I brought up streetview for the intersection. 1200 feet of visibility. For the bike to be out of view when she set off he'd have to be traveling at ~200mph if it took her 4 seconds he claimed it took her to travel the 15 feet to the impact point. If it took her a more reasonable 2 seconds then he's have to be doing ~400 mph. He's still convinced the bike was out of sight when she set off. Math and logic be damned,
  6. Someone just told me to watch that. Gotta look it up.
  7. Spoke with a guy today about an accident his daughter was in, he was asking me if there's any way to defend liability. I read the police report - simple accident, she pulled out from a stop sign into the path of a motorcycle. She got a FTOTCD/stop-sign ticket and he got a ride to the hospital. Simple enough, right? He argued the bike was speeding. I told him he was going to lose unless he could *prove* the bike was traveling so fast that it was not visible when she pulled out and it came into view only after she started her turn. He said; "The bike was speeding." I asked him how he knew that. he said; "It's a motorcycle - they all speed all the time." He was serious. I tried to talk him through it logically, arguing that he was not there and that the bike would have to have been doing 200mph to be out of sight of the stop sign at the moment the car set off and still hit the car. I jokingly said; "200mph is pretty fast. Was the guy killed?" His response; "I wish he had been." And he was serious. He went on to argue that he once saw a bike speeding around a roundabout, and that "they all do it". I read him an excerpt from the police report: "Unit 1 driver stated she did not see the bike and that the accident was all her fault." I hope this is not a common opinion from cagers.
  8. I guess the difference is the worst I ever did was speed. I usually only ever interact with cops when I call them (crime victim or traffic accident). I know more than 10 cops personally (outside of their job) and have trained MA with some of them. They're just people. I have never had a cop take a 'professional' interest in me except for when I have been speeding. Even then they have been nice enough about it. Oh, and I'm gonna be 40 next year, so I've had plenty time to piss them off. I just haven't managed to do so thus far.
  9. Dunno what to tell you. Only ever had a problem with one cop and that was because I cussed him out (young and stupid). Every other cop I've spoken to has been fine.
  10. How fast were you going? What was the limit? Is this your second ticket in 12 months?
  11. Scruit

    Shooting at LAX

    Cali time. 12:30 our time.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/01/us/lax-gunfire/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Live feed: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/cvptve/cvpstream1.html
  13. That is the old Cincy ordinance 708-37 that was invalidated by statewide preemption in ORC 9.68
  14. Why? I dislike the actions of this cop. I don't hate all cops because of it. That kind of thinking is why people dislike bikers after seeing a squid, or want to ban all guns because of a few idiots.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2013/10/31/dnt-officer-charged-in-alleged-dui-suspect-abuse.wgnskokie-police-department-cassandra-feuerstein.html Discuss? I think it's pretty clear that the officer needs to be charged for this... I'd like to see any video supporting the officer's assertion that the lady was resisting, because the video inside the cell is pretty damning. I'd also like to see video of other officers placing people in cells. Is that push normal or abnormal? Are they trained to push to prevent the person immediately turning and trying to get back out the door? Or was he pushing her because he lost his cool with her? At this point I'm 99% that he should be convicted - leaving 1% for the possibility of new evidence. The dept needs to pay for her medical costs etc. I wonder what the cop thought when he saw the extent of her injuries. Facial fractures requiring a titanium plate and reconstructive surgeries. "Might as well turn my badge and gun in right now." A person doesn't quit being a person just because they are in jail. They are still to be treated as human beings.
  16. Scruit

    Just shoot him?

    Even seen an industrial potato peeling machine? Imagine a large cylinder with a sanding disk where the floor would be. You throw about 50 potatoes in and they tumble around, when they hit the bottom they have a bit of skin sanded off. They stay in there long enough, they have ALL of the skin sanded off. So, who wants to help fund my kickstarter project for a human-sized peeler for child molesters? We could give them a bunch of painkillers first so it's not "cruel". Although I can't argue the assertion that is it quite "unusual". Failing that, human-sized microwave? (Yes, I know that the more harsh a punishment the more desperate a criminal is and the more extreme measures they will take to escape the cops. But that's ok because we don't allow cops to use force against bad guys until the bad guy has already killed them and they have been dead for no less than 30 minutes)
  17. Illegal under, I believe, ORC 2923.11(E) Can you PERMANENTLY modify it to only accept 30 rounds? If not then the pistol becomes an "automatic weapon".
  18. Bike was listed as stolen. http://www.myfox28columbus.com/shared/news/features/top-stories/stories/wtte_motorcycle-fatal-franklin-co-crash-reported-stolen-27146.shtml
  19. Scruit

    Just shoot him?

    Brazen Bull. /thread
  20. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/10/28/ohio-death-penalty-new-method-two-drugs.html Why experiment? Shoot him in the head. It'll be lights out before he knows it. Or use one of those bolt guns they use to stun/kill cattle. If it is "humane" enough for cattle then it's fine for humans too.
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