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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. How about requiring officer be killed before they can shoot? Then the dead officer can come back and haunt the BG.
  2. Saw an oncoming van hit a turkey vulture about 6 mo ago. Broke his windshield. Glad it wasn't me.
  3. It's rare for a car occupant to die in a car/bike accident. First guess would be that either the bike was going fast enough to torpedo the car, or the car lost control and was involved in a secondary collision after the collision with the bike. RIP. Gotta be a pretty hardcore biker to be on the road at these temps. EDIT: http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/10/28/columbus-motorcylce-crash-westerville-road.html Car turned left in front of biker. Unknown who was at fault (traffic light status etc) Looks like the bike torpedoed the passenger door. Anyone know the speed limit on Westerville Road at Albert Ave?
  4. Like your excuse is any better? ... People make mistakes.
  5. Have you changed the default doc? I can't reach the main forum list. When I click on the Forums tab I expect to go to http://ohioriders.net/index.php (list of all forums) but instead I get to http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/page/index.html (recent posts).
  6. They will always lowball the first offer, but it's usually best to take the second offer. They don't care about lawyer threats, they hear it multiple times a day from one or both sides. That's like threatening a cop that you will fight the ticket in court. You're not gonna make him wet his pants. (You'd need to be a 13yo with an airsoft rifle to do that) A 2001 Blast KBB's for about 1500, right? And they are offering you 3500? Sounds like they are giving you something for those parts. BUT.... A vehicle is expected to have certain things. If I wreck my my car a month after putting $1k of new tires on it then I am not going to get that $1k back. Same with things like exhaust etc. Extra parts that are not factory should be able to be removed from the slavage and retained by yourself for your next bike (if you buy another blast). They will let you keep the salvage for $2800? Can you fix it for $2800? Some of the things an insurance company will total for are perfectly acceptable to most folks. Insurance may total a hail-damaged car but the owner may just take the check and keep the car because they don't car about the hail damage. Or the owner may take the check and fix it on the cheap. I had an old Volvo totalled out because I got my 3 estimates from Volvo dealers. Their cost to replace the control arm and bushings was about $1k, what the car was worth. They totalled it, I opted for the check & wreck, bought a junkyard control arm/new bushings for $50 total installed it all myself. $950 profit, and the car was fixed good as new.
  7. They will DEFEND you from a 3rd party claim. That is liability. Even with collision coverage your insurance company won't sue FOR YOU. They will pay your claim under your collision cover then SUBROGATE the claim to the other insurance. They will argue back and forth then possible go to ARBITRATION. The subrogation may go to a lawsuit if needed (especially against uninsuired drivers - insurance companies use binding arbitration hearings, they don't sue each other for the small stuff) If the arbitration/lawsuit is successful then you'll get your collision deductible back. An uninsured driver found at fault may have their license suspended until they make a payment arrangement with the insurer/other driver. Your insurance company won't simply buy you a lawyer for property damage. Now as far as injuries go, that's outside my experience.
  8. Scruit

    Zombie question

    Yep. Better to be a zombie then have the world think you're a woman-beater.
  9. Scruit

    Zombie question

    The rules differ in different films. In "Zombie Night" the dead rose as zombies just by virtue of being dead. No bites no nothing. Being bitten does not make you a zombie. One lady died of a heart attack and became a zombie.
  10. It's all going to depend on what the kid did. Unless there is a dashcam we cannot know. We cannot assume it was correct or incorrect.
  11. Here is what happens when an officer doesn't shoot until shot at: Officer killed.
  12. Are you assuming they knew his age? Have you ever seen video of police shootings? Or criminals? Once that first shot is fired the next 5 or 6 can come in under a second. I just feel it is ridiculous to require a policeman be shot at before he can respond.
  13. Unless we see the dashcam we are not going to know if it was reasonable to consider him a threat.
  14. I want to see the dashcam. I want to see proof that the kid turned towards them. His age is irrelevant. A 12yo shot and killed someone just hours before this - I'm sure nobody would question shooting that 12yo to stop him killing his teacher. The fact that the gun is fake is irrelevant. It looks real. The only thing that is relevant is "would a reasonable person believe the person with the gun was about to shoot them". How was he carrying it? Slung over his back? In his hands in a non-threatening manner or both hands in traditional shooting style like he is about to shoot someone?
  15. If the BG is threatening a civillian then does the officer need to wait until the civilian is shot before shooting? If Yes: No point having police then. If No: Giving someone a badge makes their lives worth less than ours. In all honesty, if they rules that and cop has to be shot* before returning fire then I'd be watching for a biblical exodus of people away from LE careers. *I know you said "shot at" but if the BG knows the cops won't shoot until shot at then the BG also knows he has time to aim and make that first shot count.
  16. Do you think his vest would protect him against a 7.62mm from an AK47?
  17. Teaching them the opposite is a great way to ensure more dead cops.
  18. Trying to explain the concept of zombies to my 9yo. He raised an interesting question: "If you can kill a zombie by destroying its brain, and if zombies eat your brains... then how can you become a zombie yourself? Your brain was already destroyed by being eaten."
  19. Not sure I understand the funnay?
  20. The process of designing and building the demo increased his knowledge of how Tesla coils work. Why build anything that is cool but useless? Vehicles used in serious car audio competitions are useless for driving but the process of building them is a journey of discovery and understanding.
  21. Really poor grammar makes you look stupid. Although, who cares? We all make grammar mistakes. English is an imprecise and overly-technical language with crappy rules full of exceptions based upon regionally diverse phonetic spelling and grammar conventions that were never even written down for hundreds of years and hardly agreed upon even then. Pointing it out is the last refuge of someone who has no further logical arguments to make. Perfectly valid to call it out for ironic purposes though. Never forget that when it comes to grammar no truer words have been spoken than: Judge not, lest ye be judged.
  22. There are things that we can discuss. Does the rifle look real? Should they have been able to tell it was an airsoft gun?
  23. This is ORDN. We have no patience for logic or critical thinking.
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