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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Someone needs to go to jail for a very long time. - If he DID do it, then throw away the key. - If she is lying, then she should get the same jail time that he would have been given.
  2. I would agree. I find it confusing that he was not only arrested but repotedly *charged*, however the alleged victim was returned to his home/care.
  3. TMZ has a little more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/11/sons-of-guns-will-hayden-arrested-child-molestation/
  4. http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/26249790/sons-of-guns-cast-member-arrested-charged-with-molestation-of-a-juvenile All I will say is that he is innocent until proven guilty, just like everyone else in this great country.
  5. I saw a story that said Stewart had a GoPro in his car. If that is true then that should help clear up the question of what he could and could not see.
  6. Difficult to make a decision on intent from the video because you can't see Stewart's car until immediately prior to the collision. What we can say for sure is the kid chose to run out in front of cars on a racetrack. That seems, to me, to be a pretty stupid thing to do. (regardless of how many other people do it)
  7. Scruit

    Good News thread:

    Got my shodan / black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate this past weekend.
  8. If you have a traffic ticket on that plate then your home address can be found on online court records sites that allow a plate search. Nice bike, easy to find.
  9. Get an insurance quote before you buy it. My quote for VStrom 650 was 250/yr. Busa would have been 3250/yr.
  10. Noting wrong with any festival organized by any group unless their mission is to hurt another group. I liked the post above about Gay Pride being an acceptable name but White Pride is not. Why is that? To suggest that white straight guys should not be allowed to have a festival because they have not struggled in life is a screaming example of prejudice in and of itself. I was one of four boys raised by a single mother on the poverty line. My childhood was certainly not one of privilege.
  11. Gear is not expensive clothing... ... It is cheap skin.
  12. Scruit

    VIN Search?

    Huh. I'll try that. I gotta talk to him to get the insurance bumped from state minimums back up to regular coverage as I'll be driving it again soon.
  13. That's all part of the plan. They are getting rid of the double suicide merge and replacing it with a couple of flyovers so that if you want to go from eastbound 270 to southbound 23 you go into a different walled-off lane from if you want to go from eastbound 270 to northbound 23. This ensure that the suicide merge is only ever one lane merging with one other lane, not two lanes merging with three. Check out the green lines on page 3 on this presentation: http://www.dot.state.oh.us/projects/I-270/Documents/Presentations/April%2010%202014%20Prop.%20Owners%20Presentation.pdf Looks like no funding available until 2020 though.
  14. Not a bike, bit is an example of poor maintenance. Here are some ujoint cups from my truck. Yes, the cup on the right still has its needle bearings in there!
  15. They are now reporting that as a pedestrian she was not required to show ID...
  16. I was on the fence with this originally, saying the early reports of his internet research on hot car deaths was not unusual as I had done the same thing myself... But the new searches about surviving in prison and living a kid-free life are difficult to explain away as innocent. He got a call from daycare while he was at work - I can't imagine that not reminding him. The kicker for me was the fact that he drove from work to another parking lot before 'discovering' the child. Bullshit. First responders said the car reeked of cooked flesh and it's impossible to have not noticed that upon opening the door at his office. Having said that, he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And if found guilty, an eye for an eye.
  17. Scruit

    Garage security

    Serious stuff out the way first: - You cannot use deadly force to protect property and castle doctrine does not extend to a detached non-dwelling building. Going out there with a gun to stop your stuff from being stolen is a decision you may find yourself explaining to a judge. - Booby traps - even non-lethal ones, may be triggered by people with a legitimate reason to be there. Think firefighter responding to a call about your garage, police investigating another break-in before they can reach you or helpful neighbor who finds your door ripped open and is trying to secure it for you... For immediate security - if the door cannot lock then there's nothing wrong with screwing it shut until you can do proper repairs. Cameras will only give you the opportunity to catch grainy images of the asswipes taking your stuff. Unless you can get a license plate (and hope the car is not stolen) you're out of luck. My advice would be a combination of "Slow them down" and "Make lots of noise". Any kind of loud alarm is going to help attract the kind of attention burglars don't want, but if they can get in and out in seconds then who cares, right? If you make it take 10 minutes to break in but they can do it quietly in the dark then who cares? Now, are they going to spend 10 minutes while a loud alarm is going off? Maybe, but it's your best chance. Secure your hinges and striker plate into the studs with 4" screws, no the 1" crap they send with the striker plate. I chiseled out the door jamb 1' above and below the striker plate so I could flush-mount a 1/8" strip of weldable steel in there instead of the factory striker. No prying that. I have multiple deadbolts too, not just 1. My workshop is also connected to my monitored alarm system and I have cameras inside and outside the workshop that I can view live on my phone or from any PC, so if I get a call from the alarm company I can report it as a actual burglary versus a false alarm. Oh, and my big air compressor no longer has wheels. It is bolted the ground with 4x 600lb concrete anchors. :-)
  18. Scruit

    VIN Search?

    Anyone got an active carfax account that can run a VIN for me? My '87 Bronco odo shows 15k miles, but it's a 5-digit odo and my title shows "exceeded". I'm trying to figure out if it's done 115k or 215k. PM me if you can, I'll pm the VIN. Thanks!
  19. I once exited from 270 at Rt3 on the north side and came across a large pickup that had apparently shed its load of broken up concrete blocks (like from a driveway demo job) all over the exit ramp to rt3 southbound. Clearly at least of ton of concrete that they were trying to load back into their truck. They were still there an hour later on my way back.
  20. Are you thinking non-ABS bike, locked up rear, and instinctively let the brake off but the back wheel was out of it's track and letting it roll again made the wheel snap back into line, causing the high side? That's what I'm thinking...
  21. Riding without a helmet is a choice. A fucking stupid choice, mind.
  22. Glad someone else gets it too. I totally agree with you. I copied the headline directly from the news report, kept it in there to tie it with the way it is being reported on the news so we'd all kjnow it was the same story. I originally started the post with; "Sorry about the overly-dramatic title that gives you a false impression of what really happened, but it's verbatim from the news" but figured my post was too long already and that was one of the things cut out. Don't forget this tactic is used against police too; "Grandmother tased for speeding" (No, grandmother pulled over for speeding, refused to give id, refused to get out of the car for her id-refusal arrest and tased because she refused to get out of the car...) I generally don't hear people arguing against the dramatic BS titles when the police are the ones maligned by it...?
  23. Cliffs: Driver stopped in left lane of highway to try to rescue ducklings that were in the roadway. Her stopped vehicle, with no hazard lights according to witnesses, was struck by two bikes. Father/daughter on one bike died. She was found guilty of their form of "negligent homicide", and the max sentence possible is life in prison. Thoughts? Firstly, the factors I consider to be relevant / irrelevant: Irrelevant: - The bikes. They were vehicles. They get no special sympathy for being bikers, nor do they get special criticism for driving a vehicle where death is a more likely outcome from a serious crash. They were driving, they were killed. - The ducks. I don't care that she was saving ducks. She stopped her vehicle in the left lane for a reason that was not an emergency and created an unreasonable risk of injury or death to other road users given the circumstances. What she was doing was not relevant. Relevant: - Why did the bikes hit the back of a stopped car? If she was stopped and out of he car then they should not have been taken by surprise, right? They should have seen the car. This happened during the day. Possibly she was standing in the other lane giving the bikers a choice between hitting her or hitting her car, but that is speculation on my part... I still don't understand why they did not see her and stop. - She stopped in the left lane of the highway for a non-emergency reason and created a danger that did not exist before she stopped. Sorry about the ducks, but human life is more valuable than a wild animals. Suck it, PETA. What could she have done instead? - Stopped on the shoulder (if no shoulder, keep going) - Continued driving and called the police I understand the guilty verdict and agree that she was criminally negligent. Don't forget that negligence is "the failure to consider the obvious risks created by what you are doing". What she was doing was very, very risky and it never entered her head. (If she continued despite being aware of the risk, that is recklessness) What would an appropriate punishment be? I'm torn between "sending a message" and having sympathy for a person who acted without a moment's ill will. Knowing that the victim's widow is against serious punishment makes it harder to "throw away the key", so to speak. I suspect a year or two in prison is a more fitting punishment. It's difficult to strike that balance. You have to imagine it was your spouse or child who stopped to "save the ducks", but you also have to imagine it was your spouse or child killed. I don't think any outcome is the "right" outcome for anyone involved. There is no right answer here, only the least-wrong one.
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