Bike was too fast for the road. He was riding way too fast in the left lane despite knowing the truck was stopping, so his intent must have been to switch to the middle lane - but the silver SUV was already (legally) in the middle lane. Even if the SUV had not changed lanes from the middle to the left the bike would still have wrecked - either into the back of the stopping truck or it would have have to switch to the middle lane where the SUV was. His only way out would be to lane split. How far back is the SUV expected to look before changing lanes? Hypothetically if the bike was doing 200 mph then the suv driver would not be expected to look far enough back to see him. What about 100mph? 75mph? If everyone else is flowing with traffic and you want to change lanes to the left lane, how far back to you look? I don't double-lane-change specifically to ensure I have time to pause and check my mirror as far back as I can - still, I may not see a bike going significantly over the speed limit.