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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. As far as I am concerned: - If his doctor says he's good to go then he's good to go. - If his doctor says he is a danger to the public then he should be barred from owning guns, get rid of all guns that he can access (family members can use a safe that he cannot access) and be flagged in NICS. He also should be allowed a well-functioning appeals process if he disagrees with the doctor. We're talkign about the recent gun debate being a deflection from one of the larger issues, mental health. Here's where we address it. Mental health records should go to NICS so people who have been deemed dangerous by a doctor who has examined them and knows their condition are not allowed to own guns. We also need to accept that some conditions are stigmatized inappropriately. If a person is bipolar they may or may not be dangerous when they are in a mood swing - that's something that family/friends/doctor have a better idea about than some zero-tolerance law on all "bipolar" spectrum disorders. People similarly have heard of famous shooters who have autism and say "why does an autistic person have a gun?" Well, because autism is very poorly understood by those not connected to it, and does not actually have any associated unusual risk of violence.
  2. Has he had any violent episodes since starting to take meds? (ie, Has he ever gone-off-his-meds, or have his meds been shown to be ineffective?) Define "irrational'. Does he maintain his grasp on reality but act more angry than a normal person would? or does he lose touch with reality and base his decisions upon things that don't exist? Example: On my law exam I had a question about a woman who believed the driver of the car in fron of her was the devil and she rammed him off the road and tried to kill him. That woudl be a case where she is acting under an understanding of the world that is not correct. In another case a man who was prone to losing his temper killed someone over something minor that anyone else would be simply 'annoyed" by, but his understanding who the people around him were, what had happened to make him angry etc were all correct and appropriate - it was his reaction that was over-the-top. Think of those people who wind up on the news because they beat up a McDonald's worked because they had no onion rings, as opposed to someone who beats up the McDonald's worked because he believes the onion rings are poisoned.
  3. You need a doctor's note to say that your symptoms have been under control for 6 months, and that you can be relied upon to take your meds, to get an unrestricted license. You need to further renew each year with a doctor's note.
  4. If he "goes off his meds" then will he be a danger to people?
  5. Magz, Don't worry about stray bullets hitting you. Just elbow them out of the air. Love 'n hugs, Scruit
  6. Try it on yourself. Report your findings.
  7. Those sites don't trump federal law. If the gun is shipped it has to be shipped to an FFL. In-person sales are ok.
  8. I consider leaving a loaded gun where a 5yo can find it be exactly as dangerous as leaving a table saw (or chipper, thresher, drill press etc) running where a 5yo can get at it. If this child had been killed by a chipper, would you blame the chipper or the parent?
  9. I've seen a guy riding with his leg in a full cast, foot pretty much touching the ground at traffic speeds. Little surprises me these days.
  10. Been done. I showed this pic to my dentist (told her I just placed the seat on the bike to take a silly pic in response to a friend's question of "how are you going to carry your son on a bike??") The dentist actually called my wife behind my back and interrogated her about if the pic was real.
  11. They were charged with helping him hide evidence, not related directly to the bombing itself.
  12. Missing some important bones. No kneecaps? Looks totally fake.
  13. She broke everything. Getting better though
  14. He would have civil immunity too, if he invoked it and it was accepted. I suspect he will make a full self defense claim in the criminal trial, then invoke SYG against any civil trial.
  15. I suspect they'd rather get him a "not guilty" verdict than have him face the lifetime stigma of "getting off on a technicality"
  16. Zombie thread wants to eat your brains... http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/30/justice/florida-zimmerman-defense/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Zimmerman is not pursing immunity under stand-your-ground. He's offering a simple self-defense claim. Jury trial to start June 10th. Stand-your-ground is irrelevant in this case. His claim is that he fired the fatal shot while he was pinned to the ground and being punched. Stand Your Ground removes the duty to flee, his claim is that he could not flee.
  17. For the sake of your loved ones, try harder. I begged her to quit for years. She gave me excuses like stress, that I didn't understand how difficult it was, how she had no willpower etc. I begged her to quit so that she would be around to see her grandchildren. I found out after she died that she was so desperate to have grandkids that she put every spare penny into a separate bank account so she could afford a plane ticket to come and see her first grandchild (she would have flown from the UK to Ohio) and spend some time here to help out. She was never rich so it took her several years to save up for a plane ticket. She never met my son - she rode her can't-quit excuses to the grave 3 years before he was born. All I have is a couple of pictures of her, one which sits above my monitor as I type here. Do what you need to do, but every time the craving hits you need to look at your loved ones and remind yourself that you are doing it for them, not just for yourself. Off my high horse now. Sorry.
  18. My mother found a 100% fool-proof way to quit. Smoking killed her. Pretty effective. Never did touch another cig after that. Sucks to be 25 years old and burying your mother.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io2YpXLycIU
  20. on a similar topic - when I put my truck back together (just a frame in my workshop right now) I'm going to paid "Aww CRAP!" on the bottom of the t-case skid plate. I'm sure It'll provide some fleeting amusement if I ever roll it.
  21. The bb gun alone should have been enough to kill the squirrel, no?
  22. I know that... But to spell beer, the upside-down word would have to be jeeq, not jeep.
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