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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. 12 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

    Yes that is a truly epic section there.  I am surprised if you have never been on that section before!  Be sure to stop at the old barn just west of 555 on the north side of the road by the abandoned looking white aluminum siding 1 story house. That view is comparable to many places on the Blue Ridge Parkway honestly (not as much the areas around Asheville NC however, but BREATHTAKING and unbelievable that the view in front of you is in Ohio).  Most of 78 is obscured by trees but the further east you get on that section, the more quick little peeps you can get through the trees until you have a couple of very great scenic panorama views nearing 555.

    We love to take 377 south of there to 555 and 676 and that great little stretch of 550.  or 78 to the river and north to 669 west. Great stretch on 669. 555 north of 78 is good for 555, and takes you directly to the best stretch of 669 east to the river, but 669 is pretty decent for a little ways west of 555 as well.

    Good to hear from you Chuck.You ever hit Tatmans Rd off of 669 near Crooksville.It runs south to 37,jogs a little with 37 and then runs south to 13.If you take a hard uphill right onto 13 ,which was paved last year,you can hit the only good part of 13 as it takes you over  to Moxahala and Congo Rd.Congo isn't real tight,but it is a fun sweeper road and it was paved last year.Congo T's into 155 and if you take a left it will take over to 13 at Corning a little north of 78 at Glouster.

    That's some good stuff if you're in the area and another fun way to get to the best part of 78.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Wojo72 said:

    I like it much more with the 09 headlight.  I do wonder if the front bodywork of the FZ10 deflects air up or around the rider or if it's just a big plastic bug catcher.

    I checked with Yamaha out in Cypress....it's a Zombie removal device,very loosely based on the old cattle catchers on trains.Sadly it's not approved for deer.

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  3. 8 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    What I would give to just roll out of my driveway onto a good road.....or hell, even be 30 min from them.


    Edit: I'd give: 

    Brian's first borns.

    One of Paul's ducatis.

    My left nut. (You only need one right?)

    Be careful what you wish for.I live a mile from 555,6 miles from 669,15 miles from 78.

    But the downside....I live in Zanesville.

  4. 25 minutes ago, 0hi0 said:

    RIP, we have all done illegal things on bikes. Tsk tsk to some of you. If you don't have a bit of hooligan in you: SELL YOUR BIKE---POSER 

    I was thinking along those same lines. It's amazing that I made it through my teens and twenties,but I imagine most people that experience life will say the same thing.Some folks don't make it...there but by the grace of God go I.


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  5. 7 minutes ago, HeavyDuty said:

    Bike is in shop for 40,000 mile service and new tires and brakes

    That explains it.Hang in there,she'll be back soon.


  6. I really don't have any individual in mind.Like I said in my previous post it's more of a hope in a movement,not an individual.And it is just a hope.But I do think these protest groups like BLM and Occupy are at least trying to get something done on important matters.It might not work,but at least it's an effort.Issues have gotten a larger audiance because of these groups.Maybe something good will come from it.If we don't address the issues that these people are protesting     good luck solving the problems the media is reporting.

    With that said,we probably have too many core problems to overcome.We're doomed!Have a nice day.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Oh FFS, if you think Hillary is going to be any different than Barry or W you are on crack.

    I didn't say anything about Hillary and I don't do crack before 6 pm...meth is my morning drug of choice.


    4 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

    Sanders is a joke based on recent events and to me proved his whole gimmick was a sham in my opinion

    You're definitely entitled to your opinion.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Bad324 said:

    In my opinion all that "movement" did was pin point the whiny bitches that need to get a real job and work harder.

    But that's just me

    Time will tell.I think that movement,through Sanders influence,might bring some change in the democratic party and to the nation through them.

    Enjoy your real job.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

    although I disagree, fair enough.

    I suppose just the protests I've seen in my lifetime haven't done jack shit but caused even more issues


    I think the "occupy" movement has succeded,at least in part,to bring the issue of income disparity to the national political stage.I would say that movement was a big factor in Bernie Sanders campaign run and still might cause some change.It's still early.  

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  10. 16 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:


    Americans are starting to wake up about bicycles. More and more are commuting to work, the store, etc. Once we begin to offer these folks a safe way to commute, even more will jump into the madness. That's a good thing. America is a fat, lazy sort of beast with tons of potential. We really should stop catering to cars so much. We've given up way more real estate than we ever should have. 

    Better late than never I guess.I spent two years in Holland back in the early eighties and it was amazing how the Dutchies got around without owning a car.They had a hugh cycling population that was encouraged by having bike lanes along side nearly every road,compartments on buses and trains to store bikes and bicycle parking everywhere.With the interconnected mass transit systems(buses,trains,aircraft all connected through common stations) you could get to anywhere in Europe with your bike.It didn't seem like many people under thirty even bothered to own a car and people of all ages rode bikes on a regular basis.

    We are light years behind Europe on puplic transit.It's a shame.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, Lawrence1 said:

    To the convention in Cleveland? Talking heads on Sunday morning said that they expect instigators to show up. My plan is to mingle till I find them. I don't care which side. You may see me on the news, I'll be the one in the middle of the park the cops are kicking the shit out of.

    Let's start a riot!

    Be sure to wear an Ohio Riders t-shirt.Have fun.

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