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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. 44 minutes ago, NinjaDoc said:

    ps: I simply love that red fjr, looks so cleeean

    I always liked the Cerulean Blue on the '04 FJR,but I have to agree with Doc,that red sure stands out.

    It looks like I'm going to work over in Indiana Monday so it doesn't look like I'm going to make it to EOM.Enjoy!I'm sure there will be some incredible routes.

  2. I also live in the a Zanesville area.Another problem for me when it comes to the gas saving argument ...I work in several different locations east of Zanesville.My morning commute is usually 30-40 miles.For some strange reason my evening commute stretches to 150-200 miles.;)

    • Upvote 3
  3. 29 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Surprisingly, I have been experiencing the opposite recently. I have had cars and bikes pull over or wave me around them several times in the last couple weeks. I always give a courtesy wave back and give them plenty of room. 

    This weekend I had a surprising number of Harley guys wave me around. That's why I followed the group I referenced above for a few miles before I passed...I was waiting for a sign to pass.Even when I did pass they didn't try to block me,which happens way to often when passing groups of Harleys.

    Like RCBS,I really do try to be respectful of other people on the roads,both cars and bikes,especially bikes because I don't know their level of experience and I know their just out enjoying their bike like I am.I ride a little fast,but nothing real fast.I've been passed before,it's no big deal,just wave 'em by and everyone continues on their  ride at their chosen speed.I just don't understand blocking someone or riding over your head to keep them from passing.I'm out there to have fun and explore, I'm not out there to race anybody or prove anything.

    • Upvote 2
  4. On September 4, 2016 at 9:28 AM, EOdesmo said:

    I ran into a gent at work this week who lives on SR145 just north of Lewisville. He informed me that it has been repaved from Lewisville (SR78) to Malaga ((SR800). He also thought that 556 and 536 were going to be repaved before winter.

    A quick look at ODOT District 10 website seems to confirm this.  Looks like a repave is planned for 556, 536, most of 255 and 145(already done).   Link to ODOT map.

     http://www.dot.state.oh.us/districts/D10/2016construction/Documents/Monroe County Projects.pdf

    Hope this gets done before the end of the riding season.  The drilling/fracking has cooled of for now so hopefully this lasts for a while.


    Both 536 and 556 are currently being paved.I rode them both today after riding that newly paved section of 145.

    536 is much farther along than 556, they started on the 78 end of 536 and there is new pavement to within about 2-3 miles of  7.I think it's just a base layer,but it 's awful nice to have 536 in rideable condition again...I've been avoiding it for about three years now.There are two places they are doing further repairs... near the brick church at the top of Hannibel hill and major slip repair near the barn  with the sharp corner  at one end.Both have traffic lights set up.

    556 only has new pavement for about two miles out of Bealsville.There's also one spot on 556 that has further construction...about 5 miles West of Clarington they are "improving" the road,in other words taking some turns out of it.It's just a small section,I'm guessing a quarter of a mile.I also noticed three fracking rigs on 556,that can't be good for the long term condition of the road.

    This is all great news,but I have to go on a short rant.I really,really appreciate what ODOT does but what the fuck is up with their scheduling?Last year they paved 555 in Muskingum county ...this year they are doing two bridge repairs and one major bridge replacement in the same area that requires the pavement to be torn up.That makes me wonder.So I go on my way over to 78 that was paved between Glouster and Malta late last fall and everything is beautiful until I get a few miles from the 377 turn off...there's two places where they cut the beautiful new pavement  to put pipes or some thing across the road!They were working in this area last year BEFORE they paved it.And now all the other construction on 556 and 536 while they're paving them.I'm a big fan of ODOT,we have hundreds of miles of great roads in excellent condition in southeastern Ohio,but this scheduling sure makes me scratch my head.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On August 31, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Isaac's Papa said:

    GoogleMaps says OH-668 is closed south of I-70. Not sure how accurate that is, but northerners should take a peek. 

    As of yesterday 668 is open all the way from I-70 to 93.They are patching and paving  from I-70 to Junction City,but there are no indications that it will be closing.The best part of 668,Junction City to 93,is still in very good condition.

    • Upvote 2
  6. On June 27, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Mary#17 said:

    Does anybody know if 56 has been repaved between 374 and south bloomington (bloomfield?). Thanks. 

    They are finally in the process of paving 56 from 664 to 374.The old pavement is ground off awaiting the new stuff.Probably be  3-4 weeks until it's finished....just in time for the fall colors and tourists.

    It looks like they are going to do the hill on 664 between 56 and and 374.Draped signs are up,but that's all.

  7. O.K. Max Power...the perfect gift...VERY high impact, but it will take a lot of thought.Buy a decorative jar and some good quality paper,possibly different colors.Then sit down and think back at all the moments in your relationship that you know she will remember...a look at a child's birth,funny thoughts you share,things she does for you or food she makes that you love,just the everyday things you both remember.Write them all down on a list,hopefully you'll have 15 or more special rememberances.if you get a lot more just use the best 15 or so,you want to keep each one very special.Then tear out small pieces of paper and write each one on an individual piece and put them in the jar.

    For the real topper....take one piece of paper and write a very special thought,put a small dab of glue on it and glue it to the bottom so it will be the last one opened.Of course,that diamond ring would be great for that last one.


  8. 10 minutes ago, TheLongWay said:

    Tar and chip from Salt Creek to South Bloomingville confirmed. I wish I had read DAC's reply before so I could have avoided it. It was definitely packed tight all ready so it wasn't unbearably loose and there aren't much for curves through that section. As soon as you think your okay to run at regular speed it'll get squirrelly so use caution and stay below 45. I was only running the stretch from Lauraville to south Bloomingville and that was plenty for me. I was completely shocked that they tar and chipped a state route. 

    That might be a precursor for paving.They did that to 676 a few years ago and then paved it the next year.

  9. The two best roads I've been on in America...highway 1 in California and  Arizona 191 from Alpine to Morinzi(sic).You'll be a long way from 1,but not to far from 191.Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is one of the most overlooked treasures in the National Park System.

  10. If you want to get the party started a little earlier take 9 south near St Clairsville to147 east from Centerville to Bellaire.Both were paved last year.If you don't know this part of 147 you're in for a pleasent surprise.The esses going down the hill into Bellaire are a blast...if you can get a clean shot without blockers.

    Also...if you have the time to do a little exploring turn at the gas station in the little town of Key.Go straight until it T's.At the T go left.It's all new pavement and it will eventually take you out on 7 about a mile or two from the Moundsville bridge.Sorry,I don't remember the road names or number.Or you could look for new pavement  on the side roads as you're going down 7.


    • Upvote 2
  11. No,we don't give up on the kids but you're only going to say a very small percentage through education alone.I don't even like saying this,but we have to get them out of the destructive environment they are living in.Possibly away from their parents.Like I said,I don't even like saying this,but until they're away from the cause,how can you save them?

    • Upvote 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Lawrence1 said:

    @Bubba, first you say "lest you lump me in with the 1%-which maybe I am based on total net worth". Based on the latest Federal Reserve figures that requires assets of more than 7 million. Then you say " I don't recall bragging about having a few million" throw all your toys out of the crib and stomp off. Called on your bs you try to imply you're not a Trump voter. Are we supposed to believe you're a Hillary panty sniffer? Going off your avatar, you're an obvious homophobe. You fit the hater mold to a T. 

    BTW, Mr self proclaimed grammar Nazi, in your petulant frenzy you forgot a the when you posted "you must be one of more". Dumb ass.

    That's pretty harsh.


  13. 1 hour ago, CBBaron said:

    Just enjoying reading the unwarranted optimism :D

    There are Steelers fans everywhere. It amazes me to see Steelers fans take over an opponent's stadium. However Brown's fans are really impressive. Despite the heart break the team has provided the last 20 years they still have a large rabid following. Bengals have actually put a decent team on the field for a while and still have trouble filling the stadium.



    20 years?The Browns have been breaking their fans hearts since Jim Brown retired.I hate the Browns,but you have to admire their fans.I grew up in the days of the steel curtain,Swan and Stalworth,Jack Lambert,Franco Harris and Rocky Blier...how could I not be a Steelers fan!

  14. The first thing that comes to my mind is the road she wanted built from Dresden to Zanesville that parallels SR60.It was never needed and now that Longabergers factory is barely limping along it's just another road that taxpayers maintain.Multiple other tax abatements for buildings in Muskingum and Licking counties that were used for short periods of time.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Gump said:

    What's your point? You just angry? Btw, CVSL owes that money and the counties not exactly going after it.

    My point is the wealthy get far more than their far share of welfare,but a lot of people are only concerned with poor people receiving government money.

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