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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I haven't been heavy in to the buy/sell market in awhile but that budget I think would net you 250's or late 90's/early 00 models I bet
  2. damn nice pickup! This is one 2-3 Harley's I'd actually ever consider owning myself. Be very interested to see how much better it is with those mid controls than the VROD I've test ridden with forward ones. I just could not get used to forward controls albeit was a very short couple times I've tried them
  3. Damn this is some bullshit news to one of the nicest people I've ever met in this 2 wheel game. The good news is knowing Jerry he's going to kick this things ass in no time and be leaving riders half his age in the dust
  4. It's in the plans again one day. But realistically it's gonna be some time
  5. Hmm back when I used to ride we typically had 7-10 riders in the group. Nobody ever got lost or complained and I never knew the route. I still to this day don't know half the hundreds of roads I rode back then
  6. damn I should have went with come chrome polish my wheels and exhaust since I've got everything for that
  7. Bring me a dremel with a cutting tool since mine took a shit
  8. I need to inquire about where my rebate is from my purchase back in June, it's about that time I should be getting my $
  9. link is in OP to sign up. Do it so you can win something from Riders Discount to replace whatever you break from crashing again
  10. Paging @Mykill @cmh_sprint @RidersDiscount @TimTheAzn @DerekClouser @jdonn @CBBaron @Vagabound @max power @2Wheeler @madcat6183
  11. We can always change it to work for the entire group once we figure out who that is!
  12. It's that time again boys and girls. Here is the link to the league, let's get it done this year! https://yho.com/nfl?l=833236&k=1fa1fb4603b045f6&soc_trk=lnk&ikey=0c48685552db614f Draft is currently set for Sun Aug 27 8:00pm EDT
  13. aw man another step towards becoming facebook. Pass
  14. Since we didn't end up doing the league it doesn't have my option to just renew the league so we have to set up a new one either way. I can do it hopefully later or if you beat me to it whatever works!
  15. yup, we need a minimum of 10. Think only 6-7 were interested last year and we never ended up doing a league
  16. I'll never forget that day ever. It was the year they opened Jacobs Field and my neighbors company had a suite so we were up in the suite watching the game on the balcony part. Then on the TV they had the OJ slow speed chase on and during this the old dessert cart came rolling by so 9 year old BAD was smashing some chocolate cake watching baseball one minute then some jack ass doing 35mph on the highway in a Bronco
  17. damn you Nivin but damn do I miss the days of being single, not having to pay for a cell phone, the truck it's gas or insurance, and rent being only $600/month with minimal utility bills and no yard to maintain
  18. ha no shit. I had no clue. Fonts and shit aren't my forte. I just saw that on a car show flyer and was like damn that's familiar looking
  19. hey now, I rode a few weeks ago!
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