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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. did they ever sell cars in the first place and pull them because some mental case got behind the wheel and killed someone? No? thats the principle people are "mad" at. I am not one of them because like I said I don't give a shit because I wouldn't buy from them anyhow
  2. Oh, I don't disagree at all. My point was that the infrastructure problem could be solved much easier, simpler and in shorter time than what most people think. It's just at the current time there are too many roadblocks and hoops to jump through to make it happen that its not economical for companies to persue
  3. Taxes and regulations anywhere from drilling to refining to even transporting
  4. Was back in Cinci visiting my fraternity house before they knocked it down and was walking up the street to meet up with some friends for dinner and "insert racial slur here" jumped out from an alley between 2 buildings with his knife in hand and said give me your wallet and phone. I laughed lifted up on my hoodie and put my hand on the gun ready to draw and he ran back into the alley. Called my Cincinnati District 5 buddy and give him the description and location of the dude and he said he would take care of it
  5. skipping the point, sometimes the best Defense is a good offense
  6. the conversion kit I was speaking of is to convert any already gasoline engine into a CNG engine I know this stuff pretty well, after all I do work for a company that specializes in Natural Gas
  7. I know its a principle thing but am I the only one that doesn't give a shit since all their stuff is overpriced to begin with
  8. you guys are missing flounder's point I think CNG powered vehicles have been around for at least 20 years. CNG conversion kits for just about any vehicle can be found easily and installed. If I understood him correctly he was talking as a mainstream source of fueling. The current Federal administration has been doing many things to make this take even longer to develop. The state of Ohio has begun also attempting to the stunt the growth as well. If done correctly, it could become our #1 fueling source in a maximum of 3 years but the governments are making it rather difficult to do
  9. tell that to the knife wielding asshole that backed the fuck up when I lifted my shirt to show him I was carrying
  10. it'll be much longer if the current administration has anything to do with it
  11. LOL and many people think you're severely messed up in the head with naivety. In my case, neither weapon was fired for it to be effective
  12. lulz i was naive before too. But then I got a gun pointed at me and I said fuck this. Luckily for me my buddy came around the corner and was carrying and the dude ran off
  13. oh I bet Shawn just loved the hell out of that move
  14. Bad324

    AR-15 or?

    If you want one now. Armslist has a bunch but expect to overpay. I've been debating going with an M&P 22 as of late. Also due to an unexpected Xmas bonus I decided to up my price range on a .223
  15. Bad324

    Ruger LC9

    That's exactly how my LCP was which was great. I wanted a nano or shield but both were larger than I expected so I've moved onto now thinking the LC9 or DB9 if I get rid of the Glock
  16. Bad324

    Ruger LC9

    damn, jeans are pretty much all I ever wear...was hoping it was the same size as the LCP
  17. I'm for stricter flag control, this is a step in the right direction to less crimes commited by Insult Flags
  18. Bad324

    Ruger LC9

    I pocketed my LCP and liked it. Admittedly, I know its not the best option however I found it to be the most comfortable so I'm trying to see if a pocket 9mm can be had
  19. I meant the DB9 for me and to sell you my 26
  20. hmm whats your budget for the 26? Might have a line on a Diamondback DB9
  21. Bad324

    Ruger LC9

    Is the LC9 pocket carryable?
  22. dear god i wanna work where you work
  23. we need stricter hidden compartment control!!!!
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