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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. holy shit you have awful taste in beer if you're giving away Shandy and Xmas Ale
  2. just ask my first CBR about wet leaves...
  3. I'm currently not allowed to visit my girlfriend where she teaches because I would not be able to control myself and would verbally assault several of the little soul-less children at her school Not to mention in that neighborhood I won't set foot in it without carrying and since I can't carry in the school I refuse to go there
  4. almost every person I know who currently teaches SHOULD smoke weed. Kids are fucking awful these days and the stories I get from my teacher friends re ridiculous. Not to mention what teachers have to put up with administrations and what not. Its all garbage to blame the teachers, its the stupid fucking kids that are the problem
  5. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    well that was a mildly chilly ride in. Unless something comes up here at the office, I should be in to meet at 1 Doc, don't kill yourself if lack of sleep is gonna make things dangerous. I know its gonna be a nice day but there are bound to be a few more after this. Either way if you make it dont worry about pushing the pace because I haven't ridden in a month so I'll be a bit rusty
  6. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    It wasn't the kill switch, the fuel pump doesn't prime if the switch is off and it was doing it The only thing I did different was had it up on the center stand and put the battery back in. I did put the kickstand up and down as well while up on the center stand before trying to start
  7. its an 04 GTO and honestly if you're thinking financially then now is the time to dump it for what you paid for it and you're out nothing and you can say you've owned one Its only gonna lose further value as another year goes by and you likely hit the 50k mark
  8. ok scratch my post, vfr is back up and running and I'll be riding tomorrow for sure making friday less likely
  9. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    vfr is running. Let me know whats up and so long as I don't have a set back in health situation I'll take the bike to the office and dip out early and meet you
  10. So I dunno what I did but I got her up and running. Must've been a connection to the battery or something? I know I checked those the other day when it first wouldn't start though
  11. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    If it comes to that I will, gonna head out to the garage and see if there is anything I can figure out further
  12. anyone riding friday still? I doubt I'll have the VFR fixed tonight and its more likely IF i can fix it ill get it done tomorrow
  13. so its not the battery, at least that is what the guy at the store who tested it for me said. It measured 13.4 volts and 262 amps (which is nearly 30 higher than its rated for) So now I'm pissed because I have to probably tear it down to investigate further what else is could be
  14. whats wrong with informing the locals?
  15. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    welp unless I get this figured out tonight I'm out...its not the battery
  16. Bad324

    10/25 noon

    if i can get the bike up and running tonight then yes I should be available. I can ride the bike into the office so I'm closer to Canton
  17. -I was under the assumption the recall only covered up to the 05 models -some were replaced by p/o I was told -thats something I've wanted to do and just keep forgetting to do so -my stator and r/r took a shit last summer and all were replaced by Pauly I had the current battery in the bike in for about 3-4 months before the stator and r/r died so I'm wondering if that had a heavy hand in shortening the life of it I had heard/read this several times which is why I didn't keep it on the tender during riding season but only over winter. This year I should have kept it plugged in as there were often times I didn't touch the bike for 2-3 weeks. I have the ever popular deltran tender jr for as big as a pain in the ass this bike has been, I wouldn't get rid of it unless someone offered me $10k or a real nice t-top car
  18. Yea I remember you doing it too when the stock battery was dying on me. Didn't think to even try since its in the garage
  19. I've got a tender and it was on it which caused me much confusion. I was out riding a couple hours with the gf, pulled in the garage and immediately plugged it in. 2-3 weeks later I went to start it and no go. Dash comes on, headlights on but hit the button and it does nothing. Gonna get the battery tested tomorrow to see if that's it or not. I'm hoping that's all the problem is but last time the battery died it would at least make the clicking sound that it was trying to turn
  20. Every fuse was fine. Tried to pick up a new battery and neither place had what I need in stock so gonna try again tomorrow
  21. Someone plan something for Friday. Hoping and praying I can get this damn bike running and out for a good ride. It's been far too long since I've ridden
  22. and i'll attempt to close the door mostly and stake my rep around here on the fact it was more an unnecessary fear of unknowing the legality of such a transaction from the OP who I sort of know. Had I known any of this, I would have straight bought the guns from him and re-sold them to max without an issue
  23. I would imagine the guns were not hot. Some people are just more paranoid than others when it comes to certain shit
  24. Bad324

    walking dead

    i knew it was some movie
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