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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Looks to be too big a guy to be my friends Dad
  2. Bad324


    Yes I do. But the rest of my team is better and I need Hawkins to perform for my other league!
  3. Bad324


    34-17 Bengals. Andrew Hawkins has 130 yard receiving and 2 td's or Gresham has those numbers. I'm hoping its Hawkins
  4. lol I'm an idiot, never saw it
  5. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    ^^^I like how they are all proud Britain put out a 4.5% beer. Anything under 6.5 does not need to be touted as potent excellent beer though and Tim....thats not a beer so GTFO it
  6. contrary to popular belief, the correlation between those 2 factors is tiny
  7. Don't fuck with Cleveland ghetto rat had it coming so I'm pleased
  8. well this would take away one of my hobbies but I don't think it will truly happen
  9. I like you and all but seriously what the fuck fantasy world do you live in? The "Ashtabula bubble" cannot be worse than the "Brecksville bubble" simply due to the fact of all the hillbilly meth heads out that way This world is a shitty place and its not getting better, its getting worse by way of the government empowering bad people to be bad. You can try and tear down that sentence but I don't give a shit as I know its opinion and there is no fact behind but just what I read in the news and hear about on a daily basis
  10. BINGO! Honestly, who gives a flying fuck if people decide against protecting themselves as much as possible? It is their decision and they can deal with the consequences if any come about Worrying about everyone else but yourself is Reason #421,340 this country has become a pile of fuck wads
  11. After 6 years in that shit hole, I can go on and on about how awful it is. Don't even get me started on the expanded Tri-State area, I will get so far off on a tangent I won't even know what the hell I got started with
  12. I'm so glad you two are so enlightened. Please stay the fuck out of my city
  13. I have no clue wtf this is supposed to mean? And I wasn't joking. Friends who have entered without stating at least one of those factors has found a laser pointer aimed at their chest
  14. ^^^youve now stolen the most cynical asshole trophy from me. What the hell give it back
  15. This is precisely why people are instructed to shout their race, religion and astrological sign when entering my abode...
  16. Beach wood has all chains but they are some real good ones. I highly highly suggest Flour in Moreland Hills about 6 mins from 271. Went there last night and it was amazing
  17. Am I really the only one that thinks the "slow paced ride" everyone gives you shit for wasn't really as fast as everyone makes it sound? I thought it was spirited but by no means Mach retard
  18. dear god they lost 3 straight at home?
  19. this maniac even had the balls to leave a stack of cash for it! The nerve of some people
  20. well shit guys he was right, someone did come and take my gun yesterday
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