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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I haven't talked to Ben about it in awhile but I know we tossed around making the Gap trip an annual thing which is the 1st or 2nd weekend in June...
  2. word in my circles was that she is extremely shallow and picky in the kind of guy she would get down with. Supposedly one of them gave her the herpes and she couldnt get laid by the type of dude she sought after between the ages of 18-24
  3. See that would drive me nuts and would cause too many issues. Luckily for me, she loves riding and knows I love it too and would never be without a bike. Problem is just finding the time to enjoy it as much as I would like
  4. well over the weekend we have decided to wait until next summer when she isn't teaching and can be home to care for it better. Also thanks to conn-e-rott also considering a french bulldog too
  5. still have a few things left that made the move. Also, I'm hoping to add a few more things this week as I need to finally start organizing and purging other stuff I don't use
  6. meh my friends and family have all done the same. Usually I just say "going riding with my motorcycle buddies" to save the worry and hassle
  7. +1 I love my girlfriend but holy shit has it been cramping my style lately
  8. get rid of the sub, you don't need it if you properly tune the speakers
  9. Been an awful year for me, I think maybe 3000 miles and nearly 1/3 of that is from the Gap trip weekend Between the gf, her family, my family and buying a house I've had little time for anything else this year
  10. Bad324


    There any good Browns Backer bars down there? I've only been to Charleston in spring and summer so never was there to look up for games
  11. You're absolutely right if its a stranger, I'll laugh at them for overpaying. But if its somebody I know or a friend I will absolutely say not to buy it the price is far too high right in front of the seller. I have done it before, mainly when helping freinds buy cars, bikes or trailers. And if you haven't noticed most of the gun buyers here are not strangers to me and are friends so therefore once again, yes I'd do the same thing in person as I'd do here
  12. Bad324


    If my liver makes it until tomorrow I'll be impressed. Per every Sunday I'm having 15-20 people over with lotsa food an alcohol. Usually do themes and this year we've matched it to the opponent so this week is Pizza/Italian theme
  13. Glad you guys are gonna get some clear weather. Woke up and air temp was 39* and thankful that I went out last night and bailed. My cajones would've revolted slabbing an hour then another 2 hours of wet back road to get to the meet spot
  14. As I said in the other thread, sorry guys but I'm out
  15. Yea sorry no way I'm riding all that way for cold wet roads that I can go just as fast on as I can in the metro parks here, just not worth risking it. Wish the weather would've held out better but I know if I don't show the weather will be great and if I get everything ready it will be shitty
  16. 1) good thing you're not a moderator 2) I absolutely would offer well below the asking price to his face
  17. this is why I love this place I'd rep that but alas the jiffy has gotten me
  18. my claim was you take the fun out of it by looking way to god damn deep into things. Man mocks disabled girl. We mock and suggest beating of man full well knowing none of us actually know him are involved but would like to see REAL justice served, not that PC bureaucratic dribble the government deems "justice" I'm assuming that is all this thread was intended to be and the fun part. Turning it into another legalese debate just removes the fun IMO. Its also carryover of other funny picture thread where I like to see funny pictures instead of reading dumb facts or raising questions on its legitimacy. We get it, its the internet and half the shit is fake Now in cases like the chase/shooting thread it is better suited however (and this is just me) I usually stop following because it then becomes boring to myself and I'm not here to be bored, that is what my job is for and this is my multi-tasking escape from boredom. Instead of bitching (normally) about someone posting whatever they want on an open public forum I just opt out like should happen and disregard it until my (supposed to be) comical one liners are challenged and then I shall insert my asshole ways to instigate for pure entertainment value And lastly, you specifically wrote I said you were wrong and when challenged you quoted a comment that did not have me saying you were wrong or implying you were wrong so I still don't get how you came to that conclusion #Lawyeredbyanidiotwithawfulgrammar
  19. Didn't know where else to put this so I figured here since I talked about it already. My Dad's pride and joy and finalist (1 of 12) for Good Guys Muscle Machine of the Year
  20. oh do explain how you've deduced "you're wrong" from my quote This is where I fully expect paragraph after paragraph of your limey bullshit because you won't accept the accuracy of my claims
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