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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. oh I'm just bitching currently, I won't make any decision until Friday night
  2. intriguing...might have to consider this if I can sell my smoker
  3. Either find it using torrents or stream it from Project Free TV
  4. My problem is its in my head that I'll never really outperform an upgraded shock or not be lazy to take advantage of all the adjustments on a nicer one I've also never ridden anything other than stock suspension so I have no clue what sort of difference it could make. Its adjustable to a point but from everything I've read and attempted to understand, due to my weight I'll never actually maximize it. There are a few options but all require modification and since I'm going to have Pauly do it, I want to minimize the making fun of me and bitching I'm pretty sure ones have been used from an F3, 954RR and the Blackbird
  5. another VFR owner? Are these things the new CBR? Bienvenidos!
  6. son of a bitch of course I forgot the link http://lifehacker.com/5947587/create-a-freezer-inventory-for-your-chest-freezer
  7. I have all that minus the riding pants. I usually go with underarmor coldgear, my thick riding jeans and then wind pants over those. This is my weakest point I admit and probably the reason I'm cold. My gloves are awesome in the cold!
  8. I've read that you can find them starting at $650 but the only ones I've seen have been $800-$1100
  9. here is a sweet fix for that!
  10. I've got some DucRX credit and thinking of addressing my suspension on the VFR finally. With me being a fat ass as well as riding 2 up often, I think its time if I can gather the funds I've come across a guy that specializes in VFR suspensions and does both these services for around $300-$400 which includes whats listed below. My question is this a good route to save a couple hundred bucks as opposed to going to an aftermarket unit like Elka, Penske or Ohlins
  11. My problem is that riding is a hobby for me. If it is not enjoyable and I'm not having fun then it is a pointless waste of time. This is direct reason I won't ride in the rain, won't ride in the cold and have zero qualms about trailering the bike down to Deals Gap. It was 43* at the time I left for work which is the same time I would need to leave for the ride and that shit is just not fun no matter how many layers I have on and I can't justify the expense of heated gear for as little as I ride in the cold
  12. Bad324

    Best Pillow?

    Memory foam pillows are not it. My girlfriend loves them, I used about 3 nights and said screw this
  13. seriously screw this morning cold bullshit, my vagina is growing at the thought of having to ride in this shit
  14. as I started reading the thread (didnt read the article) my first thought was did anyone think this might not actually have been a road rage but something that transpired before the chase?
  15. If there is an app that would be sweet!!!!
  16. Don't mind him, like his animal inspired name very few people like him due to his constant negative nancy bs. Just ignore him, it's easier
  17. wtf is up with this one? All the posts have nothing to do with the topic and are all 3 words or less
  18. I'm pumped but don't get to watch it until tomorrow since I don't have Showtime
  19. I think I'm more disturbed that I'm not disturbed and in fact pleased he chose to rid the streets of another worthless person
  20. this I usually have 4-5 things on craigslist at any given time so I just know what to sift through. Easiest way to tell if its junk is the name on the email address vs the name they put in the body most of the time
  21. Bad324


    ^^I started drinking at 5:30 in order to prepare then went to the bar to watch it. Needless to say work has been rough this AM
  22. well what the hell why not with so many people having VFR's here now. I've got the solo cowl from my VFR in the 06 Black color. Haven't used it since started riding 2 up and it probably won't fit after this winter when I get the seat done anyway $60 + shipping
  23. Bad324


    the only team more futile than the Browns in the last 20 years is the Bengals
  24. The first thing I ever fixed on a motorcycle were throttle cables. It was somewhat a pain to get my big ass hands in the right spots to route the wire correctly but other than that it was fairly simple
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