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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I'm sorry, who are you again?
  2. Because some of us have to leave at 8am to make it when it's going to be 39 degrees. Not to mention they just changed the rain forecast today
  3. Willing to ship? I think my girlfriend wants one but I need to make sure
  4. lulz I don't know your wife but if you say she will laugh then I'm sure she will. I feel sorry for all the guys out there that don't have a woman with a sense of humor. I know my girlfriend would laugh her ass off and immediately get me back with something similar and likely funnier for the next gift giving holiday
  5. because people feel safe behind a keyboard, plain and simple I toe the asshole/nice guy line on the internet just like i do in person so you won't see much change from me
  6. why must you entice me! It will honestly probably depend on what time it is and how I'm feeling at the moment
  7. My fat ass will more than likely be exhausted from working to keep up with the fast folk that saving me time for the ride home will make it less miserable lol
  8. IF the weather holds out and I do indeed make it, I'd like to point out to any NEO's who'd like to join me that I will more than likely split from the group at McConnelsville and take 83 and 93 back north. No point in adding an extra 40-50 miles for me by going back to Newark
  9. just as I thought I think both your points here can be summed up to this: Again anyone that calls themselves a friend or family member would not leave their gun lying around another friend or family members house without the homeowner(s) having knowledge of such. You don't need a law for that
  10. lulz what I'm gathering from several comments current and past is that your roommate is a moron
  11. first of all, do you really need the government to pass a law for this not to happen? Second if this is somehow an issue, simply ask the friend not to leave the gun laying around to be forgotten. Thirdly, maybe I'm just not as dumb as people you know or think of but if im carrying a gun anywhere and taking it off the first thing I'm doing is checking its on me before I leave
  12. not even concerned because no matter how "liberal" a person is, the majority of Ohioans seem to like their guns
  13. I want an AR but cause I'm cheap I might settle for an M&P 15
  14. Bad324

    Columbus Racing

    I don't know why, but almost all the major city car forums in this state blow. Pretty much only use them for classifieds anymore because of the amount of douchebaggery
  15. ContourHD is the model. Depending what I have and I'll check when I get home tonight for another $10-20 I can include some micro sd card(s) and my ghetto rigged go pro suction mount
  16. both are EXCELLENT shows! The last season or 2 of sunny hasn't been as good though
  17. I've been putting if off but think I'll finally put both routes into my GPS in case all this dumb weather clears up and I make it
  18. They flashed back to how it ended last season with Deb walking in on Dexter killing the dude
  19. Lulz why you gotta think everyone is butt hurt? I make jokes, if you wanna think I'm butt hurt then that's on you!
  20. Thought this might be a good idea. So list your favorite shows and movies that have hit the Instant queue for good programming
  21. Breaking Bad is an AWESOME show! When it comes to Netflix I prefer watching old shows that I've missed that they have the whole series already on it. Depending what your preferences are will depend what I would suggest. Hell I'll just start a new thread
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