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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Its annoying but on a fairly knowledgeable forum where a shit ton of the people know all the other people, we tend to look out for each others best interest. In the case of classifieds its just asking price Most forums people are just dicks so I understand where you are coming from. That isn't the case here for the most part though when it comes to classifieds
  2. when you post things for sale on a forum its going to happen. I suggest you just ignore it if you don't like it. I can't tell you how many times I've put something on a forum for the same price as I did on craigslist full well knowing its an inflated price. 99% of the time I get what I want for it despite naysayers. Kind of like the time I sold my LCP with crimson trace for $375, that was well used
  3. the fun is the part of handing back to the asshole what he deserves. Agree death threats are unwarranted but a swift ass kicking is appropriate. The lack of this ability without prosecution is why this country has gone to shit
  4. do all British try and take the fun out of everything?
  5. agreed, unless there is a drastic change in forecast its looking like I won't be risking it either
  6. yea I'm pretty sure he is out of town for vacation and/or work
  7. oh thank god, had to check our employee database to make sure it wasn't one someone we employed. Though, I do control payroll and that would've been fun to fuck with him
  8. yea this blows, just checked the weather again and its 40-50% chance rain all over NEO tomorrow morning. I will not do cold AND rain. Last night the forecast was looking good too as far as no rain
  9. my support of him went by the wayside when he basically did a 180 on our industry. Other than gas and oil, business and gun policies I know jack shit about him
  10. ok I'm out. A friend heard me asking her at dinner last night and offered me his for $50. I thought he was joking but apparently not!
  11. My favorite thing too is laughing at people who can't drive in snow. I've driven FWD, RWD and 4WD in all kinds of snow and never had an issue adjusting knowing how to drive. Then again I'm a superior driver to most
  12. Kasich isn't really anti gun, just a douche trying to play both sides
  13. Btw the card is a class 4. I'll know tomorrow evening whether ill make it or not
  14. ContourHD is pending to Brown Pre dream ride bump for the saddle bags!
  15. true, i do forget you need an extra hour more than me
  16. So we'll see you at the DTC party?
  17. If this still happens and a Bolivar meet up is still on the works be advised that 77 South is grated for a few miles starting at the Fohl/Navarre exit. Just rolled through there for work I think I'll man up for the cold but if its rain I will bail. Who is still planning on making this?
  18. I agree no call should be made until tomorrow afternoon Even if it does blow my plan to avoiding early mor ing frigid temps. If it rains like its supposed to tomorrow that would blow it as well
  19. son of a! Why couldn't the weather be better and this planned for tomorrow? I would've just rode to work and cut out early to meet you in Bolivar
  20. congrats! figured at that price it wouldnt last long
  21. Welcome! I've actually been searching lately for a VTX to turn into a bagger project
  22. ive learned some people need new wives
  23. I'm all or nothing for Saturday, however since I'm not a real Ohio Rider you don't need to worry about lil ol me
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