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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Just did my taxes and found out I'm getting a nice refund to pay for vacation AND pay off the remaining medical bills from my twins with some leftover to put in the garage and car fund. #ThanksTrump
  2. shit...forgot about the 4 WV counties too but that might've been by design. Lotta big ol Appalachians in them parts
  3. So now I'm not wrong, I'm just off the mark to a subjective inflection of the word hard. Just when I thought you've topped yourself at entertaining me you drop this. Seriously, thank you. My afternoon has gone much quicker on a slow day at the office. And the nice thing about having been in oil and gas for so long is I don't need to do any research because I know all about it already by working, attending trade shows, safety classes out the ass and such. I learned about this stuff years ago before it was trendy to google two weeks ago.
  4. 32 Ohio Counties and 7 PA counties to be exact
  5. I'm laughing off your inability to comprehend anything that doesn't fit your narrative. I certainly haven't dropped a single piece of info in this thread that is wrong, incorrect, alternative fact or whatever you may want to project. I will sleep just fine knowing how all of this works from first hand experience and statistics. You'll have to move on to someone else who will entertain your circular arguments rooted in regurgitation.
  6. oh you silly Libtard. Thank you for making my day
  7. All oil is hard to clean up. I don't give a shit what you want to brand it, that's the dumbest thing I've heard yet today. Considering I worked in oil and gas for 7 years and we owned a pipeline company yes I'm preoccupied with it since I lived and breathed all of that. Again which is why the reasoning for your opposition is laughable to me. I do not expect to change your mind but I expect the people who read this who might not know you and think you know what you're speaking on realize it's just more libtard crying
  8. So you oppose all motorized units on all waterways then too
  9. True that. Typically I avoid engaging Magdor but it's laughable when it comes to oil & gas. And it was worth it to watch him drop a link to 1 pipeline failure. It's like Nancy Pelosi lecturing on gun control with her finger on the trigger of the gun she's waving around like an imbecile
  10. ah more hypocrisy. That's not very PC of you and I will not stand for this microaggression
  11. Show me where I called pipelines unbreakable? Nice spin. Like Pauly said, it is statistically the safest most environmentally friendly way Why don't you look up the failure rate of all pipelines transporting crude across the US? Or is it because you know the rate is so small that their is a higher probability of winning a state lottery.............twice............in the same year.
  12. and clearly you have no idea how pipe is created and how pipelines are installed ace
  13. crude is crude when it comes to what you are led to believe are "shitty leaky pipes"
  14. Might I suggest moving to the Western half of Ohio then because my old company alone laid more miles in pipe in Ashtabula county than there are roads in it
  15. No pics, just his gratitude of helping get the first annual Gap Trip up and running
  16. y'all are acting like this is a Motorcycle forum or something. Where the hell have you been for the last 2 years?
  17. Tell me you did this on purpose...
  18. Cmon now lets not be ignorant. We all know that is Bush's fault
  19. A dealer actually performed work today and didn't bill me because it was deemed warranty work and I didnt have to argue for it. Thanks Trump!
  20. There's more pipe under Ohio than either of those bullshit things people worry about. And with Trump in there will be more, just wish my step dad was still here to see how it all unfolded and blew up in the libtards faces Thanks Trump!
  21. Oh yea my budget was more limited then. I've sold a bunch a stuff so I no longer have to take any ls1 car. Sticking with what I've wanted since I was 15 and get a T/A. Found a perfect red one in Syracuse so just waiting until weather breaks and he gets it out of storage so I can go get it
  22. you're close but I couldn't hold back from pointing out you being wrong again. It's a '99 Trans Am and should be picking it up in March/April, whenever it comes out of winter storage Last year at this time I couldn't dream of having a toy again but with some recent changes it will. Thanks Trump!!!
  23. Good thing I don't want another Camaro
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