FUnny enough had Famous Dave's for dinner yesterday and lathered it all with the Wilbur's Revenge. Best part of it all was my $20 burnt ends and ribs combo ended up free because they brought it out when the rest of my family was pretty much done eating
what a joke. this computer has been perfectly fine for 6 years and it auto updated to windows 10 and I get this bullshit.
I'm bitching to Microsoft on our conference call today
apparently f8 doesn't do safe mode on this POS. I power up and hit repeatedly and nothing. Just goes straight to that blue screen or one that says choose keyboard layout but can't use the keyboard or the mouse
Maybe I'm overlooking something but if people want to get rid of the electoral college and go to a popular vote only, that map doesn't matter as much as they want you to think
1 vote for Repub or Dem = 1 vote for Repub or Dem no matter where you live.
What am I missing?
I'm not a republican either. Their stance on social issues dont jive with me.
Just like I'm not a dumbocrat because their stance on economics doesn't jive with mine. Also, I'm not a bleeding heart and think people are the worst and don't deserve what they don't work for