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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. This damn thread made me check on my current weight. Noticed my jeans fitting a shade looser and figured out I'm 5 lbs lighter than last week and overall down 12 lbs since June and all that's changed is portion size because two screaming babies make it difficult to have time for seconds
  2. I can too if someone will trade me a bike for one of these twins
  3. Dead serious. I've been waiting for this for like 6 years now. Also since my Dad and his sugar momma are buying them I have a shot at getting the all access pass and front row seats and the fz6 I had my eye on that was a total deal sold. And I've got 2 cars that I'm slow playing who are being forced to sell and assuming one of them is going to get desperate and take my offer
  4. She only gets a minivan if we can get rid of the Terrain. A minivan can tow and would be cheaper so I'm fine with it since it's her vehicle and not mine
  5. Oh it was my idea so it's completely my fault. Also, I still really have my heart set on a car
  6. Well my outside shot of making this again is "Down with the Torpedoes" Just found out my Christmas present is tickets on June 10th for Tom Petty's probable last tour
  7. that may not be entirely true much longer if my impatience gets the best of me and I can land this fz6 before someone else does
  8. Not everyone has 175 days vacation like you
  9. lol what you talkin about willis, they are 5 months old already and I'm ready to GTFO
  10. for $2000, sure. But seriously, I don't do European torture racks. I like my ST's too much after having the VFR
  11. It doesn't seem to be. I talked to the dude and he doesn't seem to know what he has. I told him if he still had it by Saturday after I look at the Firebird I'd come look at it and he's like yea this isn't going anywhere at this time of year. Supposed to be a clean title and everything
  12. Well shit I really want this Firebird but this seems a heck of a deal and costs half as much
  13. My buddy has one and unless his was just a poorly done unlocking and use of all that good stuff then I wouldn't be able to cut the cord with solely that. Granted this is only based on 3 experiences with it
  14. holy shit, maybe I'll sell my 5s and finally look at upgrading
  15. Winterized the mower yesterday. Much happiness
  16. cliff notes me. I've been working from home/on baby duty all day so I am out of touch
  17. She didn't. Then she spawned twins and the damn game changed the amount of work these two are is incredible and exhausting. Me being gone for 4 days is asking a whole shit ton lot
  18. My thought is just buy a cheap fz6 or SV and tell my wife all I want for my birthday is to make the trip again
  19. I feel like I keep missing these deals on cars because I'm supposed to buy a bike and make the Deals Gap trip again
  20. Fucking shit, just missed out on my 2nd possible 4th gen ghost project acquisition this week by less than 24 hours. This was the best one of them yet. Fuck!
  21. Enjoy cleaning up needles for the next 6 weeks....amateur
  22. So I found a way to boot from a DVD I burned the operating software fix thing on and when I try to do a system restore this is what I get how the hell do I specify when I can't do anything but get to this menu
  23. thanks for the tips, have tried to do it both ways but still no work. I figured out the nuclear option but my wife started freaking out she was going to lose 10 years of photos and other shit. I don't trust my external hard drive backup process to have worked so I have no way of telling whether it's on there or not. I might throw in the towel and get my buddy to come over and look because I am at my wits end with this thing
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