I think I'm one of the few people that had more highs than lows in 2016.
also one of the few that could give a shit about celebrity deaths where that has zero bearing on my year
I'll probably stop there this week then even just to see the value on it and if it's worth getting some cash out of or not and let you know. Think it's gold of some sort with a couple diamonds in it
Nah after much research it is indeed a Windows 10 issue. Just need to find the time to have my buddy see if he can recover all my wife's files she doesn't want to lose. I was just going to nuke it but she freaked so currently it's still sitting bricked
I'm fairly positive. Drove by there not too long ago and the wife noticed it was something else. It amazes me she stuck around since a month in to dating she came with me to that last one before getting kicked out of there
Well Merry Christmas to me. They finally sold our office and will be moving in the next 3 months about 10 miles north which means ill be saving 100 miles a week on my commute!
Grandpa already has plenty of basket cases in his stable that I end up taking care of half the year whiles he's in Florida including 1 of the 2 Harley's, 2 of the 3 boats, 1 jet ski, 1 RV, 1 65 GTO, 2 Enclosed trailers and a house
I love it and would but honestly it's the same reason why I even sold the VFR in the first place and now would prefer to get a Mullet machine instead if I'm going to spend cash.
I go in to the office around Noon 2 days a week. Almost every single time it takes me 3-5 minutes longer because it seems all the can't drive for shit stay at home moms and people too old to be on the freeway jam that shit up and make it impossible to pass them until it gets to 3 lanes
I think there are several factors that could go in to this decision in my opinion. I used to commute 45 miles one way for the best job ever and there was 0 traffic. Comparing to a 12 mile commute downtown, I'm taking the mileage all the way since although more costly $ wise, is way easier on stress levels after a long day of work.
But this is also coming from someone who in 8 years of having post college jobs, shortest commute has been 11 miles.
and he now has an email!
If some small miracle happens where he trades me this bike for the pool table and the guy that needs to get rid of the Camaro badly both accept my offers it could be the best Christmas ever