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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    This works pretty well. I used do this in the early spring and late fall
  2. Bad324

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    yea order 2x's and you'll be fine. I have fat sausage fingers and they are super comfortable. Mine are still in great shape, used them for many years and many miles of over gripping the bars I had the same Joe Rocket phoenix gloves in XL too I think.
  3. I wasn't referring to you but maybe I should have been Nah if i sold the pool table i wouldn't buy a motorcycle with the funds from it
  4. Bad324

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    The fit will be fine. I have 2XL and wear an XL in just about every other brand I've had. My A* are hands down my best glove though
  5. its quite clear the people who bitch about the new software on their phone are not using the mobile version in a superior browser
  6. more importantly why the hell does anyone use Safari when Chrome is available for iOS?
  7. Probably just the behind the times Tim's
  8. and I also need to find a cheap printer/scanner/copier too because printer took a shit. Slowly I'll make this an actual office and not a glorified closet
  9. that looks really nice....but I'm cheap I'll probably settle for a $40 staples/office max black friday special. Anything is better than this thing...
  10. Next task is getting a better damn chair finally. This little piece of shit thing my wife has had for years is not cutting it for a whole days work
  11. I would assume you IT folk need more for whatever reason. As a Project Manager and also Grade A mutlitasker, 2 screens is all I need. I could see maybe a use for a 3rd but like I said if I'm going to be that efficient, I better be getting six figures
  12. I had the plug in part right but needed to change the display setting so that it would do the Expand instead of Duplicate screen. If I ever need more than 2 screens for a job, that job better have six figures as the salary.
  13. @TimTheAzn I just figured it out. This will totally work for me. Thanks!!!!
  14. I'm assuming there is a splitter but I have no idea. It was already set up like that when I started so I'd have to look. For your easy solution, I already have a cheap monitor that I could do that and laptop open for 2 screens which would totally work. What do I need to do to make that happen? whatever the old style ones are called, it's not HDMI Your down vote is stupid. The only time I use the desktop is when I need to update Plex with whatever new media I have acquired so no need for 2 monitors. My wife uses it the most and she doesn't have a use for 2 monitors at home. I think this is what my buddy has set up at his place, sounds familiar
  15. Now that my wife is going back to work next week I'm going to be working from home 2 days a week and I want to set up my home office like I have at work. My set up there is a Dell laptop with a docking station in which then I have dual monitors. I have another docking station for home and I have 1 free monitor and 1 monitor connected to our desktop. 1) do I need any more parts to make a dual monitor from the laptop dock work? 2) is there such ability to use the desktop monitor for both the desktop and dual monitor off the dock without having to unplug the cord everytime I need to switch? 3) if it's easier just to have dual monitors separate from the desktop monitor, can you suggest a cheap flat screen monitor. Like super cheap and doesn't need to be fancy at all. The two I'm currently using are at least 3-5 years old now
  16. Today I got to tell a client that if they want to continue us being their service provider that it's my way and I call the shots or they can pound sand if they don't like it. And I won.
  17. The man says he did 185mph and it takes 2 hours for the first mention of finding $1.85 on 270? This place is going downhill
  18. Some kind gentlemen when he was younger and had more time on his hands started a post that was a sticky to start chronicling all the good roads and routes for newbs and those that hadn't discovered some before. It never really took off like imagined but maybe one day another young chap with time on his hands will come along and add to it
  19. Bad324

    moving house

    This isn't even a choice Charlotte all the way
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