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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. wooohooo I'm an internet tough guy!!!! I open carry once...at work...and I didnt even know it for awhile
  2. well they dont call you the Walrus for nothing
  3. but I'm an asshole AND A poor rider...which group do i fit in???
  4. why they always gotta be Mexican?!?!?
  5. unfortunately my weapon is too small to open carry. Its pretty much always concealed to save myself from further embarrassment If this was in R&R I could then show you a picture but because its not and people can view this from work I'm unable to provide picture proof
  6. oh I didn't take any offense have no fear. Cincinnati was one of the first in the country to actually offer the degree. I started in its 2nd year, was engineering first but was way too bored and lazy for it. At Cinci, 80% of my classes were in the business college, 10% communications and 10% pick what you want which more me ended up being my first year engineering classes
  7. oh schools like WSU totally botch OrgLeadersip! What a disgrace
  8. going back to school FTL! coming back to Cleveland/Akron FTW!
  9. best degree ever...Organizational Leadership. I had job offers in like 8 different career fields! Hipsters and their fucking art degrees
  10. the only less shocking area this would be from is Middletown
  11. damnit these 2 guys that want my CBR are killing me with making me wait for an answer
  12. son of a bitch! to facebook it goes for me as well!
  13. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    I used to hate IPAs and in the last year or so I've really developed a taste and liking of them
  14. Bad324

    Newark lunch?

    it wasn't a good day for me either 400 miles of driving left me in a foul mood
  15. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    kind of disappointed in this one. But the girlfriend bought it for me so I can't complain
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