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Everything posted by Whitey1

  1. Whitey1

    Bought it!

    Must be an inside joke....lol Congrats on the new bike, is it for your girl?
  2. http://whitehallpolice.com/ Perhaps they are hiring?
  3. I believe the cop acted correctly to defuse the situation. You must realize that as this officer trained it was mostly likely with a larger male to get practice for anything that she may encounter. If anything the cop most likely was surprised herself at how easily the lady dropped and she immediately tended to her care as soon as she was in control. I feel she did a great job. Yes it is unfortunate that the elderly lady got injured in the process. Yes I am sure she is sweet and it is someones grandma, however at that moment she wasn't thinking clearly and was obviously a risk to herself and others around her.
  4. Let me watch it again and I will get back to you on that one mud.
  5. You guys can ride wheelies? Shocks..Pegs...LUCKY!
  6. The part I don't understand is who gives a shit if they in the open or hiding, basically your only in trouble if you are breaking a law. Would you actually tell a judge, "sorry sir I wouldn't have been speeding at that particular moment if I had seen him standing there" ? C'mon don't hate the people we employ to monitor and enforce the laws, hate the law itself. Oops, wasn't this a I hate cops thread.. sorry.... COPS ARE PIGS>>>BOOOOOOO
  7. Still huge props for looking out for a fellow biker!
  8. Couldn't you get a 30 day tag to ride on till you got the title? I would not have had the will power to have not ridden the Katoom yet.
  9. C'mon Aerik, it's only a few miles from his house. I want some pics of you doing it like when we were kids. Just ride your bike while holding onto his bars beside you.
  10. Please pm me list of ex's names, phone #'s, and pics. Thanks
  11. Damn, looks like I missed a great time! Was Jdizzle there?
  12. A nice radio spot reminding motorists to be aware of bikers. Or erect some signs near bad intersections.
  13. definately sounds like an electrical issue. Have you taken the seat off to loo and see if anything underneath looks melted or pinched?
  14. Awesome price on the SW 22A! I have a HP C9 9mm and love it. Yes it is heavy and clunky feeling but it is damn cheap to bang away with and the lifetime transferable warranty can't be beat. Definitely a cheap way to enter into gun ownership. I did the same as you as far as starting with a HP and a 22. Every 50 rounds of 22 I would shoot a mag of 9mm. Saves alot of money when your shooting for several hours!!
  15. How many times is jizguzzler going to quit already?
  16. Those scratches spell out "war wound" in japanese! Leave 'em they add character. Glad to hear your ok.
  17. We needs pics of said sister first.
  18. I would have taken a very fun test drive!
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