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Everything posted by Whitey1

  1. Are we still talking about bikes?
  2. Sad to hear. I always remembered how packed it was in the 90's with every square inch of grass near Clear Fork reservoir covered with tents and campfires. Is it possible that with the INTERNET popularity in the last decade allowing like minded folks meet up and take more small group rides and events that it isn't as big of a deal to get together at the races as it used to be?
  3. Different stroked for different folks I guess. At least he is out riding something! I'm glad to hear he didn't get banged up any worse then he did. It could have turned out alot worse. Heel fast buddy!!!
  4. 303): I have to decide between the hot young blond with no apparent gag reflex, and the brunette with a great ass and a trust fund. (617): i would really appreciate it if you would stop texting my girlfriend. (508): i would really appreciate it if you would stop cock blocking me. (330): I don't know where I am but the food in the fridge is awesome. (805): Dude?? where did you go after Wildcats last night? Last I heard you went off with one of the girls we danced with? (1-805): Negative - This is his GF, Bobby is in Jail for a DUI. Thanks for the info. (079): I think we need to take a brake (078): What upsets me the most about that is that you spelt it 'brake'
  5. I think the cop that is milking Workman's comp should definitely be in trouble. The guy going 147 didn't hold that speed for 7 months. AS far as well thought out argument as you can tell a few posts on down that I was not thinking clearly and needed to shut up and get some sleep. The good news is....the sun is out and it will be a beautiful day and even better night to ride!!
  6. I agree that if I was turned down it would not be fair. However I do that being employed by a bank can get you better interest rates and perks. I am not trying to be a dick by any means, but I realized a long time ago that life isn't always fair.
  7. Wow, I wish we had rep points at the other joint. There a few assholes I would like to bring down a notch or two. BTW I hooked you up with a positive rep point making you kewler for the ladies!
  8. Glad to hear it wasnt worse then what it was. I had a guy back into me once so I feel your pain. It is a helpless feeling when you are honking and walking backwards as fast as you can on a bike just to have them hit you. Same freaking deal with me. the old bastard gets out to come back. I started yelling pull forward damnit! As I tell my wife, I am very confident of my skills and abilities on a bike. The only thing that worries me is senior citizens!
  9. Sounded good at the time, but I sure would'nt want to be the one to break up the party at the glory hole.
  10. I always wanted a tricked out herse with tags that read DDBEAT.
  11. HAHAH Glad to see ya here Mynameismud! BTW Zach, I moonlight as a security guard for the porn store on 71.
  12. I agree with you on that. I need sleep, Im not making any sense any longer.
  13. What the hell are Rep points? Do they make my internet cock bigger?

  14. I am just tired and reading all of the BS and it got to me. There is perks to every profession. Can we change it? Nope. Does it bother me, nope. I could have the same perks if I want to get shot at and take a pay cut.
  15. WOW, I am quite surprised by some of the holier then thou attitudes I have read on here. (yes all 25 pages were read). I don't give two shits what the guy does for a living. If you work at McfukinDonalds and ride a bike you are my brother or sister. This "fuck him cause I got a ticket and suspension so he should too!" Is just plain ignorant. Yes he is a LEO. Wow. I guess he can't make bad judgments. Alot of the people pissing and moaning on here have some pretty fast bikes, have you never got a handful and grabbed gears quickly only to look down and be surprised at how quickly you hit triple digits? I have. Cut the guys some slack, We all take chances and we all know that there are consequences for them. Will it be different..probably. Is it wrong? NEH. You burger flippers steal a fry or mcnuggett and it might just be a verbal reprimand. But let an outsider walk back there and take some free food and thats stealing...right? C'mon. Instead of throwing stones that make us all look bad, be there to support him!!!
  16. ...and a Pegleg wit a Kickstand!
  17. My regular state issued plate for my wifes car is EZ80YS. Isnt that nice. My fucking tag tells the world my wifes EZ. The worst part is now I traded my truck for a minivan for the wife and I am driving the Grand Prix. Yep....now Im a flamer. I have to renew my tags this month so I think it is time for a new plate.
  18. I wonder if I can carry his extra 7mph that he wasnt using and run 72mph??
  19. Nice having lunch with ya today Zach!
  20. ....wait......here it comes.......
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