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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. once all these careers start to go away, we will see more people killing themselves than this fucking virus. That will be the 20-45 year olds. A group that is 99.8% safe from this virus.
  2. being in the entertainment industry we are seeing some pretty alarming things coming. I do think by the fall they will allow smaller gatherings (concerts/shows for less than 2500 cap or so I think). But I would be surprised if they allow arena tours to go out. I have 1 arena tour that was scheduled for April-May that got moved to Late Sept-early Nov. Im worried that one wont go on. That alone is 10's of millions in lost revenue for 1 single business. Keeping my fingers crossed though..
  3. Thats good to hear - I live in Nashville, so I dont see DeWines briefings unless it hits CNN/Fox or some major news source.
  4. We need to get some goals in line for us to start to reopen. Even if thats 1-2months from being realized (the start of), we still need to get it on paper and have conversations about it. This virus isn't going away, so we have to figure out a way to live with it but still be able to have an economy, a life and the freedoms we expect to have in America. America was always going to have a hard time with something like this. We are a country based on freedoms that people are willing to die for. I fully understand its a balancing act and not everyone is going to agree, but we cant keep this country in limbo for another 6-12 months. We will see more people kill themselves over ramifications of this than the virus.
  5. Well, this isnt good.... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/04/08/coronavirus-cases-ventilators-covid-19/2950167001/
  6. lets see some videos of this thing ripping!
  7. my bad - I should have had a link. Yeah thats it though
  8. CNN is quietly reporting the death rate is .66%
  9. if I was getting one, which im not, I would invest it immediately.
  10. im surprised they aren't trying to TAKE more money from me in this stimulus package...
  11. I think Joe Rogan did a pod cast about this. It’s recent, I think.
  12. I think what I said is still accurate - but I think it'll be longer than 3 months, maybe 4 months. :gabe: **I dont think we can just "live your life". That was an ignorant statement. I think we are past that statement. I also dont think we will forget this anytime soon. I dont think what I said was wrong at the time...this whole thing evolved quickly. every single country has been dealing with this. The issues we are seeing aren't isolated to the US.
  13. this pandemic has hit my business and the businesses I manage hard. I dont blame trump or expect him to speak like Roosevelt. He is a guy (from what I see) that really values appearances. Hes speaking with a high level of optimism that is being used against him as if we shouldn't be optimistic. Again, I know this has hit everyone for the most part, but I plan for shit like this is many ways by saving etc. I dont get the free trump money. I dont get breaks on paying mortgages or bills of any kind. Why is it that people like myself are not blaming him for being a poor public speaker? Its because thats not why people voted for him. Unfortunately, we are going to be faced with a similar situation in Nov. between Biden and Trump. I cant say at this point who I would vote for, but its going to take a lot for me to vote for Biden. This doesn't tip the scales IMO. On the there side, maybe a dem president, GOP house and GOP senate would get some bipartisan stuff done. But, im not betting on it.
  14. I just dont see how you could really blame trump for this...he has bipartisan supported medical doctors and experts telling the world what they are finding and advising him on the facts. Just because he repeats it, its his fault? Theres several things I would point the finger at trump on, this isnt it.
  15. You mean DeWine is full of shit?! no way! He preaches he's taking care of everyone and being proactive and Ohio is leading the way! Im so shocked!
  16. how can DeWine say Ohio has 100k cases with a straight face?
  17. like they are going to infect you?
  18. that just happened, so fuck my face. CNN was pumping this shit last week
  19. Because fuckheads on MSM are inciting panic by trying to be the first ones to call this virus a "pandemic".....thats why local health infrastructure is overwhelmed.....Its reached a fever pitch and MSM is directly responsible. Give us truth or shut the fuck up. Be appropriate in your reactions to issues like this. Otherwise people will not believe you. This is the equiv of LeBron flopping on the court when he get his chin bumped..
  20. We dont have anywhere near this kind of reaction to the flu every year, which is fair more worrisome based on numbers than this virus. This is a complete overreaction in response to something just because its clickbaity to post the horrors of a virus that we didnt know much about a few weeks ago. We need to have equal and appropriate responses to things. If we dont, we will be crying wolf and that isn't good for anyone. Specially when something really hits us that is bad. From what we know now, this isn't it.
  21. I dont give ANY credibility to these kinds of "Aids". Anyone can say this....left news has been doing this to trump and really any republican since as long as I started paying attention to "news". The truth likely never gets out because people like you share bullshit. This same shit happened when Obama was in office. republicans tried to make up shit all the time to make him look incompetent or unable to do the job. Its all bullshit. all of it. Wash your hands. You probably already have it and you'll get the sniffles unless you have COPD or current breathing complications.
  22. Yes - construction is 24h 5 days a week usually - I do see them working on weekends too sometimes. More cranes in the air in Nash than in NYC. It’s insane.
  23. It’s pretty bad in German town and East Nash Ran a chainsaw all day yesterday and going back out today. There’s just so much damage in a highly populated and concentrated area
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