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Everything posted by oh8sti
not sure if you're serious.....
When MSM and the Hiden campaign ran with the story of him paying $750 in taxes I immediately rolled my eyes. Your average spud doesn't have any clue how this shit works. This is clickbait, bullshit, low-level thinking garbage and people breathlessly lapped that shit up. The man owns hundreds of millions in real estate and employs 10's of thousands of people before he was elected. For him to pay any federal taxes would mean his accountants are doing something wrong. If I could reduce my taxable income like him, I would in a heartbeat. Slicing a check for more than most people make in a year...every quarter is exhausting. Its not that I dont like putting back into the system, its that I dont trust the system to spend that money effectively.
im surprised he paid THAT much....
You and I both know Joe doesn’t have the answers for the economy. The markets will tank if he wins. With him winning comes shut downs and we can afford another one of those. Some of the smartest economic minds with significant skin in the markets worry about a Biden admin and how it will demonize high earners.
Clay is voting for Trump again this election too. He will say he isn’t, but we all know he can’t stomach that a vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala.
that is badass! love the 302 swap
maybe he does - or maybe you have been specifically fed the right amount of misinformation and edited sound clips that reenforce that opinion. You wont really know that until you look deep within. Im not sure thats whats going on here anymore. Its more comfortable to gravitate towards things that make us feel justified in our position/anger towards the other side. Im adult enough to admit when I feel that way.
is it reasonable that the same can be said for others in this group? Being called a racist or worse for 4 years gets a little exhausting wouldn't you say? Specially when it couldn't be any further from the truth (its silly to me that I even have to say that...). If theres a scenario that I can accept that my views have been polarized/hardened by the mud slung at what I would call regular, decent Americans, shouldn't that be an option for others on the opposite side of the political spectrum? If your answer is no, then we cant have a productive conversation.
hahaha! Thats actually funny though. Im looking forward to this cycle being over. I have a sneaking suspicion that this type of political engagement is what will stay for the next several years. The pendulum will just keep swinging back and forth with MSM frothing at the mouth because they can report on bullshit for another 4 years.
I dont think so - Im still a civil, pleasant person outside of my views of the extreme left. Like I said, I dont wish harm on anyone, but when it comes to defending what I think is *more* right for the direction of this country, I will speak up and if I must, defend it. Im pretty sure there are several in this thread that you couldn't pay to sit down and have a drink with me because of their views of anyone that doesn't vehemently denounce trump.
At least you are willing to admit your intention, along with the rest of your party. This sounds a lot like “we want to eradicate 40%-50% of the country because they have different opinions than us! Let’s put them in camps! Let’s put them in ovens!” bottom line, you shouldnt be allowed to vote with that much hatred in your heart for your fellow Americans.
He’s old and senile
This is exactly what I’m talking about. You have spent so much time in some kind liberal echo chamber that when you pop your head out for air the real world makes no sense to you anymore. You think that’s a manifesto of sorts?! Are you kidding me?! Me saying I’ve had enough of liberal fucking losers continually being able to spew bullshit accusations of fascism and racism at good, well intentioned, normal Americans and go unchecked? That’s the same as mass murder? I’m the crazy one Greg? Geez dude.
The left has been incredibly effective, with the help of social media companies, at moving the political goal posts so that anything that isn’t incredibly progressive is seen as “crazy talk”. If you don’t conform, you are a racists bigot. Those progressive echo chambers only confirm and push that ideology even further to the left. The rest of the US is sitting here saying “what the fuck is going on?! This is crazy talk!!” So, the funny thing is, I think you are crazy and you think I’m crazy. That’s how far the goal post has been moved to the left. I actually think I could sit down and have a drink with anyone in this thread and have a good time. I think there is more common ground than we realize. Again, this is a perfect example of how crazy things have gotten.
Just because you don’t like it and it challenges your opinion, doesn’t mean it’s “crazy talk”
you said to "pack it up". Enjoy the Canadian winters.
This is what someone says when they are beat. I think you and the rest of the country will be surprised by the rebuke that the American people give the democrats for acting this way. On the other hand, I could be way off and have to eat my fucking shorts. we will see :masturboy:
We literally had an antifa fuck walk up to someone wearing a pro right wing groups hat and shoot them in the face. The scary part is this mentality isn’t isolated to this maniac. It’s shared by thousands of BLM / Antifa supporters all over the country. They are going to use any excuse they can to destroy, loot, kill anyone that doesn’t emphatically support their warped world view. Fuck them. At some point good, reasonable men have to stand up and say enough you fucking losers.
If you think driving along side that bitches bus is “violence”, come to the next BLM “protest”. You’ll shit yourself.
Hahahaha fuck her https://twitter.com/somebitchiknow/status/1322478395582750720?s=21 Getting escorted the fuck outta Texas by Trump supporters. Bye bitch.
Also - Americans with the right to protect themselves from violence is not the same thing as attacking people, attempting to kill them and looting/burning cities. I can’t believe I have to point that out. It is a fact that these cities are boarding up because of what could happen if Trump wins, not if Biden wins. I’ll use Biden’s phrase here ...come on man! You guys know this
We watched American cities burn down for 100 days this summer at the hands of liberal protesters supporting BLM, Antifa and whatever bullshit groups that added to the mayhem. You don’t believe me when i tell you they are part of the left war machine? I’ll put $1,000 on it - if Trump wins you will see these same groups/people that traveled the country all summer from social injustice to social injustice and they will do the exact same thing if Trump wins. They are detached, lazy, rudderless people that are looking for anyway to riot and destroy behind the facade of “systematic racism”. Give me a fucking break. You can tell me the sky is purple, but when I look up and see it’s blue I’ll never believe it’s purple. I’m aware of the group you are referring to. Pretty sure they are not what you think they are. Is CNN telling your they are a real threat?