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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Hard to win the popular vote when the mail in votes for trump are being thrown in the trash all over the country. :gabe: Side note - you surely aren't arguing for the abolishment of the electoral college right?..
  2. Your response proved my point whether you know it or not.
  3. I feel like you didn’t read the original posts... I can like nice things and also know I don’t need more. I’ve experienced that, it’s not all that great. I refuse to believe that because I made good business deals and make a lot of money that I should feel responsible for things out of my control. My kids will be financially fine, the people around me and their kids will be fine too. If my network needs help, I’m there in any capacity that I can / am needed. You stand on a false hill of moral superiority that you’ve created along with the echo chamber you spend all your time in. You don’t like your situation? Change your kids stars by investing now so in 35-60 years they have enough compounded money to take care of themselves and you, plus continue to stimulate the economy. This isn’t to say money solves problems. But in general it helps relieve more than it creates if you are raised right. We can’t do that if we have an administration that views high earners as the problem on the economy. We may never agree on this, probably because I haven’t had a job in 10 years that I wasn’t an owner or have some vested stake in. I have no issue whatsoever with mill/billionaires. They created products or services that millions, billions of people around the globe consume to make their lives easier/want to buy. Smart people (some of it is compounded generational wealth, im aware). This issue with you and people that think like you is that you try to care about too many things and it makes you less effective all around. Be good at one or two things, do the best you can to change things for your family and those around you. You can’t win all these battles bud. You’ll be so much happier and you won’t care about the 1% and how they are taxed.
  4. I can disagree with your choice and at the same time respect you and your thought process in arriving at that decision. I know you don’t need my approval, but i think it’s an important moment for it to be known and shown that this is how political disagreements should work. If I posted I’m voting for trump in an open forum I’d get doxxed or worse. These are not reasonable people.
  5. Coming from the benzo boy! :gabe:
  6. im not going to convince you of anything, you wont convince me of anything. Im not just a single issue voter, but in general, how I am taxed plays a role in the way I will vote. The more money I keep, the more ways I can be generous with that income. Thats always played a huge role in my life. I dont need a bigger house or more watches.
  7. I’m sure he has, but that’s not the question. You only care if it’s Donald under the microscope? Biden is parading himself around like he’s the white savior. He’s the same as Donald trump at best. Don can lie his ass off all day as long as I don’t get hammered by the IRS.
  8. 1. *Significant Allegations* - the alleged evidence to support it is easy to find. 2. It doesnt need to focus on anyone other than the Bidens right now. Thats who is running for president and lying to the American people every time he gets in front of the camera to address the allegations. 3. Politically motivated timing. Just like the FBI withholding they had the laptop with all this information on it during the impeachment. I dont love that, but its par for the course in politics.
  9. We are watching a very dangerous situation unfold with Hunter and Joe Biden. Significant allegations with evidence has been brought up that compromises Joes election run and Facebook, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC etc are COMPLETELY silent because they don’t want to damage their guy. If you were screaming about trump collusion for the last 4 year’s, you ought to be losing your shit right now.
  10. I want to pay less in taxes. If Biden gets elected I will pay more.
  11. I understand the draw to Jorg, I really do. Unfortunately she isn't a viable option. The 3rd party only shows up every 4 years to make all these great claims about their positions and ideas, but fail to rally the grassroots needed to get enough attention and support the rest of the cycle. They need to start at the base level and go from there. The last 2 elections are shining a light on the frustrations of the 2 party system, and I think we are moving in the direction of having a 3rd party option in the next 2-3 cycles if they can work like hell to draw people in and not be seen as the guy that sits on the sidelines telling everyone how the game is played, but never having played themselves.
  12. a vote for Jorg is a vote for Biden. a vote for anyone other than trump is a vote for Biden.
  13. I’m all for the horsepower and instant torque. Having decent experience with Tesla, it’s a very, very fun car to drive. I’m not sure I’ll make the switch for a few years, I just love the sound of a big turbo/SC V8 too much right now.
  14. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if trump runs away with it again. That could be because we’ve seen it happen before OR it’s because there is a real possibility that there’s a lot of people who will vote trump but will never publicly state that in any way. He’s an extremely hard person to poll on. Either way half the country is going to lose their shit. It would be better for everyone if the Dems lost. Too many guns on the right.
  15. This comes down the taxes for me. The choice is clear. I pay enough in taxes. I dont want to pay more so the liberal left can squander it on more useless bullshit. There’s enough of that useless bullshit spending going on now.
  16. They have wasted so much time. Just fucking start this weekend.
  17. yup - speaking of which, not to derail the thread completely, how are things going with the local hospital situation?
  18. so what? people are going to get the virus.....even with a vaccine that roughly 45% of the US will even take. This isn't going away with or without a vaccine. Whats the end goal here? Zero cases globally? That will never happen. So, lets all have an adult conversation about this and move on with life.
  19. what a colossal mistake making a knee jerk reaction all for the sake of being seen as progressive. This will have a lasting ripple effect that will not be good for these 2 conferences. What fucking morons.
  20. how many American bald eagles you tryin to squeeze through that little 8.0? Enuff to hang with a little 6.2 minitruck?
  21. but I thought this virus was raging through the country forcing us into another bullshit lockdown??!.....
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