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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. It’s not the same conversation. Don’t pretend that it is. There's a MUCH more destructive and organized group of people in the BLM/Antifa movement that will absolutely destroy cities. You’re comparing BLM/Antifa to a few groups of rednecks marching in the town square of mechanicsburg?
  2. Reports of downtown city centers are boarding up storefronts around the country. Mass riots are expected if Trump wins. It’s crazy we have to protect the country from people that have so much hatred for other people that think differently than themselves. We are know damn well they aren’t boarding up stores if Biden wins.
  3. im assuming that lumps me into that group. Honestly I dont know much about Qanon other than what CNN has told people about them. Which is sus to be frank.
  4. I live in an HOA community. I dont have any issue with it for the most part. It was irritating to ask for permission to put up a fence and one of the neighbors got pissy about it. Never met them and they come storming into my yard as the company was installing it and she goes "oh, so your putting in a fence too?! Where are the deer gonna go?!" You can imagine my response. I turned to her and said 1st, you dont want my bulldogs running in/around your yard. They dont like you. 2nd, why do I have to worry about where the deer will go in a residential neighborhood? 3rd, nice to meet you?
  5. This should be concerning to anyone voting democrat right? (remove the emotion and hatred for DJT before thinking critically about this. Im not saying to vote for him. Just think about this in a way that doesnt invoke the "But trump....." response)
  6. its okay though, you are voting for the winner :gabe:
  7. Dems are starting to squirm. They are having PTSD from 2016. I think the polls made them feel too comfortable, but now reality is setting in and they are realizing this is way closer than they thought. This is starting to get entertaining. I’m recording CNN, MSNBC, and ABC’s coverage. If they are all wrong again, it will be some of the best television you could hope for. On the other hand, Trump could lose in a spectacular fashion and we will see the biggest liberal circle jerk of all mankind. Anyone else putting wagers on the outcome? I’m using PredictIt. If trump wins I’ll win a fuck load of money. :megusta:
  8. Some men just want to watch the world burn
  9. nope, you already said your voting trump. Be a man of your word!! :gabe:
  10. I was wrong and said the wrong thing, I corrected what I meant. I dont see the issue Clay. Not back tracking. I dont see you disputing the people around him saying not to concede either.... The great USPS scandal of 2020 that the dems screamed about for months turned out to be a non issue once they realized republicans weren't going around the country collecting mail drop boxes and dismantling old, worn out sorting machines. They spent so much time using that as a way to discredit the election in itself. How can you not see the EXACT thing you claim trump does, the left is doing? The gaslighting on both sides is silly. US politics have been boiled down to how effective your gaslighting is compared to your opponent. Dems win that hands down with the help of twitter, facebook, reddit, CNN, MSNBC, etc. the fact that The girls scouts of America had to delete their tweet last night congratulating ACB for being the 5th woman appointed to the SC is the exact bullshit im talking about.
  11. you are right I shouldn't have said that he refused to concede - his people around him have done that for him. trumps answer of "we'll see" is bullshit. he should say "I will accept the election results" like an adult. that doesnt change the fact that both parties have effectively sewn doubt on the results. Can you at least admit that the dems have done this as well or are you still saying thats false?
  12. Just like joe refusing to concede? This is par for the course my man.
  13. And they should if there’s any truth to it. After what the Dems did with trumps impeachment, fuck um. Seriously. They have acted like petulant children for 4 years.
  14. Your telling me the legitimacy of trumps election hasn’t been questioned for 4 years from the top democrats in the land? Your wrong. Flat wrong. Hilary got fucking dominated - she had no choice but to concede. Every realistic, non partisan poll is saying this is very close. Biden has been told to not concede at any point. Why should Trump?
  15. Joe and his social war machine have been questioning the results of this election for 4 fucking years. it never stopped. So, yes, he has been doing the same thing. Trump isnt as tactful/savy at it.
  16. And if he wins……will THEY accept the results?…… https://protecttheresults.com The echo chamber of pollsters are setting themselves and the general public up for a spectacular meltdown 2.0 if they are wrong again. I dont see the right wing media calling for the same kind of action if he loses.
  17. Haha I just wanted to make it easy. It’s not a video for entertainment and I understand some people don’t want to see it. So, there it is in text.
  18. you dont need NPR commentary to tell you what happened and how it happened. Watch the video. Its there for you to see exactly what happened. Let me break it down for you. Mother calls 911 because adult son is threatening people with a knife. Dispatcher sends out EMS and Police at the same time. They usually arrive around the same time, but per protocol EMS CANNOT enter a scene unless police secure it first when a weapon is involved. Police arrive, dude has a knife and is threatening himself/people around him. Police are there to gain control over the situation. Guy paces around the neighborhood putting more people in danger that come within striking distance of him. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HE WILL DO. Police try to circle him and repeatably back up every time he moves towards them to keep distance so he cant hurt anyone else and limit collateral. Since the beginning of the confrontation police tell the guy to drop the weapon many times. Guy refuses at every opportunity. Mom is screaming at the police to not shoot him. She should have told him to drop the weapon. Police are obligated to protect innocent lives and themselves. This guys NEVER displayed anything that would lead the police to think he would drop his weapon or not hurt anyone or himself. Tasers are useless in a situation when a person has a knife within 21ft. They fail all the time. Deadly force was needed and necessary once the guy advanced at the police. This isn't a story outside of the tragedy of this guys decision to charge police with a knife. This guy had 100% control of how this situation could have ended. He CHOSE to do what he did.
  19. From Biden/Harris joint statement on the fatal police interaction with an armed black man in Philly. “We cannot accept that in this country a mental health crisis ends in death.” how fucking dumb are these people?
  20. Well we know Joe is a Trojan horse, so, who is pulling his lifeless strings? The people around him are...
  21. I would disagree on them getting desperate. I think the left is setting themselves up for another shocker. One that will throw them into a unprecedented meltdown. Im nervous what they will do this time around... Here's an interesting take on a guy I know personally that has been pretty centric in his views. He won $42,500 in 2016 on his wagers. Well it’s a week out until the Big E-day and my final analysis numbers are in and the wagers on PredictIt are placed. I could look super foolish come November 4th (and my wallet weigh a bit less)… - But here we go: US House of Representatives: Republicans pick up 5-10 seats. Not enough to retake the house, so the Democrats retain their majority. - US Senate: Republicans lose 1 to 2 seats. But maintain a 51 or 52 seat majority. Biggest ‘toss up’ states to watch are AZ, NC, and MI. - US President: President Trump wins the popular vote over Vice President Joe Biden 48.6% vs 48.4%. 3% go to 3rd party or write in candidates. Trump takes anywhere from 276 EC votes to 326 EC votes. Winning an average of 301/302 EC votes with my most likely state split in the map below Please note: light red or blue really are ‘toss ups’ but where my analysis gives a candidate a very slight lead. - And just a little note. Since 2015 I have wagered both on Democrats & Republicans. My first and only priority in these election analysis / predictions is to either buy undervalued markets or sell short overvalued markets. This isn’t a partisan analysis, its an economic one. - With that being said, happy election week and go VOTE!
  22. This hunter Biden shit involving Joe has to be true. Every excuse they had initially has fall apart with all the physical evidence and corroboration. The left, MSM and social media have censored the shit out of it. I’ve never seen this level of collusion to change the outcome of an election. If somehow Biden pulls out a win, I bet he gets removed in the first year to pave the way for Krazy Kamala
  23. looks like BLM is campaigning for Trump in Philly tonight
  24. HTTP Error 404 Not Found try again greg
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